Content Owner and Contributor Training Guides
Create New Content Page
STEP 1: Go to your Department main page. On the left top side above hero banner image, click + New, and then click Page. DO NOT go to the Gear icon (Settings) to create a new page. STEP 2: Pop-up displays the list of templates available. Select one of the 10-11 templates under the Saved On This Site tab (Bottom Document Library, Content and Documents Type 2, etc.) DO NOT select any of the templates under the From Microsoft tab (Blank, Visual, or Basic Text). The templates you can choose from are located on the second tab to the right of the Microsoft Standard templates. STEP 3: After you have selected your template by clicking on it, click Create Page button at the bottom right corner. STEP 4: At the top of the page where it says Add a Title, enter the page title. This page title will be used for two things: 1) a headline in News area and news digest; 2) to create the URL. Please put spaces between words and capitalize every word (no all caps). Filling in the "Name or Email Address" field is optional if you want a byline. It will look like this: STEP 5: Add content to the rest of the page and then click on Page Details in the top left to open the Page Details panel on the right. In Page Details, enter information in the required metadata fields. STEP 6: Click Save As Draft until your edits are complete. Once you are done, click Submit for Approval button in top right corner. STEP 7: New page is created. The page will be displayed under your name in Site Pages. Once you have created a new page, you cannot change it to another template. If you decide you need to use a different template, you must create a new page. Please delete any previous draft pages.
SwinNet News: How to Create a News Link
SwinNet News: How to Create a News Link A News Link is good for pointing to an existing article on SwinNet or on an external website. Please note that News Link articles cannot appear in the weekly news digest due to technical limitations. STEP 1: Upload a 450 x 226 image into the Image Library. For further instructions, see Part 1 of the Image Web Part guide. This is optional. If you are linking to an existing news article on SwinNet, the 450 x 226 image will copy over from the article to the news link. You may want to upload a different image if you are linking to an external site, the SwinNet news article you are linking to used a vertical image, or you simply would rather display a different image. STEP 2: Go to the News area on your page and click on Add under the subhead. STEP 3: Click on News Link. STEP 4: A right panel will open. Enter a URL for a page on SwinNet or an external site. STEP 5: Select or change the image (optional if one is already provided) by clicking on the Change button. If an image is already available in the news article you are linking to, it will be displayed as a preview image. STEP 6 (if you need to add or replace an image): Select the image you uploaded to the Image Library. Click the circle in the upper right corner to select and then click the Open button. It will replace the preview image with your new image. STEP 7: Enter Title and Description (optional). The News Link will bring over the Title and some Description text from the news article you are linking to. You can either change it or leave it as is; just make sure it follows the writing style guide. STEP 8: Click the Review and Submit for Approval button. STEP 9: Click on Try Link to make sure the News Link is pointing to the content you intended. Also, review the Image, Title, and Description. STEP 10: While still in Edit mode, click on Page Details to open the right panel and fill in the metadata. In the Dept/Region/Market field, target where you want your news article to go. You can either click on the Tags icon to select or enter a word. Be sure to save your changes by clicking in the box. Select your department, region, market, division, or BRG to display on your page. (You can find divisions and BRGs in the Division field.) Make multiple selections if you would like to post to another department, SwinNet Home, or global (all news areas). Requests to post in another location must be approved first before your article can be displayed there. STEP 11: When you are done filling in the metadata, click the blue Submit for Approval button in the upper right corner to start the approval workflow.
