Leads & Opportunities
What I Need to Know: Swinerton Facility Solutions (SFS) Guide
Please review the attached guide to learn how to manage contacts, communication, leads, and opportunities for Swinerton Facility Solutions (SFS) related activities.
How To: Log Change Orders for Existing JIPs (For Sales Goals Credit)
HOW TO LOG AWARDED CHANGE ORDERS IN UNANET (This tracking method is typically reserved for large Change Orders (e.g., significant changes in scope) so Divisions can get credit for that CO towards Sales Goals) If the Change Order was issued in the same calendar year the original sale was "closed" in (Closed Sales are considered Stages 10b or 10c and close the day they are changed to that stage): Simply adjust the value of the existing opportunity to represent the final total contract value versus creating an entirely new opportunity. In the opportunity description or time-stamped notes, include a note with the change order value and job number where the CO will be tracked under. If the Change Order is issued for an existing job that was registered as a Closed Sale in a previous calendar year: Create the Change Order as a sub-opportunity under the parent GC opportunity and set it to 10c-Sale Closed (Converted to JIP). If the CO or additional phased work has not yet been awarded, you can set it to the stage it belongs to and move it to a Sale once awarded. Do NOT create a Bid Job # or a JIP if the CO will be added in CMiC as a Change Order to the existing JIP. In the opportunity name, please be sure to include "CHANGE ORDER" so these records are easily identifiable during maintenance audits. Include the job number the CO will be tracked under in the opportunity name or description. For the Submittal Type/Effort Level, select "05-Change Order Only". If you do not select the correct submittal type, the opportunity stage will revert back to 10b-Sale Closed (Preliminary Award).
What I Need to Know: Opportunity General Prequalification Tracking
The following guide outlines the process for tracking General or Annual Prequalifications that are NOT connected to a specific pursuit. By creating an Opportunity record, this provides the ability to generate bid job #'s and close out the opportunity without affecting our Sales. The Company Prequalification section will allow you to track prequals (e.g., K-12 and Higher Education Districts, Public Clients) that you have submitted, and you will receive email notifications when the prequalification is expiring in 60 days and is due for renewal. For SQOs/RFQs tied to a specific pursuit, you would follow the normal process of creating an opportunity record and selecting 01-SOQ, Tech Proposal+Cost, GC+Fee and attaching any SOQ attachment(s) to the Opportunity's Document section rather than uploading it to the Company's Document section. Pursuit-specific SOQs should not be entered within the Company's Prequalification section as those are reserved for general or annual Prequalifications. Entering the Prequalfication in the Opportunity Record Step 1: Do you need to charge time for the General Prequalification? If so, please proceed with the followings steps as outlined. Step 2: Search for the Client's Company record you need to enter the Opportunity for. Step 3: Once you are in the Company record, click on the Associated Opportunities tab. After verifying no duplicate entries have been created, click on + Opportunity to create your Prequal Opportunity. Step 4: Complete all the required fields (in blue) within the Opportunity. Please pay particular attention to the following fields: Stage - select the stage that most closely aligns with where the prequal is in the lifecycle process. Submittal Type/Effort Level - please ensure 07-General Prequalification Only is selected. Staff Team - add yourself as the Marketing Coordinator/Manager. Potential Swinerton Revenue - $1 Step 5: Once the opportunity has been saved, you may now generate the bid job # to charge time for any marketing-related efforts. Step 6: After the General Prequal application or package has been submitted, please edit the opportunity and move the stage to 16-General Prequal Closed. If you move the Stage to 16-General Prequal Closed WITHOUT selecting 07-Prequalication Only, the system will automatically revert your stage back to 10a-Sale Pending and you will receive an email notification to correct the Submittal Type. Entering the Prequalification in the Client's Company Record Please review the following support article to learn how to enter a General Prequal to the Client's Company record – How To: Enter a General Prequalification
