BIM 360 Field (Classic) "How To's"
BIM 360 Field and BIM 360 Glue are cloud or mobile (iPad) applications. BIM 360 provides real-time model coordination, clash detection, and tracking of field related issues.
BIM 360 Field Web Portal: The Issues Page
BIM 360 Field Web Portal: The Issues Page 1. The issues page is convenient for viewing, sorting, editing, and exporting your data. 2. You can search for particular items or subcontractor issues utilizing the filter menu to the left. This is similar to the filter option on the iPad application. 3. Once you enter your filters, press Search Issues at the top. 4. You can also sort the data by clicking on the column headings. 5. If you wonder where all your issues went, check the Show pull down at bottom right. It defaults to 50 issues, so you can change it to 2000 to display your issues on one page. (If you have more than 2000 issues, they will appear on subsequent pages; just hit ‘Next’ to the right) 6. You can edit one or multiple issues by hi-lighting the issues then press Edit. With this option you can change the status of multiple locations at one time. 7. By selecting a particular location at the top center of the page, the layout switches to a similar layout as appears on the iPad, with similar menu options for editing.
BIM 360 Field Web Portal: Issuing Reports
BIM 360 Field Web Portal: Issuing Reports You can use the BIM 360 Field Reporting feature to create a report in .pdf, excel, or rich text format that includes all issues with all custom fields, as well as any referenced photos, documents or markups (pdf format only for photos and attachments). To create this project snapshot of your issues, follow the steps below: Generating an Issue Details Report STEP 1: While logged into BIM 360 Field, click the Reports link at the bottom of the menu on the Left side of the screen. STEP 2: Click the Issues button located on the left. STEP 3: Select the List button to load the report parameters of the Issue List report. Below are the Primary filters used when creating a report: STEP 4: Change the Report Name to match the parameters you adjust below STEP 5: Change the Group by drop down to Location or as desired STEP 6: In the Issue Statuses drop down, select all the choices except for closed – This will include only open issues in the report and will not include any closed issues STEP 7: In the Extras section, select the appropriate option from the Show attachments dropdown and then check the boxes to include comments, custom fields, signatures and cover page as desired. A favorite report of some Swinerton projects includes the selection of After each group of items in the show attachments selection box, small Attachment size, the Inclusion of comments, and push pins included per group. STEP 8: Click Run Now to generate the report for your project data STEP 9: Schedule this report to be automatically sent to subcontractors or individuals working on the project. The Extras portion of the reports menu is very important to understand. It will determine the format, organization and information that is included on the reports. Below is an explanation of these features: 1. The Show attachments drop down menu will provide a few options for displaying photos, markups and pushpin locations. If you are creating this report for a subcontractor to use, they typically prefer this setting to be on After each item. If this is for internal use so that Swinerton can see all issues for each location select the option After each group of items. 2. Typically the smaller photos icon is sufficient, however, you can use medium sized or large sized attachments as desired 3. Be sure to include the comments since this is the main means of communication back and forth on an issue with a subcontractor 4. Select these boxes as needed depending on the custom properties, signatures and whether you’d like a cover page to be included 5. Select this icon for a list view with no pushpins locations included in the report 6. The Pins per group button will show all the pins in a specific location on one plan view instead of one pin per item. This is a good overview report of each room so you can view all the issues in that room. It’s often taped at the entrance to that room 7. The Pins at end of report button will include the pins view per location at the end of the list of issues. This option is rarely used. 8. The Pins per item will provide a plan view of the pins locations per issue without grouping them. This is a great report for subcontractors so they can see each issue, fix them and move on. The Run Now, Schedule and Save Report options allows you to view, save and plan on when a report will be automatically distributed. These options automatically compile all the issues and distribute them to the correct parties for you. STEP 1: Once you have selected all your filters and options, push Run Now at the top of the page. STEP 2: After a few moments (or minutes depending on the size of the report), a screen will appear with 3 options: A. View in new window – Opens PDF inside 360 Field PDF viewer. You can print or download B. Send – Allows you to email the report C. Download – Downloads the report to a user selected location STEP 3: Be sure to View in a new window prior to downloading, sending or scheduling for the report to be sent out Pitfall Alert! While you are preparing this send document, take care as to not click anywhere outside the open window. The window will close and cannot be recovered. You will have to rerun the report, but fortunately should be listed in your Recent reports.
