CORE - Requisitions and Contracts
EPC - Creating Rental Contract - No Req
EPC - Creating Rental Contract - No Portal Requisition STEP 1: Click Rental & Sales STEP 2: Click Rental Order STEP 3: Click New STEP 4: Enter Project # STEP 5: Choose Rental - Renewable for Transaction STEP 6: Choose Type Order: If you will be using logistics Will Call: If doing an immediate dispatch STEP 7: Click OK STEP 8: Enter Reference (Some are using the job #) STEP 9: Choose person getting the equipment (OPTIONAL) STEP 10: Choose the person entering the rental contract (OPTIONAL) STEP 11: Click Order Tab STEP 12: Click Project Tab STEP 13: Enter Phase*Category code NOTE: You can also search for the phase code/category via the magnifying glass. However, DO NOT choose the "0" line STEP 14: Click Shipping Tab STEP 15: Verify the project address is correct STEP 16: Choose the Contact ID (this is the main contact for that project) Side Note: You can also search for the person by clicking the magnifying glass and if you don't see who you need, you can click the Add button at the bottom and add them in. However, you will need to know their employee number STEP 17: Click Product Tab STEP 18: Click Add STEP 19: Enter/Search Your Item Code STEP 20: Enter Category Code STEP 21: Click Tab (If it is an item with an E-code the picking screen will appear) STEP 22: Click the box in the Pick column for the one you want to rent STEP 23: Click Close NOTE: Click the "Thumbs Up" if you need to "Pick" more items STEP 24: Choose the date/time for the item to be delivered STEP 25: Choose the date/time for the item to start the billing cycle STEP 26: Choose the date that project team expects that it will need to be picked up STEP 27: Choose your Charge Code if different than default STEP 28: Double check your rates STEP 29: Click Item Text Tab STEP 30: Add any additional comments STEP 31: Choose all the documents you want these comments to show on STEP 32: If you are done, Click Close NOTE: Once back on the main window, you can choose to "*Add" more lines, "Edit" existing lines or "Remove" any lines STEP 33: Click the Dispatch icon STEP 34: Click Yes STEP 35: Choose the Output option you want Output choices
Changing/Updating Rates for an item
Changing Rental Rates for an item manually STEP 1: Click Configuration STEP 2: Click Item Set Up STEP 3: Click Pricing and Discount STEP 4: Click Rental Rates Maint. Notes: It is the same process for the Selling Price only for Step 4 Click Selling Price Maintenance STEP 5: Choose Price List STEP 6: Choose the branch STEP 7: Click Search STEP 8: Highlight the line STEP 9: Click either Add Rates or Edit Rates Add Rates: Will filter all items currently with 0.00 rates Edit Rates: Will filter all items currently with rates STEP 10: Click Search STEP 11: Highlight the item you want to change STEP 12: Click Edit Multi Rates STEP 13: Update your rates STEP 14: Click OK STEP 15: Click Close STEP 16: Click X to exit
Creating a Contract from a Req - Logistics / Will Call
CORE - Creating a Contract from Portal Requisition - Logistics / Will Call NOTE: Logistics means: Project team ordered something and the yard is delivering it NOTE: Category Rules - Make sure you have the correct phase code/category combination on your job before ordering the items 71170 = Items owned by Swinerton that you are renting 71120 = Items NOT owned by Swinerton that you are renting through the yard. (Example: Forklift that the yard is renting through United Rentals and billing the project for) 71130 = Consumable items that will get used up during the duration of the project. (Example: Gloves, Shovels) *Although if still usable at the end of the project please return to the yard. STEP 1: Click Logistics STEP 2: Click Control Center STEP 3: Change the To: date out so as to see requisitions needed throughout the month. STEP 4: Change Types: to Requisitions only STEP 5: Click Search STEP 6: Click Select box for the Requisition you want to change to a contract STEP 7: Once checked Right click the box STEP 8: Hover over Actions STEP 9: Choose Create rental order STEP 10: Choose Transaction - Rental Logistics STEP 11: Change type to - Will Call