How To: Add Competition to an Opportunity
The following steps outlines the process for adding Competition on your Opportunities. If you are aware of your Competition at any stage throughout the Opportunity's lifecycle process, please go into the Opportunity record to add your Competitors. Knowing and understanding who your competition is provides valuable insights that enables the team to better tailor proposals, differentiate our firm, and develop a competitive pricing structure for future related efforts. Step 1: In the Opportunity record, click on the "More" drop down and click on Competition. Step 2: Under the Competition section, click on "+ Associate Company" Step 3: Search for the Competitor's company record to select the company you are looking for. If the company is not populating, please create a new company record before proceeding with next steps. Step 4: Assign all Competition Attributes that apply to your pursuit Competitive Threat - ranges from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) Status - won, loss, active, inactive Bid $ - total bid value submitted Rank - the competitor's final rank based on final scores Adjusted Score - points from the adjusted score (if applicable) Technical Score - points from the final technical score Bid Fee % (if known) Comments - any clarifying or helpful notes to reference Step 5: Hit Save
What I Need to Know: Opportunity Submittal Types
The Submittal Type/Effort level field in Unanet is used to group opportunities by the type of submittal and the marketing effort level to provide better forecasting of pursuit workload. See below to learn more about what each submittal type means. 01-SOQ, Tech Proposal+Cost, GC+Fee There is a Statement of Qualifications, Technical Proposal and Cost, or GC Fee Proposal required as part of the submission. In other words, there is a written component of the submission that will need marketing support in some way, shape, or form. This is used to assess “pursuits” that are competitively bid with technical proposal submissions. However, it’s more general to ensure we cover other submissions where written proposals or SOQ’s are part of the submission and might need marketing support. 02-Hard Bid Only-Technical Proposal Competitive Hard Bids with “Bid Openings” or public type work where a written technical proposal or SOQ is also required. While there could be forms and substantiation information required as part of the hard bid submission, the Client may also require a technical proposal included with the cost submission. Marketing support is involved. 03-Hard Bid Only-No Technical Proposal Competitive Hard Bids with “Bid Openings” or public type work where no written technical proposal or SOQ is required. There could be forms and substantiation information required as part of the hard bid submission but there isn’t a proposal in the traditional sense as it is primarily a cost submission. Marketing could be involved, or not involved. 04-Estimating Only, ROM, Budget Directly negotiated work that might not be competitively bid and doesn’t require marketing support. E.g. only required estimating and preconstruction resources and an estimate, ROM, or budget submission. 05-Preconstruction Only Used ONLY when a preconstruction JIP is needed, and the GC Construction Job is a separate JIP/Opportunity due to contract structure or reporting needs. Typically, the opportunity is entered as a child-opportunity to the main GC Construction Opportunity and is only used to get a JIP. 06-Change Order Only Used only to track a large $ value change order for which the opportunity will never become a JIP. Only used for sales credit of the change order. Click HERE to learn more about logging change orders. 07-Miscellaneous or Warranty Repairs For when JIP’s are needed for small miscellaneous type jobs for specific clients or generally (Misc. Jobs under $20k for instance). This is also used for when warranty work JIP’s are needed. It is generally used to categorize these specific type of opportunity records. 08-General Prequalification Only Used to categorize general prequalification efforts only. E.g. When there is an annual prequalification for a school district, or a general prequalification for a client to qualify to get on their bidders list, but not for a specific project. A General Prequalification is NOT associated with any specific job/project. Click HERE to learn more about logging General Prequalifications.
