BIM 360 Field (Classic) "How To's"
BIM 360 Field and BIM 360 Glue are cloud or mobile (iPad) applications. BIM 360 provides real-time model coordination, clash detection, and tracking of field related issues.
BIM 360 Field and Glue Equipment Tracking Guide
BIM 360 Field and Glue Equipment Tracking Guide BIM 360 Glue and BIM 360 Field administrators can share models between Glue and Field to facilitate efficient collaboration among the extended project team. Before the data can be shared, in BIM 360 Glue, a Glue administrator must set up a BIM model for sharing by creating Equipment Sets for groups of model objects that share properties, such as a pipe or duct type. After the model is shared with Field, a Field Administrator can then open the model in Field, and associate the Equipment Sets data to Equipment Properties in the Field Project. See Managing Equipment Sets. After the equipment sets and Field properties are mapped, the team in the field can update the model with installation status and commissioning information. Team members using BIM 360 Glue can view equipment properties that have been added to the model in BIM 360 Field.” From Autodesk Steps involved: STEP 1: Determine what types of equipment sets need to be created in BIM 360 Glue (see the available default equipment types in BIM 360 Field). STEP 2: First, equipment sets need to be created in BIM 360 Glue merged model to be integrated with BIM 360 Field. Create equipment sets in BIM 360 Glue using: Objects: Properties: When equipment set is created from a property of an object, all objects matching the same property in the merged model of BIM 360 Glue will be placed into the equipment set. Created equipment sets can be seen here: STEP 3: Now equipment sets has been created in BIM 360 Glue, manual mapping of the particular model with the equipment sets to BIM 360 Field project is required to enable data integration. To map, model must be enabled to share with Field in BIM 360 Glue. In Glue: In the Share with BIM 360 Field dialog, click Yes to overwrite any existing versions of the model, or No to cancel sharing. A message appears when the model has been shared with Field. After sharing a model with BIM 360 Field, a notification will appear in Latest model activities on the Project Dashboard. This indicates the version of the model that has been shared, and whether it is currently in use by Field. An orange icon indicates that the model is in use by Field, and includes version details. If the model is not in use, the icon is grayed out. Once the model is shared with Field, the model must be mapped to the desired Field project On the project page of BIM 360 Field web version, click Setup Click Equipment and choose the merged model that was Shared with Field in BIM 360 Glue STEP 4: Manage equipment sets: After you’ve added a Glue model to your Field project, you can map model object properties. Use the Manage Equipment Mapping wizard to map the equipment sets created in Glue to with corresponding Field properties. Only Field administrators can manage equipment sets. NOTE: In the Manage Equipment Mapping wizard, click ? (Help) for quick tips to help you get started. 1. On the BIM 360 Field home page, in the upper-right, click Setup. 2. In the navigation panel on the left, click Equipment. 3. Click the Models tab. 4. Hover over a model's thumbnail and click Manage Equipment Mapping. 5. In the Manage Equipment Mapping wizard, the first step is to select the equipment sets to map. You are informed if the model doesn't have equipment sets. NOTE: Equipment sets need to be created in BIM 360 Glue by a Glue administrator. 6. For Select Sets, select one or more Glue equipment sets to map and click Next. In the wizard, click Help to display tips for each step. 7. (Optional) For Select Type, select an equipment type and click Next. 7. The next step is to select the object identifier (ID). For Select ID and Properties, select Standard to use the default properties. This is recommended for most workflows. Select Advanced to create a custom unique ID and model properties. 9. (Optional) If you selected Advanced, for Select a Unique ID, make your selection and click Next. The next step is to associate Model properties with Field Equipment Properties. Select a model property on the left. Then select Choose Field to select an associated Field equipment property on the right. When done, click Next. 10. For Select Equipment Fields, you can optionally select equipment properties to add to the model. Any equipment properties that you add can be viewed in the model's properties in BIM 360 Glue. Click Select Field and in the drop-down select fields to add. When done, click Save Mapping. 11. In BIM 360 Glue, in the shared model, equipment properties that have been added in Field can be reviewed. Select a model object and right-click > View Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Equipment tab to view the Equipment properties that were added to the model. Below is Autodesk’s resource on equipment sets using BIM 360 Glue and Field—includes a short video: Portion of Information in this except extracts directly from Autodesk.
BIM 360 Field Implementation Manager Startup Checklist
BIM 360 Field Implementation Manager Startup Checklist Project Name: 360 Field Start Date: Discovery Which 360 Field Modules will be used? Issues Checklist Equipment Tasks Photos Models Training Project creation Company setup Location Hierarchy setup User setup Issue Templates setup Checklist setup and supporting of SSQMP Project library documents labeled, bookmarked and organized properly Project information tab Training iPad Module Login and Synchronization Gadgets Library / Model Issue Creation Checklist Creation / Modification Tracking Equipment Web Module Home Screen Issues Reports Setup subcontractor training for process of responding to issues and how to produce their own reports Legal 360 Field / Glue / BIM file transmission processes included in the following: Attachment G Attachment M Attachment C Client training of tools Coordination time frame included in the schedule Reports Daily issues report of all of previous days new issues Weekly Open issues report Archive report of all issues for historical purposes Setup internal training so project team can create reports as needed Safety and QC reports to upper management on reoccurring basis Closeout Archive entire project and information Send helpdesk ticket to have project archived in system (so project stops payments)
BIM 360 Field Subcontract Attachments
BIM 360 Field Subcontract Attachments Please see the most current subcontract Attachments on SwinNet. Go to the Legal Page > Subcontracts > Subcontract Agreements and Attachments for the most up to date Attachments to use on your projects.