STEP 12: Click OK STEP 13: Click Product tab NOTE: You can Add/Edit/Remove items here if needed. STEP 14: Double click on the item to "Pick" the inventory item STEP 15: Click the "Pick Item" icon STEP 16: Pick the item (This allows you to just pick the next item or pick a specific inventory item #) STEP 17: Click Close STEP 18: Double check the project phase/category STEP 19: Double check the On/Off Rental Dates STEP 20: Double check the Rates STEP 21: Click Close STEP 22: Click the Dispatch Icon STEP 23: Click Yes STEP 24: Click Email document (This will email the original requester to let them know it is officially "On Rent") However, you can also just look at the document, print it or fax it. STEP 25: Click Close Item is now On Rent
Creating Project Specific Rates
Creating Project Specifc Rates First Set Up The Price List Description STEP 1: Click Configuration STEP 2: Click Item Set Up STEP 3: Click Pricing and Discount STEP 4: Click Price Lists STEP 5: Click Add STEP 6: Enter the Job # STEP 7: Enter the Effect From: Note: Leave the Effect To: blank so that it covers the project in the event the end date changes STEP 8: Enter a short description STEP 9: Click OK STEP 10: Close that window Now Set Up The Rates STEP 11: Click Configuration STEP 12: Click Item Set Up STEP 13: Click Pricing and Discount STEP 14: Click Rental Rates Maintenance STEP 15: Enter Job # into Account Field STEP 16: Click Search STEP 17: Click the correct row to update STEP 18: Click Add Rates STEP 19: Enter the Item Code (This will need to be done for each item you are expecting to rent to this project) STEP 20: Click Search STEP 21: Highlight the Charge Rate that you want to use STEP 22: Click Edit Multi Rate STEP 23: Enter The Rates STEP 24: Click OK STEP 25: Click Close STEP 25: Exit Windwo
Creating Rental Contract for Renting Warehouse Space
Creating a "Store Materials/Equipment at my Yard" Contract Note: When a project reaches out and requests that they store materials/tools etc at your yard and you want to charge them "rent" STEP 1: Click Rental & Sales STEP 2: Click Rental Order STEP 3: Click Create New Icon STEP 4: Enter the project # STEP 5: Choose Transaction: Rental - Immediate Dispatch STEP 6: Leave Type at Will Call STEP 7: Click Ok STEP 8: Enter Job# in Reference field so that it prints onto the invoice STEP 9: Click Order Tab STEP 10: Click Project Tab STEP 11: Enter Project # STEP 12: Enter Phase Code STEP 13: Click Date Tab STEP 14: Enter Off rent date STEP 15: Click Product Tab STEP 16: Click Add STEP 17: Enter Item Code 4005 STEP 18: Enter Category 71170 (Since you are "Renting" the space) STEP 19: Enter Quantity STEP 20: Choose your Charge Code Note: To set up the rate you will go to the regular Rental Rates Maint Screen Note: If you want to enter a note that will show on the Rental Contract or Billing, you can do that on the Item Text Tab (See Screenshot at bottom of solution) STEP 21: Click Close STEP 22: Click Dispatch Current Document STEP 23: Click Yes Note: Preview and send document
Immediate Dispatch - Will Call
Immediate Dispatch - Will Call Note: Rental Dates are based on the entire order, not line by line like the Manual Dispatch. Best used if you just have one item being requested or you are having to go back and do something after the fact. Kim Note: Also this can’t be used if a requisition has been created so they can’t convert a requisition into an immediate dispatch. STEP 1: Click Rental & Sales STEP 2: Click Rental Order STEP 3: Click Create New Document STEP 4: Enter Job # STEP 5: Choose Transaction: Rental - Immediate Dispatch STEP 6: Choose Type: Will Call STEP 7: Click Ok STEP 8: Enter Job # (this makes it print onto the Rental Contract/Dispatch) STEP 9: Choose the person picking it up or getting the items STEP 10: Choose the person entering the contract (you) STEP 11: Click Order STEP 12: Click Project STEP 13: Enter the project # STEP 14: Enter the Phase/Code Combination Note: Do not leave the Phase field blank and if you use the search function, Do not choose the 0 STEP 15: Click on the Shipping tab STEP 16: Verify the project address is correct STEP 17: Choose the person requesting