LaborChart Boards Page
Overview of the Boards Page
The Boards Page shows a single-day view of all active people and projects in your company. On this page you can see all your Active projects, the people that are assigned to them, and each project's manpower requests. From the Boards Page you can make assignments and assignment changes and can create manpower requests for projects. The assignments on this page will be accurate on the day that you are viewing. Check in the top right-hand corner where the calendar icon is located to confirm the day you are viewing. On the left side of the Boards page is the Resource Bench. This is where you will find all of your currently available or assigned resources, as well as those that are actively taking time off for the current date. To view one of the three options, use the different tabs shown on the Resource Bench below. The current field view can also be searched within, as well as filtered. Resource Bench Overview One of the ways assignments can be created is by clicking on a card on the Resource Bench and dragging it to the project area. You can also end assignments the same way by removing it from the project area and dropping it back in the Resource Bench. Requests can be filled with the same motion by dropping the resource directly onto the request card. Learn more about creating individual assignments HERE Learn how to create multiple assignments at once HERE
Resource Bench Overview
The Resource Bench is the Boards Page hub of every assignable resource within the currently selected Group. It is located on the left-hand side of the Boards Page and contains all of your resources grouped by 3 tabs: Available: resources not currently assigned to a project Assigned: resources that are actively assigned to a project Off: resources currently taking time off Note that the Boards page is a single-day view, and the Resource Bench will be accurate to the date selected in the top-right corner of the page. Use the list of resources to create assignments and fill requests, or use the Filters to find specific job titles and tags. Learn how to filter the Resource Bench HERE. The Resource Bench also contains the Rapid Assign tool, used to quickly create multiple assignments at once. Learn how to use the Rapid Assign tool HERE.
How to make an individual assignment from the Boards Page
There are two different methods that can be used to create an individual assignment on the Boards Page. Below are instructions on how to use each one: Drag and Drop Go to the Boards page and find your desired resource in the Resource Bench (located on the left-hand side of the page). Click+hold on the resource card, drag it into the desired assignment field/project, and release. When the resource card is placed, the assignment details modal will automatically populate. Enter all of your desired assignment details, such as the assignment duration, working days, start and end times, etc. Choose to either Save, or Save & Alert the assignee Choosing Save creates the assignment and shows you the Gantt view of the assignment details. If the details are correct, click Close. Hover your cursor over the assignment bar to populate the assignment details at the bottom of the modal. Choosing Save & Alert automatically takes you to the Assignment Alert modal. This is where you will edit the recipients and content of the alert. You can choose to send the alert now, schedule it for a future time, or save it as a draft. Gantt icon Go to the Boards page and choose a resource from the Resource Bench (located on the left-hand side of the page) Hover over your chosen resource card and the Gantt icon will appear on the right side of the resource card Click on the Gantt icon to bring up the desired resource’s Gantt view. To create an individual assignment, click the New button in the top-right corner. If the resource is already assigned to another project, an assignment color bar will be shown here. Select a project from the drop down menu Enter your desired assignment details Choose to either Save or Save & Alert Note: The resource assignment card will only be visible in the project field when your currently viewed date falls within the assignment's date range.
How to end an assignment from the Boards page
There are a few ways that you can end an assignment from the Boards Page. If you are ending assignments individually, you can do so by clicking the Mini Gantt icon on the right side of the assignment card. You will see a Gantt modal with the project assignment bar. Click on the assignment bar and select the Edit Total Assignment button. From here you can select the new assignment end date and save your assignment changes. You can also quickly end an assignment by dragging the assignment card from the project area back to the Resource Bench. You will see a modal prompting you to enter the assignment end date. Once you have entered the date and hit Save, your resource will show up again under the Available category on the Resource Bench. If you need to end an assignment for multiple people, you can use the Batch tool. Click on the Batch button in the top left-hand corner of the Boards page. Click on the Configure button and select the new end date from the configuration modal. Click on the Set link to apply these settings. From here you can click on the assignment cards for everyone that you need to change the assignment end date for. Once you have selected all of the assignment cards, click on the Apply Changes button. Learn more about the Batch tool HERE.
