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Formatting the Concrete Project Budget Import Spreadsheet for CMiC Bid Items

Modified on: Mon, Feb 10 2025 3:51 PM

Note: Project budgets are imported from an Excel template into CMiC via the bid items module. There are several formatted spreadsheets available to use.  The spreadsheets are available on SwinNet on the Technology > Products & Services page, scroll to the bottom of the page to Important Documents


Note: Managing your Labor Productivity starts with setting up your Budget Import Spreadsheet correctly. Way before it even gets into CMiC




STEP 1: Select the Company Code


STEP 2: Change the Job Number to the project you are working on


STEP 3: Enter the Retainage Percentage (%). This value (normally 10%) applies to all line items except Fee


STEP 4: Click the Save My Spreadsheet Button. (This will save the document to your desktop. DO NOT DO FILE/SAVE AS, it will break the macro and your budget will NOT import)


STEP 5: Double check that the file name changed to include your job # and today's date. (If the file name looks like this: Budget Import Spreadsheet - - 1-1-2018, STOP 🛑 > go back to SwinNet and open a new template, the macro has been broken.)

STEP 6 Search up a Phase Codes needed for this project and type "Y" in column A to select that phase code. Each row will turn Yellow when selected


6A – Use the Work Type Filter to narrow the selection by type (I.E. Form & Strip, reshore, place, etc.).

6B – Use the Work Detail Filter to filter the selection detail. (I.E. Walls, Columns, Beams, etc.)


Note: Once all the phases are selected, filter the spreadsheet to only show "Y"s using the down arrow in cell A1


Note: You can navigate to the Data-Tab and click on the “clear” button to reset all the filters.




STEP 7: Enter a Category Code for each selected Phase Code

Note: If a Phase Code has multiple category codes associated, each must be entered as a separate line. Using Column U, enter the number of times you want this Phase code duplicated then click the Add Duplicate Rows Button. (Remember to remove this number in Column U before you click the Add Duplicate Rows button again.)


STEP 8: Choose your Phase Type. (We have defaulted where appropriate, but you can choose another from the list if needed.)


STEP 9: Choose your Forecast Method (A = Amounts / P = Productivity)

Note: THIS ONE IS SO IMPORTANT FOR LABOR PRODUCTIVITY!!! Think about your Forecast Method now.

* If this cell is left blank, it will default to A (Amounts)

* A "P" (productivity) method is what makes the phase code show up on your Labor Productivity Report (Use this if the work was estimated with a production rate and if the project needs to track this production rate (i.e., Framing, Drywall, Tape/Finish, backing, etc.)

* A "P" (productivity) method changes how the Cost Detail pop up works in Contract Forecasting. Cost Detail for Labor Productivity tries to think for you by calculating what is left to install and how many hours it will take to complete it. Have you ever gotten behind in entering quantities and noticed your Cost to Complete has doubled/tripled. That is because the system is trying to think for you because it is a P Forecast Method.

If the phase code is for Burn-rate work (Forklift operator, Safety tasks, general cleanup) then put an A (Amounts) in the Forecast Method cell so it will not show up on your LP reports and the Cost Detail in Contract Forecasting will forecast as an A method.

 If the production scope of work is so small it is not worth tracking (This should be discussed with your manager first) you can  put an A (Amounts) in the Forecast Method cell so it will not show up on your LP reports and the Cost Detail in Contract Forecasting will forecast as an A method. 


STEP 10: Confirm the Weight Measure (WM) This column is for Manhours/Hours (Input)


Note: Use this for both category 71111 & 71151 and track the hours on the Quantity/Hours Tracking log. Even though you are not tracking LP on a 71151 employee, you can track hours.


*: If you are 50% complete with your project, but your PE has spent 75% of the hours, there might be a question to ask or a PCI to complete


STEP 11: Number of hours to complete the scope


STEP 12: Average combined rate for crew


STEP 13: Enter the Cost Budget Estimated Amount (Total). This is the total COST budget amount for this particular Phase & Category line item. Remember that the Fee Phase & Category line should have zero COST budget


STEP 14: Revenue Budget, what you are going to get paid by the owner (REMEMBER, this can be different than your Cost Budget)

You estimated for 2 apprentices and 1 Journeymen, but were given 1 apprentice and 2 Journeymen, that is going to cost you more. If you can't get that difference from the owner, then your Cost Budget is going to be higher. Tell the truth!! If you know that now you can set your budget up this way, or immediately create an NCTO PCI

You estimated for 2 apprentices and 1 Journeymen, but were given 3 apprentices, that is going to cost you less. If you can still bill the owner for the full Revenue Budget, then your Cost Budget is going to be lower. Tell the truth!! If you know that now you can set your budget up this way, or immediately create an NCTO PCI


STEP 15: Weight Measure for Output (How many CY, SF, LF etc. will it take to complete the scope) NOT LS, NOT HR

Note: For Standard Production rates, this has already been filled out. These are company standards, DO NOT CHANGE THEM.


STEP 16: Total output quantity for the scope of work in the phase code.

STEP 17: Review Retention (the formula on the spreadsheet will pull from the field in the upper left hand corner, but if you have a phase code that will have a different retention you can change it here.


STEP 18: If a Phase Code has multiple category codes associated, each must be entered as a separate line. Using Column U, enter the number of times you want this Phase code duplicated then click the Add Duplicate Rows Button. (Remember to remove this number in Column U before you click the Add Duplicate Rows button again.)


STEP 19: Be careful, this will remove ALL duplicate rows, not just the one you added last. No need to put a number in any cell on this column.


STEP 20: Clear what you have done


STEP 21: Validate your production rate (as appropriate)


STEP 22: Validate your yield (as appropriate)


STEP 23: Reference the description of work to ensure that you are using the correct code for the work.


STEP 24: Click Save My Spreadsheet to save your work


STEP 25: Click Finish & Create Bid Items to create the .csv format that will allow it to be imported into CMiC. The Macro will add IMPORT THIS FILE to make it easy to know which one to import.

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