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Approval Dashboard and Notifications

Modified on: Wed, Feb 26 2025 2:51 PM

Approval Dashboard and Notifications -

The Approval Dashboard (also known as the Workflow Notification Log) is located in Boomi. This log is similar to the CMiC Workflow Notifications module. All jobs will go through the Approval process in Boomi prior to becoming a Job In Progress (JIP).  Roles that need to approve or receive an FYI notification through the JIP workflow process will receive those notifications and Approvals in the Boomi Approval Dashboard.  For Approvals requiring immediate action, an email will be sent.  For FYIs, generally those appear in your Approval Dashboard on a daily basis similar to CMiC.  If you have approvals or FYIs you will receive a notification in your email daily with a list of your open items.

NOTE: This process should be completed in Chrome, rather than IE.  

STEP 1: From the CMiC Field Treeview Menu, click Swinerton Links>Job Start Workflow Notifications.

This will take you to your Approval Dashboard (aka Workflow Notification Log) in Boomi. There, you will see a summary of all pending FYI and Approval notifications for the PJob Workflow, JIP Workflow, Job Folder Workflow, and/or SDI Waiver Workflow that are currently assigned to you and still in your court. 

STEP 2: Utilize the Actions buttons (left column of table) to Review, view the project's approval Workflow History, and then either Approve or Reject. 

  • Approve: Approve and Close

  • Reject: Reject Project (Explanation is required)

  • JIP Review: Review a summary of all of the information that was entered into fields on the Boomi Job Start Form (Boomi JIP Form) and submitted. Just click on the (+) to expand section. You will also be able to access any attachments that were uploaded to the form via this review summary screen (NOTE: click on View Files button). Click the Back button to return to the Approval Dashboard.

  • Workflow History: View progress of the PJob, JIP, Job Folder Creation, and SDI Waiver approval workflows on a project by clicking on the Workflow History action icon next to your Approval or FYI notification. Workflow History shows date/timestamps of sent Approval/FYI notifications, as well as responses to Approval notifications (approvals and rejections). While in the project's Workflow History, toggle between pages of history by clicking on the forward and backward arrows in the lower right corner of the screen. To return to the Approval Dashboard, click the Back button.

Workflow Notification Types - 

There are three different types of Workflow Notifications:

  • Immediate Email Notifications - Approvers will receive an email for immediate action to be taken. For certain Approval notifications (e.g., Financial Manager and Risk Manager), users will see an Approval on their Boomi Approval Dashboard in addition to receiving this supplemental immediate email.
  • Workflow Dashboard Notifications in Boomi - Up-to-date notifications on Boomi Approval Dashboard, including pending Approvals and FYI. Approval or Rejection required for all Approval notifications. FYIs are for information purposes. It is highly recommended that Boomi users visit their Boomi Approvals Dashboard on a regular basis to review and address both Approval and FYIs. This will help minimize clutter and promote swift completion of workflows that are a critical part of Job Setup.
  • Daily Notification Emails - Digest that summarizes all pending notifications.

NOTE: All emails are sent from If you are uncertain whether or not your are receiving approval/FYI/digest email notifications from Boomi, do a quick search of your email's Inbox, Deleted, Trash/Junk folders for any emails coming From: Also, verify that you don't have a Forwarding Rule set up in your email that might be inadvertently sending such emails to other folders in your Inbox or Trash.

Verify that your email inbox is receiving these emails because it is CRITICAL that Boomi Approval notifications get addressed in a timely fashion so that JIPs get created and set up swiftly and accurately, including SDI Waiver Workflow notifications.

NOTE: Refer to example of email notification below:

For more information on the Approval Workflow process, click HERE

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