LaborChart People Page
People Page Overview
The People page is your index of every User, Assignable resource, and Assignable User within the current Group. Each name is listed as a blue hyperlink to quickly access the person's details page. Just click the link and you will be taken directly there. From this list view, you can filter, sort, and customize your columns in whatever way you see fit. Use the Columns icon to add or remove displayed information, and the Download icon to save the list as a printable PDF or CSV file. For more information: Columns on the People Page Download the People Page Quickly find a resource by typing their first name, last name, or employee ID within the Search Bar, or filter down the list using the Funnel icon. Find more information on filtering your resources HERE. Use the New button in the the top-left corner to begin creating a new user or resource. Enter their information, then click Save. Find detailed instructions on creating a person HERE.
People Details Page
Everyone in LaborChart will have their own details page where all their personal information is stored. The info section on the left-hand side of the details page holds personal information, account status, permission level and any custom fields related to that individual. Underneath the info section you can view and make changes to Tags, upload attachments, and download or preview their QR Code (if QR Codes have been activated in the Settings page). On the right-hand side of the page, you can create, edit, and view the person's time off, as well as any notes that are not set to private. Below the time off and notes section, you will find the person's Activity feed. Actions performed on this individual throughout the platform will be logged here. The activity categories allow you to view All actions, actions relating to Assignments, Attachments, Info, Notes, Tags, and Time Off. Viewing certain sensitive information and editing capabilities can be limited based on a User's permission level.
Sorting and Filtering on the People Page
The People page contains a wealth of information, as it is the home base for every resource within your company. With so much information in one place, the purpose of this article is to show you how to make your People page more manageable by utilizing the sorting and filtering capabilities. Sorting Sorting on the People page refers to the order in which the list is presented. By default, your people page will always be sorted in alphabetical order based on the names of your people. Utilize the columns bar to choose how you want your people sorted. Learn how to customize your columns bar HERE. In the column bar, each field that has the capability to sort includes a carrot icon next to the word. A carrot appearing in orange indicates that it is the one currently sorting the page. To sort your people by a specific column, click the carrot icon. Once a carrot icon is in use, click it again to reverse the list order. A carrot pointing upward is sorting in standard order (A-Z, high-to-low, etc.), while a downward pointing carrot indicates the reversed order. The order in which each column is sorted is determined by the units of that column. Worded units are sorted in A-Z format, or reversed to Z-A. Name, Current/Next Assignment, Status, City, State, etc. Numerical units are sorted from high-to-low, or reversed to low-to-high. Employee ID, Project Number, Postal, Hourly Wage, etc. Note: Job Title is the only worded unit that is not sorted alphabetically. The order of the list is based on the hierarchy of job titles within your settings page. Filtering While sorting is used to rearrange the order of your list, Filtering is used to narrow down the list. Filter options include Job Titles, Person Type, Status, Tags, Wage, and any custom fields that you have implemented. To add a filter to the People page: Click the funnel icon in the top-left corner of the page. Select your filter of choice from the list, then click the blue checkmark to apply the filter. The filtered list will automatically display only those who posses the applied filter. You can also filter the page to show anyone who does NOT posses the applied filter. For example, if I want to see a list of all my people who do not hold the Osha 10 tag, I will: Click the funnel icon Select the desired filter, then click Doesn't Match Apply the filter with the blue checkmark The applied filter will appear in a red bubble when Doesn't Match is in use.
Download the People Page
The People Page allows you to download the information that is currently displayed on your page. This article will provide instructions on how to do so: First, customize the displayed information by adding or removing columns from your Column Bar Learn how to customize the Column Bar HERE. Arrange and sort the columns in the desired manner, then click the Down Arrow in the top-right corner of the page. Select the file type, orientation, and paper size in the drop-down. Click Export.
How to enter time off for a person from the People Page
To enter time off for a person from the People, you will first navigate to the person's details page. Below are instructions on how to get started: From the People page, locate the person you will enter time off for. Click the blue hyperlink of their name to take you to their details page. From the details page, click the plus icon in the top-right corner. Enter the details of their time off If the time off is routine for the person, you can set the time off to repeat weekly, monthly, or yearly Click Save The time off will be visible on the person's details page, even after their time off has ended.