Installing FMW
Installing FMW After the CMiC upgrade, you will find an updated version of FMW. This updated version will remove the previous launcher’s shortcuts. To pin any application icon to your taskbar, launch it, and right-click the icon to select “pin to taskbar”. If you are new to FMW and have authorization to use it, the application will automatically appear in your Software Center. If it does not, please complete a Service Request ticket to get authorization. New user installation: To locate FMW in your Software Center, go to the start button, start typing "FMW" and click "FMW R12 Launcher". In the dialog box, click "Install" to begin installing FMW R12 Launcher. Should the FMW icon not automatically pin to your taskbar, when it is open, right-click the icon to then select “pin to taskbar”.
Launching FMW from Start Menu
Launching FMW from Start Menu - Once the FMW program is installed on your computer (directions to install HERE), you can launch it by following these directions: STEP 1: From your Start Menu, click on FMWWeb 9080 fmwweb01. STEP 2: Upon launching, you should see a new FMW Launcher window and it will also create a new shortcut on your desktop called “FMWWeb 9080 fmwweb01”. NOTE: If you do not see the FMW Launcher screen, the application is not opening. NOTE: On this launcher splash screen, you can click “Settings” (top right) to turn off the desktop shortcut. STEP 3: Once the launcher finishes loading, FMW will launch. STEP 4: Login to FMW by using your Swinerton login credentials and use the application as normal.
FMW: Correct UI Scaling issues on Surface Devices
Correct UI Scaling issues in Windows when using FMW Web app on Surface Devices __________ Introduction Users of Surface devices will no longer be able to use FMW Web via Citrix to scale the application properly for their high DPI displays. The steps below provide a workaround to accomplish the same usability. __________ Steps 1. On your computer open Software Center and make sure that FMW Web is installed. If not, install it. 2. Now open the Start menu and find FMW Web, right click on it, click More then Open file location. 3. In the Windows Explorer window that opens, right click on the FMW Web icon, click Properties. In the Properties window that opens click on the Compatibility tab, then put a check mark in Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: and select System from the associated drop down menu. Click Apply then OK and close the Explorer window. 4. Now, when you launch FMW Web, it will be sized correctly for normal use.
Duplicate FMW Link After CMiC R12 Upgrade
A new version of FMW has been deployed to all FMW user computers with the release of CMiC R12. The original FMW link SHOULD have been deleted in the same process. However, if you are seeing more than one FMW link, you can determine which to use by checking the following: Correct R12 FMW link will be named like this (has R12 in the name): OLD/Incorrect FMW link, if clicked will result in an error like this: If you have the old link, please delete it or submit a ticket to have a member of the Service Desk delete it for you.