LaborChart Boards Page
How to create a Manpower Request from the Boards Page
Creating manpower requests is an efficient way to let your team know that you need another resource on a particular job. When you're not sure exactly which resource you want, or you don't have the permission level to create assignments, then manpower requests are the way to go. Below are instructions on how to create a manpower request: From the Boards page, find the project that you need to make a request for. Click the 3 dots located on the right-hand side of the project's name. Select Create Request. Enter the details of your manpower request, then click Save You do not have to enter a job title for a manpower request. Leave that section blank to create a generic request Scope of Work (optional): Whatever is typed here will populate into the assignment alert that is created upon fulfillment of the request Assignment Instructions (optional): Will be populated into the assignment alert Comments (optional): Will not be included in alerts. Only users given the permission to view comments will be able to see them. Manpower requests will be displayed within the blue requests field of each project. Note: Even though the Boards page is a single-day view, any open manpower requests will always be shown.
How to fill a request from the Boards Page
There are two options to fill a request from the Boards page: the Profile icon and Drag and Drop. Below are instructions on how to use each one: Profile icon Locate the desired request in the project request field Click the profile icon to view the request details Use the Fill drop-down to select the desired resource Select the resource and make any necessary changes to the assignment details Click Save to fill the request and create the assignment, or click Save & Alert to notify the assignee Drag and Drop Locate your desired resource within the Resource Bench Click+hold the resource card, drag it into the desired request card to the right, and release Make any necessary changes to the assignment details, then click Save or Save & Alert
How to view assignment details from the Boards Page
The assignment details of a specific resource can be viewed directly from the Boards page. Below are instructions on how to get started: From the Boards page, locate the desired assignment card Click the resource initials (or profile photo) on the left side of the card You can also view and edit the assignment details using the mini Gantt icon. Here's how: Find your desired resource and hover over the resource card or assignment card Click the mini Gantt icon Hover over the assignment color bar to preview the project, date range, and times of the assignment Click the assignment color bar to edit the assignment details
Filtering and Sorting the Resource Bench
The Resource Bench is located on the left-hand side of the Boards page, and contains all of your active resources available for assignment. With all of your resources in one place, you can apply filters and sort the list in order to quickly find the right resource applicable to a specific assignment. Filtering To apply a filter to your Resource Bench: Navigate to the Resource Bench and click the Gear icon This will populate a list of all the currently applied filters Click the funnel icon to begin selecting filters Then, select the desired filters and click Apply to activate them To remove the selected filters, open the filters with the Gear icon, then click the Trashcan icon to remove all filters. Remove filters one at a time by clicking the X next to the filter name Sorting Sorting refers to the order in which the list is presented. The resources within your Resource Bench can be sorted by: Job Title - based on the hierarchy of job titles within your Settings page Name - sorted alphabetically from A-Z To sort your Resource Bench, open the Sort Cards By drop-down, then make your selection and the bench will automatically refresh the list. Now that you know how to narrow down your resources, learn how to: Fill a request Create an assignment
Viewing Requests on the Boards Page
On the Boards page, Manpower Requests are displayed in a blue request field at the bottom of the project category they have been requested for. If a project category has not been selected for the request, it will be located in the generic category at the top. While the project categories are collapsed, you can see the number of requests within each category, next to the category name: If you prefer to only see Requests that fall within the date you are currently viewing, you can set that up within the Settings page. Here's how: Head to the Settings page and navigate to the View Preferences tab Toggle the Show Requests Per Viewing Day Only slider Click Save This will only be true for your account, and no one else's within your company. As shown in the image below, the currently viewed date is 9/13/19. Only one request is now displayed because its date range (7/25/19 - 9/20/19) contains the current date.
Filtering Projects on the Boards Page
With all of your Group's projects listed in one place, you can use filters on the Boards page to quickly narrow down the list. The filter choices for the Boards page include: Bid Rate - enter a value to see projects with bid rates less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to the entered value Est. End Date - see projects with estimated end dates that fall on, or on or after a selected date Hide Empty Projects - remove projects from the page that do not currently have any resources assigned Only Show - choose to only show Assignments or Requests on all projects Percent Complete - enter a value to see projects with completion precentages less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to the entered value Start Date - see projects with start dates that fall on or before, on, or on or after a selected date Tags - select tag(s) to show only the projects that hold them Any Custom Fields setup for projects To add a filter to the Boards page: Click the funnel icon located in the top-left corner of the page Select the desired filter, then click the blue checkmark Now, add another filter or click the blue checkmark to apply the selected filter to the page To remove a single filter, click the X button within the bubble of the filter you would like to remove. Remove every currently applied filters by click the trashcan icon on the right-end of the filter line.