LaborChart Requests and Assignments
Why are Inactive people showing on Boards with assignments?
LaborChart does NOT automatically end assignments if a person's status is changed to Inactive. Assignments must be ended or deleted prior to changing a person's status from Active to Inactive. How to end assignments for Inactive people You can use Batch to quickly end these assignments. To do this: Go to the Boards Page and click Batch (towards the top-left of the page). Click on the orange Configure button, then select that person's actual end date and click Set. Select each Resource Card you wish to change by clicking on the card All selected cards will be highlighted in blue Click Apply Changes in the top-right corner of the page to simultaneously change the end dates of each selected resource The assignment end dates will be updated, and the Batch tool will be automatically deactivated.
Can I assign a Resource to two Projects?
Yes, a resource can be assigned to multiple active projects, while still keeping the costing accurate. This can be done in two different ways which are both mapped out in this article. Adjust the Assignment Hours The first method is to adjust the assignment hours. This method should be used when a resource needs to be at each project at a specific time of day. Create the first assignment, just as you normally would. Within the assignment details modal, change the start and end times of the Work Hours to reflect the needed hours at the project. Select Save or Save & Alert. In the example below, Elizabeth will spend the first 4 hours of the day at the Children's Mercy project. Next, create the second assignment, and adjust the hours accordingly. Select Save or Save & Alert. Elizabeth will spend the second half of the day at the Denver Psychiatric Center. Use Percent Allocation The second method is to utilize Percent Allocation rather than Work Hours. This method is used when the time of day spent at each project does not need to be noted in the assignment details. To use this method: Create the first assignment as you normally would. Within the assignment details modal, select Allocation Type: Percent. Enter the percentage of time the resource should spend at the project. e.g., if Elizabeth should spend half of her day here, enter 50 Then, create the second assignment and enter the remaining percentage. Note: the platform will not throw an error if the percentages entered do not equal 100%.
Why can't I see any Saturday Assignments?
If you've created an assignment scheduled for the weekend, but you cannot see the assignment on the Boards or Gantt page, then you may have missed a step in creating the assignment. It is important to remember what days have been selected as Working Days. When scheduling weekend assignments, you must manually select those days as Working Days for the assignment to populate across the platform. To create a weekend assignment: Begin by creating the assignment as you normally would In the Assignment Details Modal, select the appropriate Working Days Enter the rest of the details, then select Save or Save & Alert
Create a request from the Requests Page
To create a manpower request from the Requests page, click the New button in the top-left corner of the page. From the request details modal, enter the details of your manpower request, then click Save. You do not have to enter a job title for a manpower request. Leave this section plank to create a generic request. Scope of Work (optional): Whatever is typed here will populate into the assignment alert that is created upon fulfillment of the request. Assignment Instructions (optional): This information will be populated into the assignment alert. Comments (optional): This information will not be included in alerts. Only users given the permission to view comments will be able to see them.
Fill a request from the Requests Page
Requests can be filled directly from the Requests page. Below are instructions on how to do so: Locate the desired request within the Requests page. Click the profile icon on the left-hand side of the request line. Select a resource from the drop-down. From the assignment details modal, you can edit days and hours and review the selected resource's mini Gantt. The current request will appear as a gray assignment bar with diagonal lines. Select Save to fill the request and create the assignment or Save & Alert to notify the assignee.