BIM 360 Field Reports: Sending a Report Through Email Option
BIM 360 Field Reports: Sending a Report Through Email Option STEP 1: Click on the Send button STEP 2: In the Send report to drop down menu, select all of the individuals that you would like to receive the ENTIRE report which includes all issues for all subcontractors STEP 3: Select this checkbox to send a report to all individuals for each company of only their companies issues STEP 4: Adjust the Subject line as desired STEP 5: Edit the message to be sent as desired STEP 6: Click the Send button
BIM 360 Field Reports: Setting up Regularly Scheduled Automated Reports
BIM 360 Field Reports: Setting up Regularly Scheduled Automated Reports Once you establish the parameters of your report, now you would like it to automatically be issued and distributed periodically. (Every day, every other day, every week, etc.) STEP 1: On the report page, press the Schedule button at the top of the page. STEP 2: The schedule info will open to the right. STEP 3: Change the Schedule name to match the parameters of the particular report you have setup. STEP 4: Choose how often the report will run and on which days and at what time STEP 5: Select all of the individuals that you would like to receive the ENTIRE report which includes all issues for all subcontractors STEP 6: Select this checkbox to send a report to all individuals for each company of only their companies issues STEP 7: Adjust the Subject line as desired STEP 8: Edit the message to be sent as desired STEP 9: Save the scheduled report so that it is in the queue to be sent out
BIM 360 Field Reports: Suggested Report Settings
BIM 360 Field Reports: Suggested Report Settings There are two reports that have been found to be of benefit to the project teams: 1. A report generated daily that sends all of the new issues that were created the previous day. To do this adjust the following settings: A. Group the report by the Location – This will make it easy to keep all issues in a particular location together in the report B. Sort by Company then ID – This will create the full report in an organized manner C. Include issues with a Date Created D. During the timeframe of yesterday E. Be sure to select Saturday and Sunday if you are working on Friday and Saturday so that the report provides the new issues found on the previous days F. Select all the related issue types G. Select the issue statuses you’d like to be included H. Show attachments after each item I. Select the Pushpins setting Pins per issue An example of this report is below: 1. The Location of the issue is identified at the top of the report 2. The Issue ID, Description, Location details, Status, Company, Type of issue, date created and date due are all displayed at the top of the report 3. A plan view with a pin of the issue location is shown if a pin is created by the issue creator 4. The issue status bar shows what colors represent that issues status 5. Any attachments will show up here 2. A report that is emailed out once a week with all of the subcontractors current open issues gives them a recap of all of their open issues A. Group the report by Company (with Location details) – This will make it easy to keep all issues for a particular company and in a specific location organized B. Start a new page – When the company changes C. Sort by date updated then ID D. Include issues with a Date Created during the timeframe of ALL E. Select the day and time you would like the issue list to be sent F. Select all the related issue types G. Select the issue statuses you’d like to be included H. Show attachments after each item I. Select the Pushpins setting Pins per group An example of this report is below: Pitfall Alerts! 1. If you have multiple users, they must sync up before the report’s scheduled delivery, or that information will not be issued. 2. Any errors in assignments, print areas, etc. must be corrected prior to sync or delivery, otherwise the report will be issued with the errors intact. Final Tips: 1. One individual be responsible to prepare and issue scheduled reports to minimize duplication of effort and prevent inundation of the receiving parties with e-mail transmissions. 2. At the bottom of the Autodesk page there is a link to Support and Training for tutorials and other resources. You can also submit a ticket for help if you need to do so.
BIM 360 Field Reports: Generating an Issue Details Report
BIM 360 Field Reports: Generating an Issue Details Report You can use the BIM 360 Field Reporting feature to create a report in .pdf, excel, or rich text format that includes all issues with all custom fields, as well as any referenced photos, documents or markups (pdf format only for photos and attachments). To create this project snapshot of your issues, follow the steps below: Generating an Issue Details Report STEP 1: While logged into BIM 360 Field, click the Reports link at the bottom of the menu on the Left side of the screen. STEP 2: Click the Issues button located on the left. STEP 3: Select the List button to load the report parameters of the Issue List report. STEP 4: Change the Report Name to match the parameters you adjust below STEP 5: Change the Group by drop down to Company (with Location details) STEP 6: In the Issue Statuses drop down, select all the choices except for closed – This will include only open issues in the report and will not include all closed issues too STEP 7: In the Extras section, select the appropriate option from the Show attachments dropdown and then check the boxes to include comments, custom fields, signatures and cover page as desired. A favorite report of some Swinerton projects includes the selection of After each group of items in the show attachments selection box, small Attachment size, the Inclusion of comments, and push pins included per group. STEP 8: Click Run Now to generate the report for your project data STEP 9: Schedule this report to be automatically sent to subcontractors or individuals working on the project. Below is an example of one issue with push pin location and photos: Setting Up a Reoccurring Automatic Report Once you establish the parameters of your report, now you would like it to automatically be issued and distributed periodically. (Every day, every other day, every week, etc.) STEP 1: On the report page, press the Schedule button at the top of the page. STEP 2: The schedule info will open to the right. STEP 3: Change the Schedule name to match the parameters of the particular report you have setup. STEP 4: Choose how often the report will run and on which days and at what time STEP 5: Select all of the individuals that you would like to receive the ENTIRE report which includes all issues for all subcontractors STEP 6: Select this checkbox to send a report to all individuals for each company of only their companies issues STEP 7: Adjust the Subject line as desired STEP 8: Edit the message to be sent as desired STEP 9: Save the scheduled report so that it is in the queue to be sent out Suggested Report Settings There are two reports that have been found to be of benefit to the project