Accounts Payable Reports
Accounts Payable Reports The attached document contains the following: Table of Contents AP Reports........................................................................................ 2 APR-01 Print Edit List - Unposted AP Transactions...........................2 APR-02 Print Edit Listing - Request for Payment ............................14 APR-03 A/P Aged Report - Unpaid Invoices.....................................25 APR-04 Subcontract Summary Report ............................................49 APR-05 Subcontract Detail Report ..................................................60 APR-06 Subcontract Compliance Report ........................................77 APR-07 Customer Ledger Inquiry (Verify Owner Payment).............90 APR-08 Vendor List - by Vendor Number ......................................100
Exporting CMiC Standard Reports to excel or .csv formats
How to export CMiC reports to Excel or .csv Overview: How to export CMiC reports to Excel or .csv Standard CMiC reports do not have a Printing Option selection to export the report to excel or .csv as are included on the custom Swinerton (Jasper) parameters. However, you are able to save standard CMiC reports to excel or .csv using the steps detailed below. Select the report you with to generate and enter the parameters. 1) Click Print 2) Click dropdown on Destination field 3) Click Local File 4) Click Browse 5) Locate destination where you want to save your file 6) Enter File Name 7) Click Save 8) Click dropdown on Format field 9) Select either TAB-DELIMITED-LARGE-REPORTS (*.xls) or COMMA-DELIMITED-LARGE-REPORTS (*.csv) 10) Click Run Report – File will be created but will not open.
Job Billing Backup with Image Links Report
Billing Backup & Image Links - The Billing Backup with Image Links Report will compile the job billing docs, including links to invoice images. Both the report and image file folder can be saved to the computers (C:) drive and then copied to a shared drive to offer access to project team members. NOTE: Only AP Invoices are linked to this report. STEP 1: From the treeview, click Reports>Job Billing>Billing Backup and Image Links. STEP 2: When the report parameter screen loads, complete as noted below: a. Album Type - Needs to be J/B Contract b. Target Folder - click the three dots to the right of the field to chose the download location. NOTE: Create a "Billings" folder on the (C:) drive. c. Report File Name - Project and Draw Number d. Company - Chose company e. Contract - Enter Job Number f. Draw Number - Enter the JB Draw Number (available in the Invoice Description field) g. Revision Number - Enter Revision Number h. Only the Copy Images to Local Drive box needs to be checked i. Click Print STEP 3: When the report print box comes up, change the Format to PDF and click Run Report. STEP 4: The report and all of the invoice images will be saved to the Billings folder on the (C:) drive. When opening the report, click on the Image Link links to open the coordinating invoices. NOTE: The report and the image link file can be shared with project team members by zipping the files and emailing. If the file is too large, use the Sharefile Outlook Plugin (HERE) to send the documents. NOTE: The end user will need to Extract the files from the zipped file and save elsewhere in order for the linked images to open via the report (see below).