the equipment STEP 18: Click on the Dates Tab STEP 19: Enter Start Date: Date project will start getting billed for the item STEP 20: Enter Off Rent: Date project will stop being billed for the item STEP 21: Enter Scheduled Delivery STEP 22: Enter Actual Shipping STEP 23: Enter Planned Pick up STEP 24: Enter Actual Pick up Note: Some of the dates will default STEP 25: Click Product Tab STEP 26: Click Add STEP 27: Choose your item STEP 28: Enter the category STEP 29: Click Enter Quantity STEP 30: "Pick" the one you want to give the project STEP 31: Click Close STEP 32: Choose your Charge Code STEP 33: Double check / Enter your rates STEP 34: Click Close STEP 35: Continue to click Add and pick your items until you are done Note: Please remember, with the Immediate Dispatch you can't off rent single items. They will all have to go on rent and come off rent together STEP 36: Click Dispatch STEP 37: Click Yes STEP 38: Choose your dispatch options to send to project
One Shot Swap Out - Will Call/Immediate Dispatch
One Shot Swap Out - Will Call/Immediate Dispatch Notes: Consistent with the three (3) different Rental Order types Swap Outs (on rent) for the original Rental Contract Type “RC” (either Manual Dispatch or Will Call) you will use a 3 part process that enters a pickup slip, manually dispatches the replacement and returns the problem equipment. For the original Rental Contract type “RL” (Logistics) the system will use the same process however, will be dispatched via Transport Planning. One Shot Swap Outs are used if the swap out is being done as a Will Call or Immediate Dispatch bypassing the 3 part process and can be done on both RC and RL original Rental Contract types. Using this process you will both dispatching and returning without going through the dispatch and pickup processes. STEP 1: Click Logistics STEP 2: Click Control Center STEP 3: Enter the project # the equipment is on and click Search STEP 4: Right click on the Contract with the faulty equipment STEP 5: Hover over Actions STEP 6: Click One shot swap out STEP 7: Enter a brief description for the equipment exchange STEP 8: Enter the date of the exchange STEP 9: Enter the time of the exchange Notes: Billing will remain continuous at same rate STEP 10: Enter original item code or click on the search icon to select from the list STEP 11: Defaults in Qty selected of original item, but you can change if need be STEP 12: Choose Return Status Notes: Available if it is still ready to rent, Inspection or Repair STEP 13: New Item will default to same item, but you can choose another item code if need be STEP 14: Choose the e-code for the new item Notes: If e-code was selected, the serial number will populate automatically. If there was no e-code on the equipment but you selected one with serial number e-code will remain blank while serial number will populate STEP 15: Click X to close STEP 16: Click X to close Control Center
Returns - Picking up the equipment and closing the contract
Equipment Pick up/Returns Note: When the Portal user requests a Pick up, the yard manager should get an email and it changes the Status in CORE to "Pup" STEP 1: From the Control Center Right Click on the contract you want to return items for STEP 2: Hover over Actions STEP 3: Choose Return Note: You can also just click on the line and then click Ctrl + F9 and that will open the window directly Note: If there is more than one contract for a project and you want to return everything on all contracts, you can choose Site Return or just click Ctrl + F12 and the window will open directly STEP 4: Choose your Off rent date (This is the date that billing will use as the last day to bill) STEP 5: Choose your Pick-up Date (This is the date you are going to physically pick it up Note: The Pick up date could be different than the Off-Rent Date. You might want to stop the billing but physically pick it up in a day or two STEP 6: Click Pick-up lines tab STEP 7: Enter number of Items Returned or Damaged or Lost Note: If Damaged or Lost you may add an amount to charge the project and make sure you click the Invoice box. STEP 8: Click Save STEP 9: Click Yes STEP 10: Click No (if you have followed the steps then you should have already checked the dates and prices) STEP 11: Print the Return .pdf so you know exactly what needs to be picked up and give to project when leaving
