General Navigation
Navigation - CMiC Enterprise
Basic Navigation - CMiC Enterprise The purpose of this guide is for navigation in the Enterprise environment only and does not contain training for specific functions within CMiC. Training guides are available on SwinNet. CMiC has two environments, JSP and Enterprise (Forms). Project Teams will access the Project Management module through JSP Finance and Accounting will access the system in Enterprise, also known as Forms. Both environments share the same data. Changes made in one environment will be reflected in the other. Access to CMiC From SwinNet, hover over the CMiC tab, then click ‘CMiC Enterprise’. Enter User Name and Password Click OK Accessing Applications Accessing Applications by Treeview STEP 1: Click + in the box next to the module to expand folders – Sub-folders and Menu Items will be visible. STEP 2: Click on Application. Application will open on right side of screen. STEP 3: Click - to collapse folders. Accessing Applications from Menus - NOTE: Logs can only be accessed from the Main Menus STEP 1: Double click on module name in Treeview. STEP 2: Subfolders now appear at the top of the right side of the screen. STEP 3: Click on desired Menu item. STEP 4: Select the menu option from the pull-down menu. Set User Defaults Transactions, queries, reports, etc. are company specific. In most screens, the ‘Company’ field will default based on user default. Default Company can be changed at time of entry. User ‘Company’ defaults are set based on the user’s Home Company. Department default is 00. Default Company can be changed in each module if desired. NOTE: depending on your role, companies may be secured and not available for selection NOTE: Changing User Default only changes the default for that specific module. To change Default Company and/or Department: STEP 1: Click + next to module – Example: Accounts Payable STEP 2: Click + Setup STEP 3: Click Set User Defaults STEP 4: Enter desired information into fields or double click in field to select from List of Values STEP 5: Click Save Software Screens A screen can be made up of different sections. Each section has a title and a blue line denoting each separate section. Page Up and Page Down to navigate between sections on a screen. Screens can also contain multiple tabs. Each tab has a title. Click on the tab to move between pages. All mandatory fields must be completed on a tab before moving to another tab. Data Fields can be Entry fields or Display fields. Entry fields are shown in White and Display fields are shown in Yellow. Display fields cannot be modified. Mandatory fields are not noted on the screen. Tab or enter to move from field to field on the screen. You will not be able to tab through a mandatory field without entering the data. To move back to a prior field, Shift Tab. There are different types of Entry fields. Standard Entry Fields Drop Down Lists – Allows user to search or select from list. Drop down lists are indicated by an Arrow at the end of the field. Check Boxes – Used for Yes/No answers. Click with your mouse or spacebar to check or un-check boxes. Toolbar Icons and Function Keys Each screen contains a toolbar of Icons across the top of the screen. These icons are short cuts to perform specific tasks within the screen. Some functions can also be performed by using the Function keys on your keyboard. The following screens show each Icon and its functionality. The corresponding Function key is also shown. Query Data To display data in the system, you must query by pressing F11 or by using the Enter Query Icon on the Toolbar. Multiple fields will turn blue. You can query on any blue field by entering the desired information for the search or by click F9 is a list of values is associated with the field. Type in a specific name to look for "_" - (Underscore) represents a single "wild card" character "%" - (Percent Sign) represents a combination of character "wild card" before, after or within the % sign. "="- (Equal Sign) Equal to "!=" - (Exclamation Point & Equal Sign) Not equal to "<>" - Not equal to ">" - Greater than ">=" - Greater than or equal to " values Press F12 or the Execute Query Icon on the Toolbar to retrieve the information. Sort: To Sort information by column in either ascending or descending order, click on the column title. Click again to reverse the order. List of Values Many fields on a screen will have a List of Values attached. Accessing a List of Values can be done three different ways: Double click the mouse in the field Press F9 Use the List of Values Icon on the Toolbar
Creating a Batch in Enterprise
Overview: How To Create a Batch in Enterprise Accounting data is processed in batches in CMiC. Batches can be prepared or created from two locations. 1) From the menu on the treeview by Prepare Batch prior to entering data. 2) Or “on the fly” from the application by Create Batch. The process of creating a batch is the same for both methods. This document will provide the steps for creating a batch as shown in Step 2 above. The Transactions Entry screen is being used but the Create Batch process is the same of all modules and applications within Enterprise that require batch entry. NOTE: In some applications, the Create Batch button is not seen until you click or tab into the Batch field. STEP 1: Select the menu item where you will be entering data. STEP 2: Click Create Batch. In this particular screen, you must click or tab to Batch field for the Create Batch button to be shown. STEP 3: Enter batch information on the first available line where the Batch Name is empty and your User name is shown. In the example above, no open batches exist so you would use the first line. If other open batches were listed, you would need to scroll down to the first available line or click the insert button shown above to insert a line. a. Batch Date – System date will default. This is not the posting date. b. Batch Name – Name should be user’s initials, date, and brief description. · Ex. EC 01/10/2014 Transfer Cost. (Do not exceed 30 characters). STEP 4: Click Select.
Accessing Projects from Enterprise
How to Access FIELD (formerly Project Management) from Enterprise Click CMiC FIELD to open the Field (Project Management) module. NOTE: clicking CMiC FIELD will open the module in the same screen so make sure to Save whatever you are doing in Enterprise before clicking it. Best practice is to open a new tab for each module you are working in.
"Could not reserve record (2 tries). Keep trying?" error message
"Could not reserve record (2 tries). Keep trying?" error message Problem: When working in forms (Enterprise Classic or Enterprise Classic without treeview) I am receiving receiving an error that says "Could not reserve record (2 tries). Keep trying? This error, there are two screens open for the same module. In each screen session the same information is being edited and the system doesn’t know which screen to register. To fix, continue to click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the error message until it goes away. When the message goes away and you can start closing duplicate sessions. In the screen shot below, the screen you are actively working in has the "dot" to the left of the name. The item outlined in red is the duplicate. On your screen verify the screen you are working in and select the duplicate window and close it. The error message should go away and you will be able to continue working.
Opening Multiple Screens in Enterprise at the Same Time
Opening Multiple Screens in Enterprise at the Same Time - When users have multiple screens (or logins) open at one time, there is a drag on the system that can lock it up and affect hundreds of users. The good news is that there is a way to have multiple screens in the same CMiC session open without it affecting the system. When logging into CMiC, it is best to do so from the CMiC Launch Page (link below). Log in here: Once logged in, click on Enterprise Console/Prod/RUN Software. If you return back to the launch page to log in again, you can have two sessions open without affecting others.