BIM Property Rights and Limitations of Liability
BIM Property Rights and Limitations of Liability File Transmittal – Property Rights and Limitations of Liability Project Name: Project Address: Swinerton Builders Project Number: June 30, 2014 AGREEMENT: Swinerton Builders is providing REPLACE computer files containing electronic data and building information models (BIM) to be utilized in the production of REPLACE’s own drawings and other submittals for the referenced project. We are transmitting to you the attached information. This transmittal is subject to the following conditions to which you agree by accepting these terms on a reply to this message or using the information in any manner, including but not limited to by copying or using the information for reference. 1. REPLACE accepts this BIM file from Swinerton Builders without any warranties, guarantees, or other representation of any nature concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information described or contained therein with respect to any dimensions, measurements, fit, field construction conditions, or criteria. The use of these BIM files for any purpose is at the sole risk of REPLACE and/or any third party to which REPLACE may release information. REPLACE further agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless Swinerton Builders with respect to any claims, cost, and/or liability arising between Swinerton Builders and REPLACE and/or any third party to whom REPLACE may release information, arising out of or relating to the accuracy and/or completeness of this BIM information. 2. Should REPLACE use the BIM file to assist in the preparation and/or production of shop drawing and/or other submittals, REPLACE and/or any third party to whom REPLACE may release information shall have the sole responsibility to prepare, coordinate, check and detail these shop drawings and/or other submittals. REPLACE is responsible for coordination of this information with the construction set of documents and field conditions, all as required by the Contract Documents. 3. The materials contained in the BIM file are the instruments of service of Swinerton Builders for the use solely with respect to this Project. Swinerton Builders shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all contractual, common law, statutory, and other reserved rights including copyright thereto. 4. These files have been generated by Revit Architecture 2013. We are not responsible for any errors caused by the transmission, your software or your computer systems. 5. If you discover any errors or omissions in the information, you will promptly notify us so that we can make any necessary corrections. 6. REPLACE acknowledges that the information contained in the BIM file is specific and confidential and is intended solely for the exclusive use on the referenced Project. These CAD files shall not be copies, altered, or used for any other project without specific written authorization from Swinerton Builders. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________ Authorized Signature Date ______________________________________________________ Print Name / Title
BIM 360 Field Power Point Template for Internal Training
BIM 360 Field Power Point Template for Internal Training Please see SwinNet BIM 360 Field project site for the most current training material and information.
BIM 360 Field Subcontractors Guide
BIM 360 Field Subcontractors Guide Steps: STEP 1: Swinerton will send the email invite from Autodesk to Subcontractor. Autodesk will generate a login password for your email address. If you do not accept the first invite and activate your account, you will be sent reminders to do so. STEP 2: Follow the link to start using the 360 Field web tool. Sign in with the email address and password provided in the original invite email. STEP 3: After successfully signing in for the first time, accept the License Agreement. STEP 4: Welcome to the 360 Field Subcontractor web tool! To get started, please go to “Setup” where you can edit your name and Opt-out of automatic email notifications. STEP 5: After clicking Setup you will enter User Profile. Please edit your name. STEP 6: Next, click on the Notification Emails tab. Then click the Opt-out button. Opt-out will prevent you from getting instant, email notifications when Issues are generated. As a Subcontractor, you will still receive Issue Log Reports as Swinerton sends them out. STEP 7: Navigate back to the home screen to view your companies’ issues and use this screen to manage and respond to issues. a. Click the Home button b. Select the check box next to the issue you’d like to make as Work Complete c. Click on the Work Completed button. (You can select multiple issues at once.) d. Click the Export button to export an excel file with all issues that are currently shown on the screen e. Use the column headings to filter and organize your list f. By selecting an issue or multiple issues and clicking the Comment button, you can add a comment to that or those issues g. There is no need to save, this database saves automatically after every click STEP 8: Double click on an issue to view and modify that issues parameters and details a. The Details tab shows the basic issue information such as Issue Type, Description, Company assigned, Status, Due Date, Location, etc. b. The Attachments tab will show any pictures that were taken or documents that were uploaded for this issue c. The Comments tab will show all comments associated with this issue d. The History tab keeps track of all changes to the issue e. The Pushpins tab shows where the issue is in plan view at this specific location
BIM 360 Field Cheat Sheet for iPad
