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CARB (CA Air Resources Board) Off-Road Certification Tracking (Go Live 2/10/2025)

Modified on: Wed, Feb 12 2025 12:37 PM

CARB (California Air Resources Board) Off-Road Certification Tracking at the Business Partner Level


  • According to the California Code of Regulations Title 13, Section 2449 (the “Regulation”), subdivisions (i) & (j), prime contractors are required to obtain copies of valid “Certificates of Reported Compliance” from all subcontractors operating self-propelled off-road diesel-fueled vehicles horsepower 25 or greater used in California and most two-engine vehicles. This requirement applies to vehicles that are owned, rented, or leased. For this reason, Swinerton requires that its subcontractors either 

(a) submit a valid Certificate of Reported Compliance regarding its vehicles that are subject to the Regulation, or 

(b) provide a statement that subcontractor does not operate any vehicles that are subject to the Regulation. 

  • For more information about the Regulation or to obtain a Certificate of Reported Compliance, please visit the following California Air Resources Board website: 
  • The enforcing agency may require an inspection and inspection reports in accordance with CA requirements, both during and at completion of construction to demonstrate substantial conformance.

How the Log Works:  

The log is filtered for all Business Partners (BPs) that have an office in California so that everyone can see who has their certificate and who does not.

If you are going to email a BP, please make sure to put your name in the "Swinerton Reviewer" field so that the subs don't get bombarded.

We are currently NOT holding payment for this Certificate, please DO NOT add it to your commitment's Compliance Tab in CMiC.  When/If that changes in the future, we will let you know.

How To Add to CMiC:  

NOTE:  For each new certificate, please insert a new row and add all information including new Start/Expiration Date.  If you are the one chasing a new cert but don't have it yet, please put your name in the Swinerton Reviewer field and make a note of the day you sent the email to the vendor so that everyone knows the current status.

STEP 1: Open Budget & Cost Management

STEP 2: Click the CARB Off Road Certificates (CA Only) log

STEP 3: Find the Business Partner (BP) you are looking for (See Notes on Filtering), and highlight the number and copy it

STEP 4: Click on Business Partner Request

STEP 5: Paste the BP# into the "Find" Box

STEP 6: Click Go

STEP 7: Click on the Edit icon for the BP

STEP 8: Click the Classification Tab

STEP 9: Click Insert

STEP 10: Click the magnifying glass

STEP 11: Double Click the Code "CARBEQUIP"

STEP 12: Click the magnifying glass

STEP 13: Double Click the Code "CARB"

STEP 14: Enter the Certificate #

STEP 15: Enter the Start Date

STEP 16: Enter the Expiration Date

STEP 17: Enter the name of the person that will now track for this BP

STEP 18: Click Save

STEP 19: Click Attachments

STEP 20: Either Drag and Drop the Document or Choose the File from your computer (Naming convention = BP Name_BP Number_CARB Cert. Number_Expiration Year)

STEP 21: Click Ok

STEP 22: Click Save

Filtering by Date:  

Email to be sent to subcontractors:  

Dear (Name):


Swinerton has been asked to start collecting a new Compliance item for the California Air Resources Board, see below. We are working together to make sure you only have to submit this item once a year for all projects in California.


According to the California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 2449 (the “Regulation”), subdivisions (i) & (J), prime contractors are required to obtain copies of valid “Certificates of Reported Compliance” from all subcontractors operating self-propelled off-road diesel-fueled vehicles horsepower 25 or greater used in California and most two-engine vehicles. This requirement applies to vehicles that are owned, rented, or leased.


For this reason, Swinerton requires its subcontractors either:


(1)  submit a valid Certificate of Reported Compliance regarding its vehicles that are subject to the regulation, or

(2)  provide a statement that the subcontractor does not operate any vehicles that are subject to the Regulation.


Please submit the document for whichever item number above your company falls under.


For more information about this Regulation or to obtain a Certificate of Reported Compliance, please visit the following California Air Resources Board website:


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.


Thank you,

BTECH NOTE: CHN-4266 Go Live 2/10/2025

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