LaborChart Projects Page
Project Page Overview
The Project page is a list view containing all of the Active, Pending, and Inactive projects within the currently viewed Group. From this page, you can add or remove the displayed project information or quickly access a project's details page by clicking the blue hyperlink of the project name. Filter, sort, and customize your columns in whatever way you see fit. Use the Columns icon to add or remove displayed information and the Download icon to save the list as a printable PDF or CSV file. For more information: Customizing Columns Download the Project Page Quickly find a project by typing the project name or number in the Search Bar, or filter down the list using the Funnel icon. Find more information on filtering your projects HERE. Click the New button in the top-left corner to begin creating a new project. Enter the project details, then click Save. Find detailed instructions on creating a project HERE.
Project Roles
How Project Roles can be used in LaborChart Every project is unique, which is why every project has a settings page where certain details can be customized to suit the needs of each project. Project Roles are one of those options. Project Roles in Assignment Alerts A Project Role can be used to define that someone fills a specific role for the overall project. In the below image, Darrell Abbott has the Project Role of Superintendent on this project. Once someone has been added as a project role, their name, phone number, and email address are available as Dynamic Tokens to be used in assignment alert templates for the project. For a person's phone number and email address to be a Dynamic Token in the Assignment Alert Creation, they must have a phone number and email address entered in LaborChart. Dynamic Tokens will populate the configured project role information into the email messaging. Project Roles on the Project Page After a Project Role has been created, that role can then be listed as an optional column on the Projects Page. Below is an example showing that the Superintendent role has been added to the Project's Page as a column. How to Add a Project Role To add a project role to a project, first navigate to the project's details page. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the Project Roles section Click the New button Select your desired Job Title and Assignee from the drop-downs Click Save
Adding Categories to Projects
Categories Overview Categories are commonly used to break down your resources within a project, this helps with organization and management of your workforce while they are on a job. Examples of how companies have utilized categories: Phases Areas Roles/job titles Scope of work Floors How to Create Categories To create a category you will need to go to that specific Project's details page and scroll down until you see the section labeled as Categories. From here all you would need to do is click on New and then name your category. How to create Subcategories Subcategories can be created and nested under Categories within a Project area. This can further help with breaking down a Project and its resources. To create a Subcategory you must go to that Project's details page and select the Edit button. Click on the gear icon beside the specific Category you wish to create the Subcategory for. Below is an example of Subcategories used in a Project, where Phase 1 is the category, and North Lot is the subcategory. Note: Categories are expandable and collapsible. Your categories will need to be expanded when assigning people to them from the Resource Bench.
Project Details Page
Each project in LaborChart will have its own details page where all the project information is stored. The info section on the left-hand side of the details page holds general project information including address, project number, and project status. Your Permission level will dictate what information is displayed here. Underneath the info section you can view and make changes to Tag information and add project related attachments. You can also add categories and subcategories for each project. Categories and subcategories are a helpful way to organize project assignments on the Board and Gantt pages. You can customize assignment alert content, wage override, project roles and default assignment alert recipients from the details page of each project. Learn more about: Project Categories Project Roles At the bottom of the Info section, you will find the Project's QR Code. This is where you can download and print the Project's QR Code. The information displayed in the QR Code is configured within your Settings Page. If you would like to activate QR Codes in your account, please send your request to This is also where you will find the option to delete a Project. Note that deleting a project will wipe its history and data completely from the platform and it cannot be recovered. It is recommended that you change the project status from active to inactive, rather than deleting the project. This will remove the project from the Board page, but the project details and assignment history will remain in the platform. Deleting or Deactivating a Project On the right-hand side of the Project Details page is where you find the project's Workforce Graph. This graph displays all of the Assignments and Requests data across the project's entire duration. This includes different viewing options that can be aggregated by number of unique people, hours, and cost, as well as broken down and filtered by each Job Title. Learn more about the Workforce Graph Underneath the Workforce Graph is where project notes are displayed and created. To create a new note, just type the information into the text field and click Add. We also keep record of all activity that occurs on a project in LaborChart, making it simple to monitor all the changes that are made from other users in the system. The Project's Activity feed is located underneath the Notes section, and is broken up into categories based on the content of the action performed. Each activity line will display the action performed, who performed it, and the date and time it was performed. In the example activity line below, the action was an added Manpower Request, performed by Riley Winter on January 6, 2020, at 10:08 AM.
Sorting and Filtering on the Project Page
The Project Page is a list view of every project within the Group you are currently viewing. This article will show you how to make your Project Page more efficient by utilizing the sorting and filtering capabilities. Sorting Sorting on the Project page refers to the order in which the list is presented. By default, the Project page is sorted in alphabetical order based on the project names. Display your preferred project information by adding and removing items from the Columns Bar. Learn how to customize your columns bar HERE. In the column bar, each field that has the capability to sort includes a carrot icon next to the word. A carrot appearing in orange indicates that it is the one currently sorting the page. To sort your projects by a specific column, click the carrot icon. Once a carrot icon is in use, click it again to reverse the list order. A carrot pointing upward is sorting in standard order (A-Z, high-to-low, etc.), while a downward pointing carrot indicates the reversed order. The order in which each column is sorted is determined by the units of that column. Worded units are sorted in A-Z format, or reversed to Z-A Name, City, State, Project Roles, etc. Numerical units are sorted from high-to-low, or reversed to low-to-high Project Number, Postal, Start/End Date, Bid Rate, etc. Filtering While sorting is used to rearrange your list, Filtering is used to narrow down the list. To add a filter to the Project page: Click the funnel icon in the top-left corner of the page. Select your filter of choice, then click the blue checkmark to apply the filter. Bid Rate: show only the projects that are Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To, or Greater Than the entered value Est. End Date/Start Date: show projects with the respective date that is On, On or Before, or On or After the selected date Percent Complete: show projects that are Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To, or Greater Than the entered completion percentage Status: choose to see only the Active, Pending, or Inactive projects Tags: show only the projects that hold a desired tag Any Custom Fields set up for projects with Enable Use as Filter selected Filter to show projects that are not applicable to the selected filter by choosing Doesn't Match before applying the filter When using multiple tags as filters on the Project page, you can apply them using AND/OR logic. AND filters will show the projects that contain all of the currently filtered tags. OR filters will list every project that holds at least one of the tag filters in play. Follow This Article for a detailed explanation and instructions on AND/OR filtration.
Download the Projects Page
The Project Page allows you to download the list view as a printable report. Below are instructions on how to get started: The information that is currently displayed on the page is what will be displayed in the report. Customize the displayed information by adding or removing items from your Column Bar. Learn how to customize your Column Bar HERE. Arrange and sort the columns in the desired manner, then click the Down Arrow in the top-right corner of the page. Select the file type, orientation, and paper size in the drop-down. Click Export.