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Job in Progress (JIP) Workflow for PM

Modified on: Fri, Jan 24 2025 5:19 PM
Job in Progress (JIP) Workflow for PM

All new opportunities are created in Unanet via a Unanet User liaison. 

This liaison creates the opportunity and will let you know the Bid Job (PJob) # to look up in the Job Start Log in order to complete the Job Start Form (JIP Form) in Boomi.

You can follow the steps below to review the Job Start Process and how to complete the JIP Form in Boomi.

STEP 1: Click on Swinerton Links>Job Start Log from the Treeview Menu in CMiC Field.

NOTE: This will take you to a separate application called the Boomi Flow (Program) to complete the Job Start (JIP) Form. You'll notice that the Boomi JIP Form automatically pulls in select data from the Unanet Opportunity Record.

STEP 2: Search for the Bid Job # that you were given by your Unanet User liaison 

NOTE: The Bid Job# will have a ā€œPā€ at the end, symbolizing Pursuit. This is also often informally referred to as a "PJob".

STEP 3: Click on the eye icon next to your project to complete the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form.

NOTE: If you hover over the "i" in the small blue circle (info icon), it will provide some explanation for each field.

NOTE: Take notice of the top menu. Click on the dots to navigate to the different pages of the form. Percentages beneath each dot indicate % completion of required fields on each page, which should give you a sense of what still needs to be completed, and where, on the form.

NOTE: You don't have to click Save as you move from one page to the next. HOWEVER, it is highly recommended that you Save changes before closing the Boomi JIP Form or stepping away from it for long periods of time. Clicking the Save button will update the % completion that appears below each page.

NOTE: It's best practice to not have multiple sessions of the same Boomi JIP Form (for the same job) open at a given time. That way changes and submissions register properly.

General Contract Information Page

STEP 1: The Controlling Job field is a required field that automatically defaults to ALL. IT SHOULD REMAIN AS ALL, UNLESS you are certain that your project is going to be controlled financially by a controlling job. For example, SMC frequently assigns Controlling Jobs to track budget/cost of it's Controlled Jobs directly from the Controlling Job. It is rare that any divisions aside from SMC change this field from the default ALL.  Confirm if a Controlling Job # is applicable BEFORE selecting a Controlling Job # - otherwise, the JIP Workflow might error out or a ticket will need to be put in with BTech to separate the two jobs after the JIP is created.

STEP 2: The Project Role field automatically populates with the selection that was made via the Unanet Opportunity Record by the Unanet User liaison. It cannot be edited from the Boomi JIP Form. If this needs to be revised, please notify your Unanet User liaison so that they can make the change in Unanet. The change will be reflected in Boomi once the Boomi JIP Form is refreshed.

STEP 3: If the Project Role selected for your project is Sub to Self (Self-Perform), then the GC Job# (Self-Perform Only) field will appear and be required - as indicated by the red asterisk. You must select a GC Job #. If your project is not Sub to Self, then this field will not appear.


REMINDER: Do not enter the GC Job # into the Controlling Job Field UNLESS you are certain that the GC Job is also supposed to be financially controlling your project. SMC is typically the only entity that inputs anything other than the default ALL into this field. This is because they have Controlling Jobs that are used to track budget and costs of the Controlled Jobs.

STEP 4: Click the filter icon to the right of required Client field to open the Client Filter Criteria. 
STEP 4a: Input the Owner/Client Name, or their corresponding Business Partner Code, into the Client Filter Criteria field.

STEP 4b: Click the Filter icon (or press Enter on your keyboard) to search.

STEP 4c: Click the blue Arrow in the Action column to select/insert the correct Client into the Boomi JIP Form.

NOTE: Ensure that you are selecting the CORRECT client within the Client field. Confirm with your Unanet User Liaison and/or with your Prime Agreement if you are uncertain. If there seem to be multiple options to select from in this field for a single client and you aren't certain which to choose, it is best to double check with to confirm you are selecting the correct entity/Business Partner BEFORE submitting the Boomi JIP Form. Correction of the Customer on a JIP in CMiC after the JIP has been created/set up/started can become increasingly difficult and require extensive reconciliation as a the job progresses. Furthermore, there could be adverse Legal and Financial implications that can be easily avoided by selecting the correct Customer in Boomi.

STEP 5-13: Fill in the balance of the fields as required (required fields are indicated by red asterisks). 

NOTE: Primary Market (Step 5), Delivery Method (Step 6), Potential Revenue (Step 9), Construction Start Date (Step 12), and Construction End Date (Step 13) fields all auto-populate with selections made by the Unanet User Liaison in the Unanet Opportunity Record. These fields cannot be edited via the Boomi JIP Form.

NOTE: You will notice that, for the Contract Liquidated Damages field (Step 10) and the Shared Savings field (Step 11), if you answer Yes, then a new conditional field will appear.