BIM 360 Field Cheat Sheet for iPad Get Familiar with the Start Page The first thing you will see is the main screen. 1. The page is blank because you start at the Top Level. 2. At this point you can either push “All” to see all issues entered everywhere, or touch the Location Pull Down and set a location within your project. 3. You can switch to pins (floorplan) view by touching “Pins”, but a location must be selected to do so. 4. Issues can be filtered by a variety of pull down options such as by contractor, location, status, etc. or combination of them all. 5. The selected issues can be sorted by many options; by date entered is a common sort. 6. The Sync button allows you to upload the information you’ve entered and download information that in the database Pitfall Alert! If you find your issues and pins have disappeared, check your filter status. This typically turns out to be the problem. Clear the issues and all your pins/issues should reappear. Location – Pull down menu 1. Once you pull down the Location menu, you can narrow down to the desired location. 2. Click on the “i” button until you get down to the final room you are working in Pitfall Alert! Make sure you drill down to the final room location. Selecting on an entire floor will make it difficult to communicate and issue and its proper location Pins view and functions 1. You can toggle between list and pin (floorplan) view with the button at middle top left. The filter option on this view is the funnel button at the top left. 2. Project Room Location: This location designates the building and room that you are currently working in 3. Pan function: Moves objects such as blue report box and pins around the page 4. Arrow function: Allows for user to select a pin or blue report box so it can be adjusted or edited 5. Pin function: Insert new pins (Issues) inside of the blue report rectangle 6. The markup tools should only be used on pages that are attached to a specific issue. Do not mark up on a page that has a blue report box that is assigned to a location or everyone on the project will see those markups on the iPad and in the reports. 7. The Measure tool allows you to pull a crude measurement of a location on the drawings. You might need to set the scale by using a known length on the drawing. Don’t forget to erase these measurements or they will be visible on other user’s iPads and on the reports 8. The appears on report box will insert a blue report box on the screen where you’ve zoomed into 9. The trash can will delete a selected issue, markup or measure tool 10. The undo and redo buttons allows you to quickly toggle forward or backward between work Entering an Issue 1. After selecting the Pins tool touch the screen in close proximity to the corresponding location of the issue being entered. A red pin will appear and menu will open and keyboard pops up. 2. The description can be typed in 3. Attachments allows you to take a picture and include it in the issue, select another document from the library or include a photo previously taken from your photo library 4. Comments allows you to add a comment to this issue 5. The trash can lets you trash that issue if it has not been synchronized yet 6. Issue Type should also be checked to make sure it’s assigned to the correct list 7. Assign the issue to the correct subcontractor or party using the Company drop down menu Pitfall Alert! When entering a description, the iPad does not recognize typical construction jargon. It will automatically correct your entries thinking they are misspelled. You must press the “X” on the suggested correction or it will automatically change your entry. Pitfall Alert! It is critical that the correct company be assigned their issues. Before you sync your data, double check the list of issues and ensure the correct assignments have been made. Otherwise, the issues will be ignored by the incorrect sub who received the data, and the correct sub will be unaware its existence and it will remain uncorrected. List View The list view is convenient to see all the issues in list form. Status can be changed, and attachments and comments can be viewed. You can conveniently filter and/or sort the issues by company, location, etc. from the buttons at the top. 1. Use the By Location and All toggle to jump between issues throughout the entire project or specific to the location on the location bar depending on what you are doing. 2. Use the Filter by and Sort by options to narrow down your search to find a list of specific issues. For example if you only want to see the issues created for a specific subcontractor last week, you could use these tools to narrow your search 3. The Blue dot indicates that the issue has been synched with the system and others can view it… when information about that issue is adjusted, the blue dot will disappear until it has been synchronized 4. The Status of the issue can be adjusted from this view. Note that the pin color will change as it’s adjusted. This is more prevalent in the reports that are automatically generated. Also note that subcontractors will only be able to toggle between the Open and Work Completed Status. Only the creator of the issue, whether it’s the Owner, Architect or Swinerton will be able to Close an issue 5. To view more options of an issue, just click on it to modify its details Pitfall Alert! Be careful when scrolling through the issues that you do not inadvertently change the status on some of the items with your finger’s touch. Final Tips: If zooming and entries become sluggish and slow, close the application completely and reopen. This will solve the problem. iPad battery life is limited (around 4 hours), so to extend your session, turn off the screen between entries if possible. Keep the iPad plugged in when in the office and overnight to maximize battery power available. Sync your iPad at least first thing in the morning and before the end of the day. This will keep the data in the “cloud” and on your iPad as current as possible, especially when the project has multiple users. Also if a report is going out daily, the most up-to-date information should be, and will be included.
BIM 360 Field Power Point Template for Subcontractor Training
BIM 360 Field Power Point Template for Subcontractor Training Please see SwinNet BIM 360 Field project site for the most current training material and information:
BIM 360 Field: How To Select All
See attached .PDF
BIM 360 Field - QR Codes
Please see the attachments for QR Codes How To Guide