Approval Workflow: News and Pages
Approval Workflow: News and Pages This guide outlines the roles of the Contributor, Content Owner, and Quality Reviewer for News and Pages. PART 1: Contributor submits page or news item for approval. STEP 1: Contributor completes page or news article, then submits for approval by clicking on Submit For Approval blue button. STEP 2: Right side panel displays. Contributor adds message and clicks the Submit button. STEP 3: Page or news article is in Submitted status. STEP 4: Approval/Rejection email is generated to Content Owner. PART 2: Content Owner approves, rejects, or takes no action. News Note: A Content Owner from Marketing will review all news. The assigned Content Owner(s) from your group will not be receiving news to review as part of that particular approval process. The Content Owner may take one of the following steps: Option 1, Content Owner Approves: STEP 1: Content Owner reviews and approves via Power Automate email. Content Owner clicks Approve button, enters comments, and hits Submit. Contributor receives Approved Email Notification. STEP 1 (Power Automate Alternative): Content Owner approves via Power Automate dashboard. Content Owner clicks on 9 dots in upper left corner and selects Power Automate. Content Owner selects Approvals in the Power Automate menu. Content Owner approves in the Power Automate dashboard by clicking on check mark. Right panel opens where Content Owner adds comments and clicks Confirm. Contributor receives Approved Email Notification. Option 2, Content Owner Rejects: STEP 2: Content Owner reviews and rejects via Power Automate email. Content Owner clicks Reject button, enters comments, and hits Submit. Contributor receives Rejected Email notification. STEP 2 (Power Automate Alternative): Content Owner rejects in the Power Automate dashboard by clicking on X. Right panel opens where Content Owner adds comments and clicks Confirm. Contributor receives Rejected Email Notification. Option 3, Content Owner Takes No Action: STEP 3: Content Owner takes no action and receives reminder email at 3 days. STEP 4: Content Owner takes no action and receives email that content has been auto-approved after 7 days. Contributor is also notified. Quality Reviewer receives notification to review next. The page or news will not be visible to all employees until the Quality Reviewer approves. PART 3: Quality Reviewer approves, rejects or takes no action. The Quality Reviewer may take one of the following steps: Option 1, Quality Reviewer Approves: STEP 1: Quality Reviewer reviews and approves via Power Automate email. Quality Reviewer clicks Approve button, enters comments, and hits Submit. Contributor and Content Owner receive Approved and Published Email Notification. STEP 1 (Power Automate Alternative): Quality Reviewer can also approve in the Power Automate dashboard. Contributor and Content Owner receive Approved and Published Email Notification. Option 2, Quality Reviewer Rejects: STEP 2: Quality Reviewer reviews and rejects via Power Automate email. Quality Reviewer clicks Reject button, enters comments, and hits Submit. Contributor and Content Owner receive Rejected Email Notification. STEP 2 (Power Automate Alternative): Quality Reviewer can also reject in the Power Automate dashboard. Contributor and Content Owner receive Rejected Email Notification. Option 3, Quality Reviewer Takes No Action: STEP 3: Quality Reviewer takes no action and receives reminder email at 3 days. STEP 4: Quality Reviewer takes no action and receives email reminder at 7 days. No further reminders will be generated, and there will be no auto-approval.
SwinNet News (Reorder, Remove, or Archive News)
SwinNet News: How to Reorder, Remove, or Archive News PART 1: How to Reorder News STEP 1: Click Edit (pencil icon) next to the Submit for Approval button. STEP 2: Click on the News web part and then click on the pencil icon to open the right panel. STEP 3: In the right panel, go to the bottom and find the Organize section. Click on Select News to Organize. You can change the order of news, but please do not change the format. It should always be the Top Story format. STEP 4: Drag one of your news articles from the left to the top slot on the right. STEP 5: This article will be in primary position on the display page. STEP 6: To unlock an article in a certain position, click the X. STEP 7: Change the order of the news by continuing to drag items to the right and moving them up or down. STEP 8: When you are done reordering, click the X in the upper right corner. STEP 9: You can continue reordering in the right panel under Organize once the “automatic” ordering has stopped (i.e. after one item is placed in a custom position). STEP 10: To publish the page with your new order, click the Submit for Approval button. That will start the approval workflow. You don't have to republish the articles to change the order. Just republish the page with the News web part. PART 2: How to Remove or Archive News You can either let the news stay up until it is removed by its Expiry Date OR manually remove it from your page and send it to News Archive (News Hub) until its Expiry Date. STEP 1: If you want to take the news article out of your News display, but still make it available in the News Archive, go to the article. Click on Edit (pencil icon), and then Page Details. STEP 2: A right panel will open up after you click on Page Details. Go to the Dept/Region/Market field. Using the tag icon or typing in the word, select News Archive. Remove any other tags in this field. Be sure to save your selection by clicking in the field. STEP 3: Submit the page to the approval workflow by clicking on the Submit for Approval button. STEP 4: Once approved, the article will not display on your page and will only display on the News Archive in the News Hub. The new article will remain in the News Archive until its Expiry Date. The longest a news article can remain in the News Archive is one year. PART 3: How to Delete News There are a few ways that you can delete your news article. STEP 1: On your department/division page, click on the gear and select Site Contents. STEP 2: Open the Site Pages folder. Locate and select the news article. Check the circle next to the file name. Then click on Delete in the tool bar above. OR you can click on the three dots to the right of the file name and select Delete. STEP 3: Click Delete in the confirmation window. OR you can click on the Page Details gear, and scroll to the last option under "More Details" on the right-hand side of your screen, to delete a news post. You will have to confirm, and then it will automatically move to the recycle bin.
