Job Cost
Job Cost - How to Enter Transactions (Journal Entries)
Job Cost - How to Enter Transactions (Journal Entries) Overview: How to enter transactions (Journal Entries) Journal Entries are entered into CMiC using the Enter Cost or Billing Transaction process. Journal Entries with a large number of detail lines or entries from another source such as E1 can be imported into CMiC using the Foreign Batch (See Import Transactions and Post (Foreign Batch Import)). This document details: · Entering a Journal Entry · Entering an Accrual Journal Entry with Automatic Reversal · Printing JC Transaction Edit Listing · Correcting an Unposted Batch · Posting a Batch Entering a Transaction (Journal Entry) STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Transaction STEP 3: Click Enter Cost or Billing Transaction STEP 4: Company number will default based on User Defaults. Can be changed in necessary. STEP 5: Current Period will default based on open period. STEP 6: Click in the Batch field and the Create Batch button will appear. STEP 7: Click Create Batch (See Creating a Batch in Enterprise). Once batch is selected or created, Page Down. STEP 8: Post Date - System Date will default. Note: Post Date must be within the Current Period and can be changed. Press Tab STEP 9: Journal – Enter “JC”. Press Tab STEP 10: Currency – Defaults “US”. Press Tab, Press Tab STEP 11: Source – Enter source of entry if desired, i.e. Vendor Number. This will appear on queries and reports. Press Tab STEP 12: Source Desc – Enter source description in desired, i.e. vendor’s name, invoice #, etc. This will appear of queries and reports. Press Tab STEP 13: Reference – Enter JE number. Press Tab STEP 14: Reference Desc – Enter JE description. Press Tab STEP 15: Ref. Date - Defaults to system date. This can be changed to the source date of the transaction. Press Tab NOTE: If Accrual box is checked this entry will automatically be reversed the following period. See section below for using this feature. Transaction number will populate and cursor will move to Detail Section of screen. STEP 16: Type – Will default to “J”. Only change to “G” if posting entry to a Balance Sheet account. Press Tab STEP 17: Comp. – Company number will default from Company in Header. This can be changed to another company if this is an intercompany transaction. Press Tab STEP 18: Job – Enter job or overhead number. If this is a “G” line, this field can be blank. Type “J” requires a job number. Press Tab STEP 19: Phase – Enter or query Phase number. Press Tab STEP 20: Cat. – Enter or query Category number. Tab over to Debit field. STEP 21: Debit - Enter amount of debit. Arrow down and you will be taken to next line. STEP 22: Continue adding remaining lines. STEP 23: When all lines are entered, your Debits must equal Credits. You will not be able to save the record if the entry does not balance. STEP 24: Click the Save Icon. The record will save and the screen will be blank. You can add another entry at this time following the steps above. STEP 25: Once all the transactions have been entered, click the Close Icon. Entering an Accrual with Automatic Reversal Journal Entries can automatically be reversed the following period by checking the Accrual box in the Transaction section. Checking this box creates both the current transaction and the reversing transaction when the batch is posted. Follow Steps 1 – 15 above. STEP 16: Click Accrual box. Entry will automatically be reversed and posted to the next period. Page down. STEP 17: Enter Details - Follow steps 16 – 25 above. Note: In this example we are using Type = “G” since the entry is a balance sheet item. Print JC Transaction Edit Listing STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Transaction STEP 3: Click JC Transaction Edit Listing STEP 4: Company – Will default based on User Defaults. STEP 5: Batch Type – Defaults to “Unposted”. “Posted” can be selected for previously posted batches. STEP 6: Enter or query Batch number. STEP 7: Click Print. STEP 8: Click Run Report. · Do not change Destination to “Printer”, leave as “Preview”. This will open in PDF and you can print to printer at that time. Review Report for accuracy (See Correcting Unposted Batches below). Correcting an Unposted Batch Transactions can be edited or deleted prior to posting by querying the batch and making the necessary corrections. Additional entries can also be added to the batch prior to posting. STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Transaction STEP 3: Click Enter Cost or Billing Transaction STEP 4: Double click in the Batch field. STEP 5: Locate Batch by using scrollbar or querying and then clicking Find. STEP 6: Highlight Batch. STEP 7: Click OK. Page Down Screen will be blank. If you want to add a transaction, you can do so at this time. If correcting entry, you must locate the Transaction to change. STEP 8: Click the Enter Icon or F11. Screen will turn blue. STEP 9: Click the Execute Icon or F12. The first record in the batch will populate the screen. STEP 10: Locate the Transaction by using the Previous and Next record Icons. Make any necessary corrections. STEP 11: Records can be deleted by clicking the Remove Icon. STEP 12: Once editing is completed, Save and Close screen. Post Batch STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Transaction STEP 3: Click Post Batch STEP 4: Company – Defaults based on User Default setting. STEP 5: GL Current Year Period – Defaults to open period. STEP 6: Enter or Query Batch. STEP 7: Post Overhead Transactions – Defaults checked. Leave check. STEP 8: Automatic Accrual Reversal – Defaults checked. This will create and post the reversing entry if you checked the Accrual box on a Transaction. If you remove the check, your accrual must be manually reversed. STEP 9: Preview Posting – Only check this box if you want to view the report prior to posting. Checking this box and click “Post” does not post the batch. STEP 10: Print Reports Immediately – Check this box to review posting reports. STEP 11: Click Post. STEP 12: Click Run Report. · Do not change Destination to Printer. This will open in PDF and you can print to printer at that time. Job Cost Report will open. STEP 13: Click Run Report again. General Ledger Report will open. · NOTE: Accrual Reversal for following month was posted. · System automatically created Intercompany Transaction.