Creating Request and Viewing Assignments
This article will give you guidance on how to submit manpower requests and view assignment information in LaborChart. BOARDS PAGE (Single Day View) The Boards Page is a single day view of projects and assignments. Click here for a general overview of the Boards page. From this page you can complete the following tasks: Create a Manpower Request Viewing manpower requests View Assignment Details GANTT PAGE (Multi-Day View) The Gantt Page is a multi-day view of projects and assignments. Click here for a general overview of the Gantt Page. From the Gantt page, you can complete the following tasks: Create a Manpower Request See Assignments in the People View See Assignments in the Project View REQUESTS PAGE The Requests Page shows an overview of all open requests that have been submitted. Create a Manpower Request Sort and Filter Requests View and Edit an existing request
Fill Requests and Make Assignments
This article will give you guidance on how to submit manpower requests and view assignment information in LaborChart. BOARDS PAGE (Single Day View) The Boards Page is a single day view of projects and assignments. Click here for a general overview of the Boards page. From this page you can complete the following tasks: Fill manpower requests Make new assignments Make new assignments in bulk Make changes to assignments View Assignment Details GANTT PAGE (Multi-Day View) The Gantt Page is a multi-day view of projects and assignments. Click here for a general overview of the Gantt Page. From the Gantt page, you can complete the following tasks: Fill manpower requests Create new assignments Edit existing assignments See Assignments in the People View See Assignments in the Project View REQUESTS PAGE The Requests Page shows an overview of all open requests that have been submitted. Create a Manpower Request Sort and Filter Requests View and Edit an existing request ALERTS PAGE From the Assignment Alerts page, you can review any assignment alerts that have been sent, scheduled or draft alerts. You can view responses from the alerts page. Click here for more detailed overview of the Alerts Page,.
Resource Bench Overview
The Resource Bench is the Boards Page hub of every assignable resource within the currently selected Group. It is located on the left-hand side of the Boards Page and contains all of your resources grouped by 3 tabs: Available: resources not currently assigned to a project Assigned: resources that are actively assigned to a project Off: resources currently taking time off Note that the Boards page is a single-day view, and the Resource Bench will be accurate to the date selected in the top-right corner of the page. Use the list of resources to create assignments and fill requests, or use the Filters to find specific job titles and tags. Learn how to filter the Resource Bench HERE. The Resource Bench also contains the Rapid Assign tool, used to quickly create multiple assignments at once. Learn how to use the Rapid Assign tool HERE.
How to make an individual assignment from the Boards Page
There are two different methods that can be used to create an individual assignment on the Boards Page. Below are instructions on how to use each one: Drag and Drop Go to the Boards page and find your desired resource in the Resource Bench (located on the left-hand side of the page). Click+hold on the resource card, drag it into the desired assignment field/project, and release. When the resource card is placed, the assignment details modal will automatically populate. Enter all of your desired assignment details, such as the assignment duration, working days, start and end times, etc. Choose to either Save, or Save & Alert the assignee Choosing Save creates the assignment and shows you the Gantt view of the assignment details. If the details are correct, click Close. Hover your cursor over the assignment bar to populate the assignment details at the bottom of the modal. Choosing Save & Alert automatically takes you to the Assignment Alert modal. This is where you will edit the recipients and content of the alert. You can choose to send the alert now, schedule it for a future time, or save it as a draft. Gantt icon Go to the Boards page and choose a resource from the Resource Bench (located on the left-hand side of the page) Hover over your chosen resource card and the Gantt icon will appear on the right side of the resource card Click on the Gantt icon to bring up the desired resource’s Gantt view. To create an individual assignment, click the New button in the top-right corner. If the resource is already assigned to another project, an assignment color bar will be shown here. Select a project from the drop down menu Enter your desired assignment details Choose to either Save or Save & Alert Note: The resource assignment card will only be visible in the project field when your currently viewed date falls within the assignment's date range.
How to end an assignment from the Boards page
There are a few ways that you can end an assignment from the Boards Page. If you are ending assignments individually, you can do so by clicking the Mini Gantt icon on the right side of the assignment card. You will see a Gantt modal with the project assignment bar. Click on the assignment bar and select the Edit Total Assignment button. From here you can select the new assignment end date and save your assignment changes. You can also quickly end an assignment by dragging the assignment card from the project area back to the Resource Bench. You will see a modal prompting you to enter the assignment end date. Once you have entered the date and hit Save, your resource will show up again under the Available category on the Resource Bench. If you need to end an assignment for multiple people, you can use the Batch tool. Click on the Batch button in the top left-hand corner of the Boards page. Click on the Configure button and select the new end date from the configuration modal. Click on the Set link to apply these settings. From here you can click on the assignment cards for everyone that you need to change the assignment end date for. Once you have selected all of the assignment cards, click on the Apply Changes button. Learn more about the Batch tool HERE.