STEP 14: Click Save button.

STEP 15: Navigate to the Project Team & Address page.

Project Team & Address Page

STEP 1: Choose the appropriate Project Manager / Field Admin / Operations Manager. Your selections will integrate into CMiC as Key Players on your JIP; theses selections are required for approval workflows.

STEP 2: The Project Address section auto-populates from the Unanet Opportunity Record. If it is not correct, you will need to reach out to your Unanet User Liaison to have them update the address from the Unanet Opportunity Record.

STEP 3: Click Save.

STEP 4: Click AP Invoice Workflow page.

AP Invoice Workflow Page

STEP 1: Choose the appropriate Project Invoice Coder / Coder Backup / Approver / Approver Backup. If these need to be changed later on in the Job, please reach out to Project Setup Services to make the desired update(s). 

STEP 2: Click Save.

STEP 3: Click Finance page.

Finance Page

STEP 1: Fill in all required (asterisked) fields with accurate information.

Note: If you select "Other" for Client Payment Terms, another mandatory field will appear allowing you to include an typed explanation. Please make sure your entries into these fields are accurate.

Note: If you select "Yes" for Textura Project, another required field will appear asking if you want to Enroll Project in Swinerton Payment Accelerator.

Note: If you mark "Yes" for Project Specific Charge Rates, the section will expand requiring that you to upload your specific rates.

Note: If you mark "Yes" for More than one Contract Deliverable, a conditional field will appear below it requiring input of a description.

STEP 2: Click Save.

STEP 3: Click Risk page.

Risk Page

STEP 1: Complete necessary fields with correct information.

Note: If you mark "Yes" for any of the following fields (EIFS Exterior project (GC Jobs ONLY) / Wood Frame project / Hazardous Materials Work), and/or the Delivery Method field on the first page is Design-Build, Progressive Design-Build, or Integrated Project Delivery, then the High Risk Project field will update to "Yes" and the conditional/required Describe Risk field will appear. You will need to enter in a description of the anticipated risk.

Note: If you mark "Yes" for Bond Required, notice that a link to the corresponding Boomi Bond Form will appear next to the field. Click HERE for the P&P Bond Request How To's.

STEP 2: Click Save.

STEP 3: Click Insurance page.

Insurance Page

Click HERE for detailed Information on the Insurance Page

STEP 1: Infill fields as necessary with correct information.

Note: At least ONE field in the Insurance section must be selected. Multiple selections can be made. If you have any questions regarding which insurance selection(s) to make, reach out to the Risk Management team for guidance. Hovering over the blue info ("i") icons next to each insurance type field provides some description/clarification of insurance types.

STEP 2: Click Save.

STEP 3: Click Save.

SDI Page

Click HERE for detailed Information on this page.

STEP 1: Fill in the required fields with correct information.

Note: If you need to request a Waiver for SDI on your project, select "Yes" in the Project Waiving SDI field. You will then be prompted with another conditional/required field to select an applicable reason. If "Other" is the reason chosen from the drop-down, then another required free-form field will appear for you to input your explanation.

Note: If "Yes" is selected, then a separate SDI Waiver workflow will launch for necessary review/approvals by DM/OM/Regional Manager/GM(if applicable)/SDI Waiver Approver, if Potential Revenue is >$3MM. If the Potential Revenue is less than or equal to $3MM, then the SDI Waiver request just gets reviewed/approved by the SDI Waiver Approver. The corporate SDI Waiver Approver is currently Robert Ruszkowski.

Note: If "No" is selected in the Project Waiving SDI field, then you will be prompted to enter in the applicable rate (%).

STEP 2: Click Save.

STEP 3: Click Legal page.

Note: Click HERE for more information on the SDI Waiver Workflow.

Legal Page

STEP 1: Fill in the Fields with correct information.

Note: If "Yes" is chosen for Private Project in California, several more conditional fields will appear for entry of information on Property Owner / Lender. Enter in appropriate info, as necessary.

Note: Uploading to the Attach Executed Contract field is REQUIRED for all non-SMC and non-Self-Perform projects. A contract (ideally executed) must be uploaded. If executed contracts are not applicable/available to your project (e.g., contract repair jobs, misc jobs, warranty repair jobs), then you can just upload any relevant documentation or form of external/internal authorization that might assist with JIP workflow review/approval and Project Setup. For example, if you don't have an executed contract, then possibly an NTP or Notice of Award. 

Note: A supplemental Additional Comments field is also provided for project teams to input any further explanation/clarification regarding their prime agreement (or lack thereof).

STEP 2: Click Save.

STEP 3: Review your form once more to ensure everything is accurate and saved. Then, reach out to your Unanet User Liaison and inform them that the Boomi JIP Form is complete and ready for the final review/submission. 


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