What I Need to Know: Opportunity Priorities
Priority levels are assigned to opportunities to help Divisions focus on "must win" pursuits and help prioritize their pipeline. Since every opportunity is different and unique, there are various factors that contribute to the priorities below. Some factors that may drive the priority level assignment include: the Client, type of project, delivery method, size, relevant experience, available resources, funding, timing, and backlog needed, to name a few. Over the span of an opportunity's lifecycle, the opportunity priority should be adjusted accordingly as more information and intelligence is gathered. Within Unanet CRM, priorities are split into three categories (screen shots below of this field in use): Priority to Division Priority Category Reasoning 1-High Priority An opportunity that is in alignment with our business goals and of high strategic importance to the Division, Region, or organization. Typically considered a "must" win and all resources are focused on the effort. Where the opportunity might not be a "must" win, it can be a "must" pursue with a strong showing. Doesn't always necessitate national support – but could. Has the ability to significantly impact a Division's success for a variety of reasons (start date, revenue goals, etc.). 2-Medium The starting point for most opportunities, which gets adjusted higher or lower throughout the life of the pursuit. Checks the boxes for being a great project in terms of client relationship, fee/profit potential, timing, resource availability, market penetration, etc. Has a high level of focus, but may not be defined as a "must" win. Pursuit Team provides strong support, attention, and focus on the effort. Important backups for BP/Sales numbers if Priority 1 start dates are too far out or the job falls through. 3-Low Generally viewed as less attractive based on the criteria discussed in Priority 1's and 2's above. If pursuit timing (i.e., due dates) and internal resources compete with Priority 1's and 2's, then potentially becomes a No-Go (to keep focus on the higher priority opportunities). Also used for general tracking of opportunities to better understand Clients and/or Markets and/or backups to Priority 2's.
What I Need to Know: Automated Opportunity Start & End Dates
Effective September 2023, two new opportunity fields will be introduced to automate Opportunity Construction Start and Completion Dates. The changes will help streamline the Opportunity process and minimize the need for manual updates. Please read further to understand what new fields are required and how these changes will affect the Opportunities you input and manage. Project Duration (in Days) How does this change affect my Opportunities? Project Duration (in Days) is a new REQUIRED field which automates Completion Dates for ALL Opportunities upon creation and updates to the Opportunity after creation. The Construction Completion Date (Auto-Filled) automatically calculates based on the Project Duration (in days) entered. While the Project Duration is now a required field, this eliminates the need to manually update Completion Dates especially when there are future changes to the Start Date or Project Duration. Who does this affect? All Division/Offices and anyone entering Opportunities. Start Lag to GC in Days (SPW Only) How does this change affect my Opportunities? Start Lag to GC in Days (SPW Only) auto-populates the Child Opportunity's Start Date when the Start Lag field is filled in and when there are changes to the Parent Opportunity's Start Date. The Construction Start Date for SPW Child Opportunities is automatically adjusted when the GC Parent Opportunity Dates updates and eliminates the need to manually update the Start Date every time a GC Parent Start Date changes. Upon entry, the Start Date is required, however, you may enter any date and save the opportunity. The automation will take ~1 minute to recalculate and update the Start Date. Who does this affect? Self-Perform Groups only. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Help! I just created an opportunity following the new process and my bid job # is not generating. What should I do? A: If you generated a bid job # without the Construction Completion Date auto-filling, you may experience issues upon generation. Please allow the system to process and wait 1-2 minutes for the Completion Date to auto-populate before you generate the bid job #. If you accidentally generated the bid job # prior to the Completion Date populating, please reset and re-generate the bid job #. Q: Can I update the Project Duration and/or Start Lag to GC from the Opportunity Grid? A: Yes. Hover over any of your column headers and click on the drop down arrow. Under Columns, check off both Project Duration (in Days) and Start Lag to GC in Days (SPW Only) to ensure both fields populate on the Opportunity Grid. To edit, double click on the text field and make updates as needed. Q: If there are simultaneous changes to both the Start Date and Project Duration, will the Completion Date also update automatically based on the changes? A: Yes, our system workflows will factor in changes to either the Start