PORTAL - How To's
Logging into RentalResult and General Navigation
Logging into RentalResult NOTE: You will need a license to order from the RentalResult Portal. If you do not have a login/pw, please go to your yard manager and they will request a license for you. NOTE: The first time you log in you will need to use the word password as the password. Then RentalResult will ask you to change it to something you will remember. Also, please note that the new password in Rental Results will not change when you change your password for your laptop. If you do want to change your password at any point, please see instructions below. NOTE: Please DO NOT use/click on the Register button. That will accidentally create another profile for you. All profiles will be set up by Tech Support. STEP 1: After clicking on your Rental Results link, enter your email STEP 2: Enter your password STEP 3: Click Login STEP 4: Choose your company STEP 5: Choose your Branch STEP 6: Click OK Changing your Password STEP 1: Click My Account STEP 2: Click Change Password Browsing the Store The Store will allow you query down to the items that you want to look for. NOTE: Pictures for each of the items will slowly be added. Search You can also search for something specific Tracking your equipment The equipment list link will allow you to keep track of what you have requested, what you currently have on rent and what you have requested to be picked up My Account Allows for tracking billing
Rental Result Quick Reference Guide
Rental Result Quick Reference Guide 1. Jobs are required to request items for rent via RR job site portal. 2. Jobs are required to call off items in RR. Just because the job brought back an item or the yard came and picked it up does NOT make it off rent. The job needs to go in and select it to be called off rent with dates accordingly. 3. Jobs should be monitoring their RR job site portal EQ list weekly if not daily. This system allows you to track the cost of your self-perform tools and equipment. This should help with bidding/planning future self-perform work. 4. If you have a Rental Result license you can order for any job in the company… However, you will not be able to see those items in your EQ list unless that specific job number is associated with your profile. The reason is that we do not want someone to accidently call off an item that needs to be on rent or do something in the system that should not be done. Each individual job number MUST be associated with your Rental Result license profile. Please email your Yard Manager with new job numbers you need access to as well as removal of old job numbers that you no longer need. It is always best to keep your list as cleaned up as possible, as it can get overwhelming if you have too many. 5. When you click on your EQ list on the top right-hand corner of the page it will take you to the full list of EQ/tools that are pending, on rent and off rent. You will notice that it will show a limited number of items in the “on rent” box so if you look below that text box you see page numbers to click on so you can see your full list. You can also pull an inventory report through the Reporter button on the top right-hand corner of the page. How To video is located on SwinNet support solutions and you can also email Ben Trantham for those individual videos as well as step by step help. 6. If you have multiple jobs assigned to you and you need to narrow it down, you can select the job from the “project” search tab in the top middle of the page. Click the magnify glass and select the project you want then click search and it will only show you items from that job. Otherwise your EQ list will show all items for all jobs associated with your profile. 7. If you cannot find something in the category list, you can use the top middle search bar. When typing in an item please do not put any S’s…. so, if you are looking for 24” steel round stake, please only type in “stake” do not put “stakes” otherwise it will not pick up the items named “stake.” If you type in stakes it will only pull items with “stakes” but if you type “stake” it will pick up all items including “stakes.” Same goes for drills, saws, etc. 8. You can find your contracts that will show your full rental rates and your billing documents for owner back up in the My Accounts tab in the top right-hand corner of the page. How To videos are on SwinNet but you can also email Ben Trantham for those individual step by step videos. 9. Yard Managers email signature (in Outlook): Copy and Paste, Click HERE for Rental Result Instructions, into your email signature as shown below. The link will take users to the Rental Result site on SwinNet. The site includes information about our active yard sites, Yard Managers, links to How To Videos and Documents and more. Here's the URL behind the link to our SwinNet site: https://swinerton.sharepoint.com/sites/swinnet_techproducts/SitePages/Rental-Result.aspx Request a Rental Result License All requests require approval from an Operations Manager OPTION I Submit a Service Request ticket from the Service Catalog, RentalResult - Portal Access OPTION II Email your Yard Manager the follow... Employee number Job title Cell phone Email All job numbers you need access to
Max Months Rates Still Charging Projects