Using the Batch tool to edit multiple assignments at one time
The Batch feature is found on the Boards page and is used to make changes to Assignments that have already been created. Using this feature makes it much faster and simpler to update or edit information on multiple Assignments at once. What kind of details can I edit with Batch? Start times & end times Start date & end dates Assignment States Working days To begin using the Batch feature, click on the button labeled Batch found in the top-left corner of the Boards page. Next, click on the Configure button to enter the details that are going to be updated on the assignment within the configuration pop-up window. Once you have entered all the details, click on the Set link and click on each of the assignment cards that you wish to apply these changes to. The cards that have been selected will turn blue. Next, click on the Apply Changes button located in the top right-hand side of the page. Your assignment changes will now be updated, and the Batch tool will automatically deactivate.
Assignment States on the Boards Page
Assignment states are used as an identifier for information as it relates to a project assignment. Below are some general (but not all) uses for Assignment States: Can be used to show that someone is assigned on a job for training purposes Can be used to indicate if someone is available to be transferred to another assignment Can show if someone is expected to be working overtime If there is an Assignment state attached to an assignment, its abbreviation will be displayed on the assignment card. To add an assignment state to an assignment, click on the three dots next to the project name within the assignment modal. Select the appropriate assignment state from the drop down list. You can manage your available Assignment States by clicking on the Assignment States tab in the Settings page. To create a new Assignment State, select the blue New button. This will bring up the modal in which the Assignment State's name and details are selected. The same details modal is brought up when selecting the Edit option for an existing Assignment State.
Utilizing Tags on the Boards Page
No two people are alike. Tags should be used to show what makes one person unique or different from another. Utilizing Tags in LaborChart can help you keep track of all these differences across your workforce, which leads to more efficient decision making when evaluating and scheduling your people. Common use cases: You have a project that must be staffed with individuals who have a certain skill, training, or other attribute. You would like to distinguish the Union for a person. From the Boards page, you can filter resources on your resource bench based on the tags that are associated with them. To filter the resource bench with a tag: Click the gear icon located towards the top of the resource bench Select the desired tag(s), then click Apply You can also view tags when reviewing the details for a person. Click on the initials on the left-hand side of an assignment card or resource card to review the tags associated with that person. Some projects may require all assigned resources to hold a specific tag. When creating assignments from the Boards page, review the required tags for a project by looking within the details bar underneath the project name.
Sorting the Boards Page
The projects on the Boards page can be listed in alphabetical order, by project number, start and end date, or by completion percentage. Below are instructions on how you can sort your Boards page to your personal preference: Click the Sort Projects drop-down, located near the top-left of the page Select your preferred method of sorting, and the page will automatically update the list Name will sort the projects alphabetically Project Number sorts the projects from low-to-high based on the project number Earliest Start Date puts them in chronological order based on the date the project is set to begin, while Latest Start Date reverses the order Earliest and Latest End Date are the same as start date, but are based on the projects' ending date Most Complete is based on the completion percentage set in the project's details page. The furthest along projects will be listed at the top. Projects without a completion percentage will revert to alphabetical order. Least Complete is also based on completion percentage, with lesser completed projects at the top of the list. Quickly find a specific project by typing the project name or number in the search bar.
Using the Rapid Assign tool to make bulk assignments from the Boards page
The Rapid Assign tool is a quick way to create multiple assignments on the Boards Page. If you find yourself creating similar assignments over and over, then the Rapid Assign tool is for you. Below are instructions on how to get started: First, go to the Boards page and click the rocket icon located towards the top of the resource bench. This will bring up the configuration modal for the assignment details. When using the Rapid Assign tool, all created assignments will have the same assignment details. In this modal, you can either choose the assignment times to default to the projects' start and end times or set a custom start and end time. You can also choose if your assignment alerts send instantly, at a scheduled time in the future, or not at all. Once you have entered all of your assignment details, click the Activate button to begin assigning (when Rapid Assign is active, it will be highlighted in blue on the resource bench). Now, you can drag and drop each needed resource to their respective project without entering assignment details each time. All assignments created while the tool is active will automatically default to the assignment details created above. Finally, once you have finished assigning your needed resources, make sure to turn Rapid Assign off or all your next assignments will automatically default to the previously created assignment details. To turn off, bring up the configuration modal again and click Deactivate.
How to transfer someone to a new assignment on the Boards Page
You can transfer a resource from one project to another using the same Drag and Drop process as creating assignments and filling requests. Click and drag the desired resource from their old assignment into the new assignment field Enter the new assignment details, then click Save or Save & Alert Note: Dragging and dropping someone whose original assignment has not yet started will completely remove the previous assignment history from their profile, as well as the project history. Transferring someone who has already begun their current assignment will change the end date to the day before their new assignment begins.