LaborChart Requests Page
Create a request from the Requests Page
To create a manpower request from the Requests page, click the New button in the top-left corner of the page. From the request details modal, enter the details of your manpower request, then click Save. You do not have to enter a job title for a manpower request. Leave this section plank to create a generic request. Scope of Work (optional): Whatever is typed here will populate into the assignment alert that is created upon fulfillment of the request. Assignment Instructions (optional): This information will be populated into the assignment alert. Comments (optional): This information will not be included in alerts. Only users given the permission to view comments will be able to see them.
Fill a request from the Requests Page
Requests can be filled directly from the Requests page. Below are instructions on how to do so: Locate the desired request within the Requests page. Click the profile icon on the left-hand side of the request line. Select a resource from the drop-down. From the assignment details modal, you can edit days and hours and review the selected resource's mini Gantt. The current request will appear as a gray assignment bar with diagonal lines. Select Save to fill the request and create the assignment or Save & Alert to notify the assignee.
Edit a request from the Request Page
You can quickly edit the details of a request directly from the Requests page. First, locate the request you wish to edit. Click the gear icon on the left-hand side of the request's line Add, edit, or remove any necessary information within the request details modal. Click Save to update the request information or Delete to delete the request.
Sorting and Filtering on the Requests Page
The Requests Page is a list view of every manpower request across all projects within the Group you are currently viewing. This article will show you how to manage your Requests page by utilizing the sorting and filtering capabilities. Sorting Sorting on the Requests page refers to the order in which the list is presented. By default, the Requests page is sorted in alphabetical order based on the project names. Display your preferred request information by adding and removing items from the Columns Bar. Learn how to customize your columns HERE. In the column bar, each field that has the capability to sort includes a carrot icon next to the word. A carrot icon appearing in orange indicates that it is the one currently sorting the page. To sort your requests by a specific column, click the carrot icon. Once a carrot icon is in use, click it again to reverse the list order. A carrot pointing upward is sorting in standard order (A-Z, high-to-low, etc.), while a downward pointing carrot indicates the reversed order. The order in which each column is sorted is determined by the units of that column Worded units are sorted in A-Z format, or reversed to Z-A Project Name, State, Created By Numerical units are sorted from high-to-low, or reversed to low-to-high Project Number, Start/End Date, Start/End Time, Date Created Filtering While sorting is used to rearrange your list, Filtering is used to narrow down the list. To add a filter to the Requests page: Click the funnel icon in the top-left corner of the page Select your filter of choice, then click the blue checkmark to apply the filter Assignment State: show only the requests with an assignment state configured in your settings Created by: show only the requests created by a specific user Ending: show the requests that end On or Before, On, or On or After an entered date Starting: show the requests that begin On or Before, On, or On or After an entered date Position: show the requests that ask for a specific job title Project: show the requests for a specific project Tags: show only the requests that ask for a specific tag Filter to show requests that are not applicable to the selected filter by choosing Doesn't Match before applying the filter. When using multiple tags as filters on the Requests page, you can apply them using AND/OR logic. AND filters will show the requests that contain all of the currently filtered tags. OR filters will list every request that holds at least one of the tag filters in play. Follow This Article for a detailed explanation and instructions on AND/OR filtration.
Download a Manpower Request list from the Requests Page
The Requests allows you to download your list of requests directly from the same page. Below are instructions to get you started: First, customize the displayed information by adding or removing columns from your Column Bar. Learn how to customize the Column Bar HERE. Arrange and sort the columns in the desired manner, then click the Download icon in the top-right corner of the page. Select the file type, orientation, and paper size in the drop-down. Click Export.