Date and/or Project Duration. The Completion Date will re-calculate based on the changes set within both fields. Q: Can I update my SPW Opportunity's Start and Completion Dates manually? A: Yes, however, please keep in mind that if the GC Parent Dates updates again in the future, the changes will overwrite your modifications. Q: Does this mean that both Construction Start and Completion Dates will be automated for all Self-Perform work? A: Correct. However, please keep in mind that you must have both the Project Duration and the Start Lag to GC filled in. Q: I am creating a new SPW opportunity but upon entry and adding the Project Duration, the Construction Start Date is not automating. Why is that? A: Upon opportunity creation and entry, please enter any Start Date and once you save the opportunity, the Start Date will automatically recalculate and update after you save the opportunity. This usually takes about 1-2 minutes so you might not see the updates immediately. However, rest assured both Start and Completion Date will automatically update based on the Parent Opportunity Dates. Q: Will the Construction Start Date also automate for regular GC Parent opportunities? A: No. There isn't a standard lag time for regular/GC opportunities so the Construction Start Date will remain a required manual field. Q: Is the Anticipated Date of Award also going to be automated? A: Not at this time. Please continue updating the Anticipated Date of Award as to ensure sales and pipeline data are accurately reflect for business planning. Q: I filled out the Start Lag to GC field but my Self-Perform Opportunity Construction Start and Completion Dates is not auto-updating. Why is this happening? A: This usually happens if you created a standalone Self-Perform opportunity instead of creating a Child opportunity under the Parent GC opportunity. Please double check and confirm there is a Parent opportunity associated. If you are still experiencing issues, please submit a BTech ticket. Q: The GC's Start Date is not accurate which is causing all the Self-Perform Child Opportunities to have an inaccurate Start and Completion Dates as well. How do we workaround this? A: For Self-Perform teams, if you want to take full advantage of this automation, it will require communication between GC and SPW groups, and the SPW groups keeping the GC side accountable in regards to keeping dates update and accurate. When there are nuances where the Start Lag won't work, the teams can always leave the Start Lag to GC field blank and manage their Start Dates manually, so it isn't connected and reliant on the GC opportunity. Q: Is the Project Duration calculated based on working days or calendar days? A: Calendar Days
How To: Tracking Marketing Workload Throughout Opportunity Lifecycle
During an Opportunity's lifecycle, there could be multiple Marketing Staff assigned to support different stages (i.e., RFQ, RFP, and Interview) of the pursuit. To better track historical and current allocations for Marketers throughout the entire pursuit, please follow the process outlined below to ensure the Marketer is correctly assigned on the opportunities they are working on. The Steps Assigning a Marketer can be done via the Opportunity Grid. However, only use the Grid to assign a Marketer if no other Staff was previously assigned. NOTE - you can't modify Percent Involved via the Grid unfortunately. See Step 2 for further instruction. While you are on the Grid, please ensure the correct Submittal Type/Effort Level is selected. Opportunity life cycle dates can also be updated to ensure accurate dates are listed for resource planning. Use the Staff Team section within the Opportunity record to assign or update Marketer(s) assignment. To “activate” or "deactivate" the Marketer listed or when updating to add an additional Marketer the following steps are necessary. Modify/Add % involved field in the Staff Team Section to be one (1) and one (1) only If exchanging a Marketer for another phase of the pursuit Edit existing Marketer’s % involved and change to zero (0) Update the description section to indicate phase of pursuit worked on Add new Marketer and ensure % involved is one (1) and one (1) only Update the description section to indicate phase of pursuit worked or is working on Example Use Case An RFQ comes in the door (or is coming) and is assigned to Rachel Add Rachel as the Marketing Lead to the Opportunity under Staff team (or via the Grid if it isn’t in the door yet) Ensure % involvement is populated with one (1) if actively working on it Make a note in the description they are working on the RFQ Add any Marketing Support roles/staff with the same process The RFP came in and was assigned to a different Marketing Lead and Marketing Support Edit % involved for existing Marketing Lead and any Support staff to be zero (0) Add the New Marketing Lead and Support roles and associated staff Ensure % involvement is populated with one (1) Make a note in the description what phase of the pursuit they are working on Video Instructions
What I Need to Know: P3 Opportunities
Please review the attached guide to learn how P3 Griffin-Swinerton opportunities should be set up in Unanet.