teams: 1. A report generated daily that sends all of the new issues that were created the previous day. To do this adjust the following settings: A. Group the report by the Location – This will make it easy to keep all issues in a particular location together in the report B. Sort by Company then ID – This will create the full report in an organized manner C. Include issues with a Date Created D. During the timeframe of yesterday E. Be sure to select Saturday and Sunday if you are working on Friday and Saturday so that the report provides the new issues found on the previous days F. Select all the related issue types G. Select the issue statuses you’d like to be included H. Show attachments after each item I. Select the Pushpins setting Pins per issue An example of this report is below: 1. The Location of the issue is identified at the top of the report 2. The Issue ID, Description, Location details, Status, Company, Type of issue, date created and date due are all displayed at the top of the report 3. A plan view with a pin of the issue location is shown if a pin is created by the issue creator 4. The issue status bar shows what colors represent that issues status 5. Any attachments will show up here 2. A report that is emailed out once a week with all of the subcontractors current open issues gives them a recap of all of their open issues A. Group the report by Company (with Location details) – This will make it easy to keep all issues for a particular company and in a specific location organized B. Start a new page – When the company changes C. Sort by date updated then ID D. Include issues with a Date Created during the timeframe of ALL E. Select the day and time you would like the issue list to be sent F. Select all the related issue types G. Select the issue statuses you’d like to be included H. Show attachments after each item I. Select the Pushpins setting Pins per group An example of this report is below: | Pitfall Alerts! 1. If you have multiple users, they must sync up before the report’s scheduled delivery, or that information will not be issued. 2. Any errors in assignments, print areas, etc. must be corrected prior to sync or delivery, otherwise the report will be issued with the errors intact. Final Tips: 1. One individual be responsible to prepare and issue scheduled reports to minimize duplication of effort and prevent inundation of the receiving parties with e-mail transmissions. 2. At the bottom of the Autodesk page, there is a link to Support and Training for tutorials and other resources. You can also submit a ticket for help if you need to do so.
BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Using Barcodes to Track Equipment
BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Using Barcodes to Track Equipment A barcode can be scanned using the barcode scanner feature within BIM 360 Field for the iPad and associated with a project record. Once this association has occurred, that record or set of records will appear each time that barcode is scanned. Please note that when a barcode is associated in this manner, the setting will not appear visible anywhere within the BIM 360 Field application. STEP 1: Select Equipment from hamburger menu and open the piece of equipment you will be linking to a barcode. STEP 2: Tap on the Gadgets button, the button that is second from the left on the bottom of the screen, and tap on Barcode Scanner. STEP 3: Scan a barcode. STEP 4: After the barcode is scanned, a Map Code window will appear that will present the user with a list of options from which to choose. The list of items that will appear will be items that were recently visited on the iPad. Tap on the equipment name to link the barcode with that record. STEP 5: Sync to have the changes uploaded into BIM 360 Field. Once completed all project team members can scan this bar code for a short cut to the equipment item.
BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Using Barcodes to Assign Locations
BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Using Barcodes to Assign Locations STEP 1: Select Location from Top Menu you would like to attach to a barcode. STEP 2: Tap on the Gadgets button, the button that is second from the left on the bottom of the screen, and tap on Barcode Scanner. STEP 3: Scan a barcode. STEP 4: After the barcode is scanned, a Map Code window will appear that will present the user with a list of options from which to choose. The list of items that will appear will be items that were recently visited on the iPad. Tap on the location name to link the barcode with that record. STEP 5: Sync to have the changes uploaded into BIM 360 Field.
BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Creating/Purchasing Barcodes
BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Purchasing Barcodes Please use caution when using an Avery shelf bought paper based labels to print barcodes onto. Adhesive for these products do not stick well to some materials and if they get wet, they tend to bleed or peel off. If you're using Avery labels, please use painters tape below the Avery label. For convenience, the workflow below is based on the Avery label system. If you plan on using barcodes for long term use to track equipment or jump to the correct room location, consider investing a few hundred dollars in a Polyester Bar Code Label with a clear over-laminated film or an Anodized Metal Barcode label. Here are a few options: Camcode - My Asset Tag - BIM 360 Field Barcodes: Creating and Assigning Barcodes Please click the attached file for the How To guide on creating and assigning barcodes.
BIM 360 Field – Subcontractor Notification Management
BIM 360 Field – Subcontractor Notification Management When setting up a new project, the project administrator will be adding individual users to each subcontractor company. The default when setting up any new user is that they will automatically receive email updates for issues and changes to issues in real time. This can over burden a user’s inbox and have counter effects on their responsiveness to an issue. In order to combat this over burden, a project administrator can change their default settings prior to the user being notified of issues. In order to accomplish this, follow the below steps: IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing a user’s notification setting on a project changes them across every project they are associated with. Be sure that the users you are adding have not been added to the system previously and have their settings already setup the way they prefer. Steps: STEP 1: Sign into 360 Field and go to the project info tab STEP 2: Click the Export All button under the “Users for this project” STEP 3: Open up the users.csv file in excel STEP 4: Scroll to the right and change the notification options to False for all users you’d like to change the settings for STEP 5: Save as file in the CSV (Comma delimited) file type STEP 6: Click the Import button under the “Users for this project” STEP 7: Select the from file tab STEP 8: Choose the file that you just saved from step 5 above STEP 9: Click Start import