General Power BI use
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Labor - Labor Productivity Quick View
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General Navigation
General Navigation STEP 1: Click Apps on the treeview STEP 2: Click the App you downloaded STEP 3: Click the down arrow for the report you want to review (In all Caps) STEP 4: Choose the specific topic STEP 5: Select your filters Note: Each report may have different filter choices depending on the data Navigation buttons Up Arrow: Drill Up Double Down Arrow: Drills all the way down to the final bit of detail for each graph Connected Double Down Arrow: Drills all graphs down one level Single Arrow Down: Drills down just one level Focus Mode: Expands the box to full screen More Options (Ellipsis) : Allows you to move graphs for different views / Export Data to Excel / Show the data behind the graph Setting Bookmarks STEP 1: Click down arrow next to Bookmarks STEP 2: Enter the name/number of your bookmark STEP 3: Click Save Filters The reports are defaulted with specific filters, but you are welcome to change any of them Filter Trick for Weekly Labor: If you only want to look at a specific amount of weeks/months, change the filter for the Weekend Date2 to "Relative Date Filtering" and set it to just what you want to see. Once you find a filter you like, set a bookmark or move the "Keep all filters" to ON
Setting up Power BI on your iPad
Setting Up Power BI on Your iPad Note: The apps have to be set up on your laptop FIRST!!!! Project View App: Power BI visuals targeting Project Teams (PM's, Supers, PE's) Field View App: Power BI visuals targeting Self Perform Teams in the field (Foremen) Division View App: Power BI visuals targeting Division & Department Managers overseeing multiple projects Please Note: This How To is assuming you have never logged into Power BI so you may be able to skip the first few instructions Getting the App on your iPad STEP 1: Go to the App Store STEP 2: Click GET and let it download STEP 3: Click Open STEP 4: Go ahead and skip for now, we have plenty of training for you. STEP 5: Click Start Exploring STEP 6: Click Orange Power BI button STEP 7: Enter your email address STEP 8: Click Sign In STEP 9: Enter your password (same password you use to log into any Swinerton device) STEP 10: Click Sign In STEP 11: Click Start Exploring p>Note: You can decide if you want to get notifications. I might suggest you start by clicking Not Now. You can always go back and turn them on once you become more comfortable. STEP 12: You should now have the apps that you put on your laptop when you click Reports
Power BI - Tips and Tricks
Power BI - iPad Tips and Tricks Mark Up and Email Note: This works great if you need to show someone else what you are seeing on your screen or ask questions with a screenshot STEP 1: Click Mark Up Pen in the upper right hand corner Note: By clicking the pen the iPad will take a picture of your screen STEP 2: Make notes on this picture with your finger or iPad pen STEP 3: Click the Share Icon STEP 4: Click Email STEP 5: Enter the email of the person you want to send it to STEP 6: Click Send
Power BI - Filters
What Are Filters You can use filters to remove all but the data you want to focus on. When a filter is applied, that data will not be included in the report. Use the "Filters" Pane on the right of your report. If it is not displayed, you may need to click to expand it out. An expanded Filters pane will look like this: Filters apply to Report: applied to all pages & visuals in the report Page: applies to all the visuals on the current report page Visual: applies to a single visual on a report page. You only see visual level filters if you've selected a visual on the report canvas. The Filters pane contains filters that the report designer added to the report. Consumers like you can interact with the existing filters and save your changes, but you can't add new filters to the report. In the example below, you can see the report has 1 Report filter 6 Page filters 6 Visual filters (for the selected scatter plot) s View only those filters applied to a visual To get a closer look at the filters applied to a specific visual, hover over the visual to reveal the filter icon Screenshot of the Filter icon.. Select that filter icon to see a pop-up with all the filters, slicers, and so on, affecting that visual. The filters on the pop-up are the same filters displayed on the Filters pane. Search a Filter Sometimes a filter can have a long list of values. Use the search box to find and select the value you want. Tip: To select more than one filter value at a time, hold down the CTRL key. Most filters support multi-select. Remembering / Resetting Filters The first time you load a report in Power BI, you will see a report with the default filters applied. This is whatever the report designer set them to. When you exit the report, your filters are saved so the next time you load the report it will have the same filters from last time. To undo your filtering and return to the default filtering, slicing, drill, and sorting set by the report author, select Reset to default from the top menubar. If there are changes you'd like to save, you can also create a personal bookmark. For more information, see What are bookmarks?. More Information Microsoft maintains the references below if you would like more details: Using the Filters pane: (5 minutes to read) Filters in Detail : (4 minutes to read) Bookmarks: (7 minutes to read)
Power BI App: iPad Navigation
DRAFT - DO NOT PUBLISH Currently being edited by Tito Perez This article shows how to navigate Power BI apps on an iPad. The iPad navigation experience is different from the web-browser navigation experience: For background, the hierarchy of app navigation is: App > Section > Report > Page Procedure In summary the steps for navigation are: Open App Open Section Open Report Open Page Details about each of these is listed below Step: Click the Drop-Down for the app in the top of the screen. This will be the name of the app, in this example "Division View" In the drop-down menu that appears, click on the bullet-point list icon: This will show the next level of navigation within the app. You will see links to either: Reports Sections: with groups of reports If you click on a SECTION, you will now see a list of REPORTS you can open:
How To: Load Excel or CSV Files into Power BI
By Tito Perez & Swati VishwanathanUse Case Use this technique when: If you wish to set up scheduled refresh in Power BI service, you must use sharepoint link to the file instead of a path to a machine drive. If you want to transfer the dataset refresh or update to another person on the team, they cannot refresh the dataset if there is a connection back to your local machine. Pre-Requisites Access to excel or csv file Permissions to publish to PBIX workspace (if your intent is to publish the report ) Procedure Get the link to the file There are different type of links you can use Excel (stored in OneDrive/SharePoint) OneDrive SharePoint OneDrive Link Right click on file in the file explorer. Navigate to OneDrive> Copy Link Copy over this link to a notepad or any text editor. Remove the following part from the string: ‘?web=1’. Your path should now simply end with the format of your file, eg. Csv, xlsx. SharePoint Link Open file. Navigate to: File > Info > Copy Path: Copy over this link to a notepad or any text editor. Remove the following part from the string: ‘?web=1’. Your path should now simply end with the format of your file, eg. Csv, xlsx. Add in Power BI Desktop Get Data> Web> Paste link to file. You will be prompted to authenticate. Select Microsoft / Organizational (depending upon which prompt you see) and follow prompts for authentication. Click Connect. Confirm that you are connecting to the sharepoint link for the file. At times it defaults to the top level sharepoint folder. Once you are connected, you are ready to build your report. Confirm you are able to refresh the PBIX file locally. To refresh this dataset in the service, navigate to dataset settings. The sharepoint links can be refreshed using 0Auth2 credentials. Options TODO: Format Excel as Tables