What I Need to Know: Delivery Methods
Please review the following Delivery Methods definitions and ensure opportunities created in Unanet are designated with the correct method type. Delivery Method Definitions CM Multi-Prime Construction Management Multi-Prime (CMMP) is also known just as Multi-Prime (MP). The American Institute of Architects (AIA) calls this Construction Manager as Advisor (CMa). The Owner holds separate contracts with Contractors of various disciplines, such as general construction, mechanical, electrical and plumbing. In this system, the Owner, or its CM, manages the overall schedule and budget during the entire construction phase. Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) is a project delivery method in which the owner hires a construction manager (CM) to oversee the project from design to construction close-out and deliver it with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) provided to the owner prior to the bid stage. Because the CM could be responsible for paying the difference when going over budget, the CM must closely manage the project budget and schedule to stay within the GMP. Construction Manager Not At Risk Describes a type of relationship or as a project management method. A method of managing design and construction services. A CM Agent performs the role expected of an agent in an agency relationship, acting as a representative of the owner of the project. As well as exclusively serves the interest of the owner, advises the owner, and helps the owner to make critical decisions during each stage of the project. Design Assist Someone with a builder’s experience (a contractor, construction manager, subcontractor or material supplier) provides input to a design professional to guide or influence a project’s design. This input is provided from the builder’s expertise as someone knowledgeable about things like installation, construction techniques, scheduling, or cost estimating. The design professional maintains responsibility for the design, they just get the benefit of having input from knowledgeable builders along the way. Design Bid Build Traditional construction project delivery method that involves the completion of three distinct phases in sequence. Construction does not begin until the design process is complete (and a bid accepted), so there is no overlap between design and construction. Design Build Innovative delivery method by Caltrans whereby a contract for both design and construction of a project is awarded to a single entity. Engineer Procure Construct (EPC) Integrates the design, procurement, construction, startup and commissioning work on power generation projects, supporting on time and on budget project completion. Facility Solutions (FS) Delivers cost-effective and scalable service programs to maximize the quality of commercial real estate assets. From simple facility enhancements to complex renovations, our highly trained service technicians collaborate with Fortune 500 companies and property management firms on a variety of corporate offices, retail spaces, distribution centers, critical facilities, and airports. Integrated Project Delivery Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a construction project delivery method that seeks efficiency and involvement of all participants (people, systems, business structures and practices) through all phases of design, fabrication, and construction. IPD combines ideas from integrated practice and lean construction. Lease-Leaseback A school district typically leases property to a developer, who in turn builds a school facility on the property and leases it back to the school district. Master Service Agreement (MSA) MSA is a contract between two or more parties that establishes what terms and conditions will govern all current and future activities and responsibilities. MSAs are useful because they allow the parties to plan for the future while also speeding the ratification of future agreements. That’s because MSAs create a contract framework that establishes the foundation for all future actions. Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Agreement Public operating agencies utilize operations and maintenance (O&M) agreements to transfer responsibility for asset operation and management to the private sector. P3 Public-private partnership as “a contractual arrangement that is formed between public and private-sector partners. These arrangements typically involve a government agency contracting with a private partner to renovate, construct, operate, maintain, and/or manage a facility or system, in whole or in part, that provides a public service. Under these arrangements, the agency may retain ownership of the public facility or system, but the private party generally invests its own capital to design and develop the properties. Typically, each partner shares in income resulting from the partnership. Such a venture, although a contractual arrangement, differs from typical service contracting in that the private-sector partner usually makes a substantial cash, at-risk, equity investment in the project, and the public sector gains access to new revenue or service delivery capacity without having to pay the private-sector partner.” Professional Services Not at Risk The professional service provider is not financially at risk for the project’s construction costs or any potential cost overruns. This approach contrasts with methods where the design professionals might share some of the financial risk associated with the construction phase. Progressive Design-Build A stepped, or progressive process (commonly referred to as Progressive Design-Build or PDB). PDB uses a qualifications-based or best value selection, followed by a process whereby the owner then “progresses” towards a design and contract price with the team (thus the term “Progressive”).