Max Months Rates Still Charging Projects Please see this ticket for the issue, Ticket: https://support.swinerton.com/support/tickets/332115 (below is Wynne's solution article) Max Cap Billing Test in a Test Environment initially, to ensure the Max Cap Billing works as expected when configured. Max cap billing is a feature that allows the system to recognise when to reduce or stop billing against items when they hit a particular threshold. This could be due to commercial decisions or business practice. An example may be that as an internal rental business, you may only want to recover the purchase cost through invoicing your internal project and once that value has been recovered, the item remains on rent but at zero cost. Another example may be that you wish to recover 120% of the assets purchase value and allow a 20% administrative fee to cover cost as well as the value. There may also be contractual agreements in place, which could benefit from this feature. Configuration for max months charging. Set up an item transaction which has the "Complete invoices only" flag checked Set up a charging calculation template with the monthly rate set as slot 1 Check the "Allow maximum charge" flag (1) and set the "Maximum months slot" field (2) to 2 Create or update an item to use the configured charging calculation. Check the "Maximum charge" flag for the item. Add a rental rate for the charging calculation Select an AR account to use and set the "Maximum charge type" field to "Standard maximum months charge". Test 1. Create a rental contract for the configured account. Add 2 lines using the configured item for both. Set the monthly rental rate of the first line to be 2000 and the max months to be 4. Set the monthly rental rate of the second line to be 0 and the max months to be 4. Save the contract and then dispatch it. Run continuation billing for the first month’s rental and confirm that the first line is invoiced. Run continuation billing for the next 3 months and confirm that the first line is invoiced. Run continuation billing for the 5 month and confirm that no invoice is generated. Test 2. Repeat the above test but add a 3rd line. Set the monthly rental rate of the 3rd line to be 4000 and the max months to be 2. Confirm that the 3rd line is only billed on the first 2 continuation billing runs. Configuration for max percentage charging. Set up a charging template like the configuration for "Max months" above, but in the "Maximum charge" tab set the "Maximum % slot" to 2 and leave the "Maximum months slot" inactive. Set up an item to use this charging calculation with the "Maximum charge" flag checked and a price set up against it. Test 3. Change the AR account configuration so that the "Maximum charge type" field is now set to "Standard maximum % charge". Change the item configuration so the "Replacement cost" field is set to 7,500. Create a rental contract for the configured account. Add 2 lines using the configured item for both. Set the monthly rate of the first line to be 250 and the percentage rate to be 10. Set the monthly rate of the second line to be 0 and the percentage rate to be 10. Run continuation billing for the first month and confirm that only the first line is billed. Run continuation billing for the next 2 months confirming that only the first line is billed on both. Run continuation billing for the next month and confirm that no bill is produced as the total amount billed is 750 which is 10% of the replacement cost. Regression testing: Issue 116224 Configure a new charging calculation template with the following settings. Set up the Daily (1), Weekly (2) and Monthly (3) slots.[Text Wrapping Break] Set up the "Maximum months slot" (1) and the "Monthly maintenance fee slot" (2). Add the charging calculation to an item and then follow the rest of the configuration for the max months charging. Test 4 Create a contract for the configured account. Add 3 lines using the configured item for all 3. On the first line set the following details: Daily rate = 6 Weekly rate = 8 Monthly rate = 10 Max Months = 3 Maintenance Fee = 1.75 On the second line set the following details. Daily rate = 6 Weekly rate = 10 Monthly rate = 25 Max Months = 4 Maintenance Fee = 0 On the third line set the following details. Daily rate = 0 Weekly rate = 0 Monthly rate = 0 Max Months = 3 Maintenance Fee = 1.75 Dispatch the contract. Run continuation billing 10 days after the dispatch date. At this point the first line will hit the best rate i.e. it will try to the charge the monthly rate, however the second line would not hit the best rate as it would try to charge for 2 weeks. As both lines do not hit the best rate available, no bill will be produced. Run continuation billing 18 days after the dispatch date. At this point both lines will hit the best rate. Confirm that a bill for the first 2 lines is generated. Run continuation billing for 2 more months and confirm that a bill for the first 2 lines is produced. [Text Wrapping Break] Run continuation billing for the 4th month. Confirm that a bill is produced for the first 2 lines and that the amount charged for the first line is the maintenance fee and that the second line amount is for the monthly rate. Run continuation billing for the 5th month. Confirm that a bill is produced and that it only has the maintenance charge for the first line.