Rental Contract Creation - Transaction: Logistics Type: Order
Rental Contract Creation - Transaction:Logistics Type:Order NOTE: Use this transaction/type if project has requested rental items to be delivered directly to the jobsite. This means that the yard/branch will be arranging to physically put the rental items on a truck/vehicle to have the rental items be delivered to the project site STEP 1: Click Rental & Sales STEP 2: Click Rental Order STEP 3: Click Create New STEP 4: Enter Project # STEP 5: Choose Transaction: Rental - Logistics STEP 6: Leave Type as Order STEP 7: Click OK STEP 8: Enter Reference (Most Yard Managers are putting in the job # so that it shows on the forms that will be printed) STEP 9: Enter the person requesting the item (Optional) STEP 10: Enter yourself as the person creating the rental (Optional) STEP 11: Click Order Tab STEP 12: Click Project Tab STEP 13: Enter/Choose the phase code/category combination NOTE: You can also search for the phase code/category via the magnifying glass. However, DO NOT choose the "0" line STEP 14: Click Yes NOTE: This will add the project address to the other parts of document. You can always edit the address later if needed. STEP 15: Click Shipping Tab STEP 16: Verify the project address is correct STEP 17: Choose the Contact ID (this is the main contact for that project) Side Note:You can also search for the person by clicing the magnifying glass and if you don't see who you need, you can click the Add button at the bottom and add them in. However, you will need to know their employee number STEP 18: Click Product Tab STEP 19: Click Add STEP 20: Enter/Search Your Item Code STEP 21: Enter Category Code STEP 22: Enter Driver STEP 23: Choose the date/time for the item to be delivered STEP 24: Choose the date/time for the item to start the billing cycle STEP 25: Choose the date that project team expects that it will need to be picked up STEP 26: Choose your Charge Code if different than default STEP 27: Double check your rates STEP 28: Click Item Text Tab STEP 29: Add any additional comments STEP 30: Choose all the documents you want these comments to show on STEP 31: If you are done, Click Close NOTE: Once back on the main window, you can choose to "*Add" more lines, "Edit" existing lines or "Remove" any lines STEP 32: Click Save and close STEP 33: Click Yes STEP 34: Choose the Output option you want Output choices STEP 35: Complete the order using the Transport Picking Control Center
Transfers - Transfer Out - One Shot (When moving items from Yard to Yard)
Transfer Out - One Shot Note: The Transfer Out - One shot is used when you would like to transfer an item from one yard/branch to another. This item will now be a part of the inventory/depreciation for that new yard/branch. The "One Shot" is the same as transferring out permanently, except that a manual "Transfer In" is not needed, so you will need to notify the yard manager for where the item is going that the transfer is complete. STEP 1: Click Asset Ops STEP 2: Click Transfers Out STEP 3: Click New Document STEP 4: Choose Transfer Out - 1 Shot (P) for Transaction STEP 5: Choose Branch it is going to STEP 6: Click OK STEP 7: Enter your Document # (Required) STEP 8: Choose the date of the official transfer STEP 9: Choose the Planned Ship Date STEP 10: Choose the Due in Date STEP 11: Enter the driver that is going to deliver it STEP 12: Enter the PO# if you are having it delivered by an external source STEP 13: Click Lines Tab STEP 14: Click Add (Bottom left) STEP 15: Enter/Choose the item being transferred STEP 16: Enter the Quantity STEP 17: Enter any specific details STEP 18: Click Close Note: If you have more than one item, you can continue to click the new button until all items are listed STEP 19: Click the radio box under "Pick" column to match the serial #/Ecode STEP 20: Click Close STEP 21: Click Save and Close STEP 22: Click Yes STEP 23: Decide how you want to notify the item recepient