2. Run Proforma Report
Modified on: Thu, Jan 9 2025 5:22 PMSTEP 1: Open Reporter https://rr-reporter5.rentalresultsaas.com:8356/
Note: Your username and password is the same as CORE and PORTAL, You may access Reporter directly from CORE or PORTAL as well.
STEP 2: Click Reports
STEP 3: Search and Select SWIN - Proforma Report (PROD)
STEP 4: Click ACTION and RUN
STEP 5: Enter your branch code
STEP 6: Click RUN
STEP 7: Click the 3-dots (top right), Export, select CSV.
STEP 8: Review the report for accuracy.
Note: If corrections are required, complete the required corrections in CORE and rerun your Pro-forma Billing and Proforma Report.