LaborChart Gantt Page
Overview of the Gantt Page
The Gantt Page shows a multi-day view of active assignments and requests across all projects and people within your company. The multi-day view can be displayed from 1 day up to 1 year, with several options in between. The date range is found in the top-right corner of the page, next to your currently selected date. To select your date range, click the black drop-down arrow and choose your desired range Each assignment is displayed using assignment color bars that extend based on the assignment duration. The assignments can be grouped by the project they are assigned to or shown within a single list of your people. To display your desired view, use the Project and People tabs in the top-left corner of the page. Learn more about the Project and People view, and how to customize them HERE. Aside from viewing the assignment duration, the assignment color bars can be used to view and edit assignment details. Learn how to edit assignments on the Gantt page HERE. Assignments and manpower requests can also be created from the Gantt Page. Create an assignment Create a request Fill a request
Filtering on the Gantt Page
Both the Project Gantt and the People Gantt view have the ability to be narrowed down using Filters. The list of applicable filters will change according to the currently selected view. Filtering Project Gantt Filters applied to the Project Gantt have the capability to filter out entire projects, but not individual assignments. To apply a filter: Click the funnel icon in the top-left corner of the page Select your desired filter, then apply it with the blue checkmark Bid Rate: enter a number to show projects Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To, or Greater Than the entered number Estimated End Date: filter by On or Before, On, or On or After a selected date Hide Empty Projects: remove all projects that do not hold any assignments scheduled within the currently viewed date range Only Show: choose to display only assignments or only requests Percent Complete: show projects that are Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To, or Greater Than the entered completion percentage Start Date: show projects with a start date On, or On or After the selected date Status: choose to see only the Active, Pending, or Inactive projects Tags: show only the projects that hold a desired tag Any Custom Fields set up for projects with Enable Use as Filter selected Filter to show projects that are not applicable to the selected filter by choosing Doesn't Match before applying the filter. Filtering People Gantt Filters applied on the People Gantt are based on the people details, not on project details. To apply a filter: Click the funnel icon in the top-left corner of the page Select your desired filter, then apply it with the blue checkmark Hide Empty People: remove everyone from the list who is not currently assigned to a project Job Titles: select the specific job titles you wish to see assignments for Only Show: choose between only showing people with assignments or people taking time off Projects: choose specific projects to show assignments for Tags: show only the people that hold a selected tag Any Custom Fields set up for people with Enable Use as Filter selected Filter to show people that are not applicable to the selected filter by choosing Doesn't Match before applying the filter. When using multiple tags as filters on the either Gantt page, you can apply them using AND/OR logic. AND filters will show the people or projects that contain all of the currently filtered tags. OR filters will list every resource that holds at least one of the tag filters in play. Follow This Article for a detailed explanation and instructions on AND/OR filtration.
Create a new assignment on the Gantt Page
Creating an Assignment Creating new assignments on the Gantt Page is very simple. The multi-day view (Gantt) makes it easy to see one or multiple assignments. You can create a new assignment on the Gantt Page by clicking on the New button in the top left-hand corner. The Create New Assignment modal will allow you to enter all the details needed to create this assignment. Once you have entered all assignment details, you will have the option to Save or Save and Alert. If you wish to notify the person of their new assignment details, click Save and Alert. This will cue up the Assignment Alert window allowing you to edit any of its content or add additional recipients before sending it out instantly or at a scheduled delivery time. Assignments can also be created for a specific project from the Gantt page by using the 3 dots. Click the 3 dots located on the right-end of the project's name bar Select New Assignment
Create a new Manpower Request from the Gantt Page
To create a new manpower request while on the Gantt Page, click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the project name line. Select New Request from the pop-up options. From this modal, you can create and save your new request. The Request Modal contains the following sections: Info Scope of Work Assignment Instruction Comments Info (Required) This is the Request configuration - where you can select the Project, Job Title, Working Days, Quantity of People Needed, Tags, Work Hours, and Assignment Request Duration. Scope of Work (Optional) Whatever is typed here will automatically get populated in the Assignment Alert that gets created upon fulfillment of the Request. Example: Installing overhead conduits ranging from 3/4" to 2" EMT. Bring tools for this activity. Assignment Instruction (Optional) Whatever is typed here will automatically get populated in the Assignment Alert that gets created upon fulfillment of the Request. Example: Park on east side of building and call Tom when you arrive onsite. His number is 913-123-5431. Comments (Optional) These are for in-app notes, comments, etc. Only Users with a permission to access Requests can view and/or create comments, and they will not show up in the Assignment Alert. Example: Jake Taylor is familiar with this facility and the requirements when working here. Send him if he's available. Once the required fields are populated, a blue Save link will appear in the top right-hand corner of the modal. Upon clicking Save the modal will close and the Requests entered will appear at the bottom of each project under the blue Request Bar, as shown below.
