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Determining Workflow Approval Status of JIP in Boomi - PM

Modified on: Fri, Jan 24 2025 5:15 PM

Determining Workflow Approval Status of JIP in Boomi - PM (AKA, Why is my JIP not set up or is the SDI Waiver workflow complete?)

After the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form is submitted by the Unanet User Liaison, the Boomi JIP Workflow is launched and routed through several people for review/approval. Reviewers are set up and assigned on a department-basis in CMiC. Follow these steps to view the status of approval/JIP creation on a given project.

STEP 1: Click on Swinerton Links>Job Start Log on the Treeview Menu in CMiC Field. 

This link will take you to the Jobs in Progress (JIP) Log in Boomi. 

STEP 2: Enter the applicable Bid Job (aka PJob) number into the search box, and click the magnifying glass on the right to search for your project or press Enter. See screenshot below. 

NOTE: Status column on right side of JIP Log table will indicate if the JIP Workflow is complete or not.

NOTE: If the Job # field has a number populated for the project, then that means a JIP has been created in CMiC. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's ready for Project Team still needs to be set-up by Project Setup Services and approved.

STEP 3: Click on the eye icon under the Actions column next to the project to see more detail. This will redirect you to the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form for the project. See screenshot below.

STEP 4: Once you are in the Boomi JIP Form, go to the Workflow History page to view history/activity on all applicable Boomi workflows for this particular project. See screenshot below.

STEP 5: The Workflow History screen will show progress of the JIP Workflow, including approval and FYI notifications that have been sent to reviewers (including date/timestamps), as well as if/when approvers approved or rejected their notifications. Any rejections of approval notifications will show a mandatory note from the approver explaining why they rejected.

OPTIONAL: At this point, you can contact those people whose approvals are outstanding. If you reach out to someone and they aren't seeing an approval notification in their Approvals Dashboard, Submit a Ticket with the screenshot of the Workflow History.

NOTE: Workflow History also shows the SDI Workflow (if SDI is being waived) and Job Folder Workflow (if job folder set-up is selected on the General Contract Information page of the Boomi JIP Form). If applicable, these approval workflows will launch as soon as the JIP is successfully created in CMiC.

NOTE: Creation of JIP in CMiC occurs once the Financial Manager and Risk Manager both approve their JIP Workflow approval notifications. Once the JIP is successfully created, the Project Setup Services team receives a JIP Workflow approval notification from Boomi (indicated by Job Setup Specialist on the Workflow History). Once the Job Setup Specialist reviews and complete the job set-up process of the JIP in CMiC, Workday, etc., they'll approve their notification in Boomi and the Project Team (amongst others who will get FYIs in Boomi) will receive an immediate email notification that job set-up is complete. Then the JIP is officially set-up/ready for use by the Project Team.

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