Sub-To-Self A/R - A/P Process
Sub-To-Self A/R and A/P Process Overview: How to Bill and Clear Sub-To-Self Progress Payments The following steps detail how to bill and clear payments when a Swinerton affiliate is the subcontractor. STEP 1: A/R billing is created and sent to Project Manager for approval. STEP 2: Project Manager approves billing. STEP 3: Billing is given to the A/P Project Accountant and corresponding voucher is entered into A/P workflow via e-invoice. STEP 4: When the request for approval notification is received by the A/P Project Accountant: A/P Project Accountant approves the A/P invoice and puts it on manual hold. PM approves the invoice through workflow. A/P invoice is posted against cost. A/R Project Accountant enters the billing. A/P Project Accountant emails Patty Ponce and with A/R and A/P information to clear. E-mail Patty & AP the following information: A/R Coding: Job Number Customer Number A/R Invoice Number Amount A/P Coding: Job Number Vendor Number A/P Invoice Number Amount
Import Transactions and Post (Foreign Batch Import)
Foreign Batch Import Process Overview: How to import Transactions into CMiC and post Transactions or Journal Entries can be entered directly into CMiC using the Foreign Batch Import Utility. Transactions can also be imported by creating transactions in Excel and importing the file into CMiC using the Foreign Batch process. This is useful when you have multiple transactions or transactions with many lines of distribution. The following steps detail how to create the import file and how to import and post the file in CMiC. Generate Excel Import File For a file to successfully import and post in CMiC, it must be created using the attached template and must include all mandatory fields with data in the correct format. Foreign Batch Template can be saved for future use. The file Foreign Batch Example will be used for the following process. STEP 1: Open Foreign Batch Example file for testing. This file contains field descriptions and example transactions. Foreign Batch Template is a clean copy to use in future. STEP 2: Complete all mandatory fields as noted on file. · Yellow = Mandatory all lines · Orange = Mandatory J-Lines · Blue = Mandatory G-Lines J or G must be in caps STEP 3: Save File as .csv (comma delimited) – Note location where saved. STEP 4: Convert the .csv file to .txt file using Notepad OR Right-click on file > select "Open with" > choose Notepad STEP 5: Highlight and delete all lines other than detail lines (including header). Leave only the coded JE lines. STEP 6: Save as .txt file STEP 7: Enter File Name. Change extension from “csv” to “txt” STEP 8: Click Save CMiC Foreign Batch Import STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Utilities STEP 3: Click Import STEP 4: Click Foreign Batch STEP 5: Click Import STEP 6: Click Browse and locate file saved in steps above. STEP 7: Highlight file and click Open STEP 8: Import Type defaults to Multi Company Import. STEP 9: Click Import STEP 10: Confirm all lines imported STEP 11: Click OK STEP 12: If Batch is not in error, Build JC Transaction Batch will not be grayed out. In this case there is an error in the batch that must be corrected. If ‘Build JC Transaction is accessible skip to the step 31 below. Steps 13 – 30 show how to correct a file. STEP 13: Click Edit Imported Data STEP 14:Source Company Code - Enter Company # used as Source company in file. STEP 15: Page down or click the Next Block icon. Data will populate. STEP 16: Records with errors will not have a check mark in the Valid box. See error(s) at bottom of page. STEP 17: In this case, a record three has an invalid Phase Code. This must be corrected prior to proceeding. STEP 18: Once corrected, Click Save STEP 19: Click Close STEP 20: Click Close STEP 21: Go back into Job Cost, Import, Foreign Batch (see above Steps 1 -4 above). STEP 22: Locate your batch and click the Select box STEP 23:Click Proceed STEP 24:Click Edit Imported Data STEP 25: Source Company Code – Enter source code used in your file STEP 26: Page down or click the Next Block icon STEP 27: Check Validate All box STEP 28: Click Re-Validate All boxes should be valid. If not, repeat the steps above. STEP 29: Click Save STEP 30: Click Close Build JC Transaction Batch should be available if no errors are found. STEP 31: Click Build JC Transaction Batch STEP 32: Enter DSRC Company Code STEP 33: Click Create Batch STEP 34: Enter Batch Name on last line or click insert icon to add batch STEP 35: Click Select STEP 36: Journal Code – Enter JC STEP 37: Click Create Transactions STEP 38: Click OK. Note that correct number of records were inserted and note batch number. STEP 39: Click Close. Print JC Transaction Edit Listing – Validate Data STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Transaction STEP 3: Click JC Transaction Edit Listing STEP 4: Confirm Company number. Defaults from setup. Change if necessary. STEP 5: Enter Batch number create above or query STEP 6: Click Print STEP 7: Click Run Report and validate data prior to posting. Post Batch STEP 1: Click Job Costing STEP 2: Click Transaction STEP 3: Click Post Batch STEP 4: Confirm Company number. Defaults from setup. Change if necessary. STEP 5: GL Current Year and Period – Defaults to open period STEP 6: Enter Batch number create above or query STEP 7: Automatic Accrual Reversal – Uncheck STEP 8: Print Reports Immediately – Check if you would like to view posting reports STEP 9: Click Post If you checked Print Reports Immediately, you will be prompted to run reports. STEP 10: You will receive a message that Posting is completed. STEP 11: Click Close