How to fill a request on the Gantt Page
On the Gantt Page, Manpower Requests are located at the bottom of each project area. The open requests section is highlighted in blue at the bottom of each applicable Project section. You can also find requests faster by applying the "Only Show Requests" filter. To fill a request, simply click anywhere on the color bar for the particular request. This action will bring up the Request details, along with the Fill Request drop-down. Once you have selected a resource from the drop down, this person's Assignment window will allow you to see if there would be any overlapping Assignments, should they be assigned to this Request. You can Save the assignment or Save and Alert to send the new assignment details to the assigned person. Once you're done, the assignment will populate in the Projects area of the Gantt Page.
Creating a New Assignment Using Percent Allocation
Percent Allocation is a useful tool used when assigning a single resource to multiple projects. Use this feature when the resource should spend a certain amount of time at each project, and the specific time of day does not matter. To create an assignment using Percent Allocation, click on New on the upper left hand corner of the Gantt page. Once you've clicked on the New button, you will see the Create New Assignment modal on your screen. Select the person and project for whom this assignment is created for, then specify the date range that they will be needed. The toggle labeled Allocation Type will allow you to select either Work Hours or Percent. Select the Percent option and fill in the amount for Percent Allocation. In the above example, I allocated 30% of Adam's time on a 3 week assignment to Denver Psychiatric Center. Click Save to save the assignment details or Save and Alert to send out a message with the project details. To review any assignment details, click on the assignment bar next to the name of a person on the Gantt Page.
Editing Assignments on the Gantt Page
To edit an assignment on the Gantt page, click on the project assignment bar beside the person whose assignment you wish to change. When it comes to editing assignments on the Gantt page, you will have two options: Editing an Occurrence Editing the Total Assignment Editing an Occurrence The 'Occurrence' refers to a specific duration of one assignment without any breaks. If someone is off on the weekends, the past five days they worked would be the occurrence. When editing an occurrence, the changes are only being made to that specific chunk of the assignment rather than the complete assignment range. Editing the Total Assignment When you need to make a change that will reflect over the entire assignment range, click on Edit Total Assignment from the pop-up box. Once you have entered the details of the assignment changes, hit Save or Save and Alert (if you wish to notify the person of their assignment changes).
Project View on the Gantt Page
While the Boards page is a single-day view, the Gantt page is a multi-day view of all assignments and manpower requests within the Group you are viewing. The Gantt page features two display options: Project and People. This article will provide an overview of the display and functions of the Project view. To view the Project Gantt, select the tab labeled Projects within the upper-left corner of the page. In this view, all assignments will be grouped underneath the specific project they are assigned to. Manpower requests will always be listed in the blue Requests bar at the bottom of the corresponding project. The Project Gantt features a configuration modal that allows you to customize how the projects and people are sorted, the appearance of the assignment bars, as well as what units the Totals Cells are displayed in. You can also apply any desired filters to the project list, using the funnel icon in the top-left corner. To configure your Project Gantt, follow the instructions below: Click the Configure button located at the upper-middle section of the page. Select your configuration preferences within the Configuration Modal. Click the blue Apply button to save your changes and update the page. You can quickly create new assignments and requests, as well as navigate to the project details page by using the 3 dots located to the right of each projects' name:
How to get to Project Details from the Gantt Page
From the Gantt page, you can quickly view a project's details page without having to first navigate to the Projects Page. This article will provide instructions on how to do so. Project Gantt Find your desired project within the Project View on the Gantt Page Click on the project name to populate a preview of the project details Click the blue hyperlink of the project name to navigate to the project details page Another path to the Project Details page is the three dots on the right end of the project's name bar. Click the three dots Select Project Details People Gantt To navigate to a project's details page from the People Gantt: Find the desired project within a resource's assignment list Click the Project Name and you will be redirected to the project's details page From the Project Details page, quickly navigate back to the Gantt page by clicking the back arrow in the top-left corner of the screen.
How to hide projects and people with no assignments on the Gantt Page
Hiding projects with no assignments is as simple as applying a filter. On the Gantt page, click the funnel icon located in the top-left corner. Select Hide Empty Projects, then select True. Apply the filter by clicking the blue checkmark. The process is the same for hiding people without assignments. First, select the People tab to view your resources. Click the funnel icon, select Hide Empty People, then True. Click the blue checkmark to apply the filter.