Flexi Area (Add, Edit, or Delete a Web Part)
Flexi Area (Add, Edit, or Delete a Web Part) The Flexi Area in a Department, Region, and Market page is optional. If you do not want a Flexi Area at this time, please submit a Swinerton Support ticket to remove this section from your Department, Region, or Market page. PART 1: Add a New Web Part in Flexi Area STEP 1: Click on Edit on right hand side of the Department page. STEP 2: Click on the + icon to add web part. STEP 3: Add a new web part from the list and select Text. You may select other web parts for this area. STEP 4: Add text in the web part following the style guide for sub-heads and normal text. Subheads within the Flexi Area should be Heading 3. STEP 5: Click Submit for Approval button on right hand side. STEP 6: Once approved, the new web part will be displayed like below. PART 2: Edit a Web Part in Flexi Area STEP 1: Click Edit button on right hand side. STEP 2: Click on the Text web part you want to modify and make changes. STEP 3: Click Submit for Approval button on right hand side. STEP 4: Once approved, the modified content will be displayed in the web part. PART 3: Delete a Web Part in Flexi Area STEP 1: Click on Edit on right hand side. STEP 2: Select the web part that you want to delete and click on Delete Web Part. STEP 3: The Flexi Area will have an empty space (as shown below) once the web part is deleted. STEP 4: Click Submit for Approval button on right hand side.
Text Web Part (Headings, Normal Text, and Links)
Text Web Part (Headings, Normal Text, and Links) PART 1: Create a New Heading STEP 1: When you create a new page, the Header area will look like this: STEP 2: At the top of the page where it says Add a Name, enter the Page Title. This page title will be used for two things: 1) headline in News area and news digest; 2) the URL. Please capitalize every word in the title and put spaces between words—DO NOT use all caps. Filling in the "Name or Email Address" field is optional. Please note that every word in the title should be capitalized. It will look like this. You do not need to enter the page title a 2nd time. STEP 3: Save your changes and go on entering the body copy (see Part 3). PART 2: Edit an Existing Heading (for older pages) STEP 1: Click the Edit button on right hand side. STEP 2: Click on Text Web Part to see tool bar. STEP 3: Carefully back over the Page Title to edit the title text. If you accidentally lose the style and the size changes, use the heading pull-down to re-select the Heading 2. If you do not see bold type for Heading 1 or Heading 2 while editing, do not worry. Once you save the page as a draft, you will see that bold has been applied. STEP 4: You can also check the font settings by clicking on the Three Dots in the toolbar (above) and opening the side Right Panel. STEP 5: Save your changes and go on entering the body copy (see Part 3). PART 3: Edit Normal Text STEP 1: If you are copying text from another source, copy it first into Notepad and/or Word before pasting it into SwinNet. The text may have odd characters or other text artifacts that will impact formatting. Notepad strips it down to simple text. STEP 2: Click the Edit button on right hand side. STEP 3: Click on text web part to see tool bar. STEP 4: Paste in your body copy. This is the text that goes under headings. The text should be set to Normal Text. If not, select it in the pull-down menu. STEP 5: Edit the body copy within the text web part window and remove placeholder text. Misspelled words are highlighted in red so you can correct them. PART 4: Link Text STEP 1: Within the body copy of the content page, select the words that you want to link. Then click on the Link Icon. Note: To hyperlink an email address, include "mailto:" before typing in the individual's email address. Example: "" STEP 2: The Link Pop-up window opens. Enter the Address (URL). Check the Open Link in a New Tab box if the link is going outside of SwinNet or to a document. Click the Save button. STEP 3: Click Save as Draft. The link is created. STEP 4: If you are still making changes on the page, click Save as Draft. If you are ready to submit for approval, click the Submit for Approval button.
Using the Image Gallery Web Part to Add Images
Using the Image Gallery Web Part to Add Images PART 1: Upload Images STEP 1: You will need to upload some 996 x 560 images into the Image Library first. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner. STEP 2: Click on Site Contents in the drop-down menu. STEP 3: Click on the Image Library. STEP 4: Go to New > Folder and create a folder called Photo Gallery. STEP 5: In the Photo Gallery folder, click the Upload button to upload your images. PART 2: Add or Delete Images in the Image Gallery Web Part STEP 1: Go back to your page. Get into Edit mode by clicking on the Edit icon next to the Submit for Approval button on the top right. STEP 2: Click on the Image Gallery web part to open it, then click on Add. STEP 3: Select photo by checking the circle in the top right corner. Then click the Open button. You can select more than one image to load the gallery all at once. There is not a maximum number of images (that we know of), but 3-6 images is good. STEP 4: The image now appears in the Image Gallery web part. STEP 5: To add a caption, click on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of the image. To delete an image, click on the X in the bottom right corner. STEP 6: When you are done, click on Save as Draft in the top left of the page. STEP 7: After your draft is saved, you will need to click on Submit for Approval to publish the changes to your page.