What I Need to Know: Project Summary Details
Modified on: Mon, Sep 23 2024 9:00 AMPublished Project Name - Type in the Project Name that should be displayed on external marketing material (e.g., proposals). All Publisher documents will pull in the Published Project Name if entered.
Sub-Project of - If you are trying to connect a sub-project to a parent project, please type in the parent project number to make the connection.
Publishable Project
- Yes - If the project can be published and shared on external marketing material, please update this field to "Yes".
- No - All projects default to "No". Please update accordingly.
Publishable Reason (multi-select field) - Please ensure at least one reason is selected.
- Excellent Client Reference
- Unrestricted
- Contact Division Marketing Manager Prior to Use
- Client Permission Required
- Non Disclosure Agreement
- In Litigation
- Bad Project Reference
- Project Cancelled
Region/Division Preferred Project
- Yes - Change selection to "Yes" if the project is well recognized and marketable within the Division and/or Region.
- No - All projects default to "No". Please update accordingly.
Swinerton Prominent Project
- Yes - Change selection to "Yes" if the project is not only well recognized within the Region/Division, but also on a national level. These projects are typically listed on our Swinerton website and/or almost always marketed on proposals.
- No - All projects default to "No". Please update accordingly.
Project Status & Percent Complete - This field is automated based on the project completion in CMiC. There is no need to manually update these fields.
- No - When the project is not archived (by default), that means the project is reportable and will display in all search results.
- To Be Archived - DO NOT USE
- Archived - These are projects that will never be marketed/published such as insurance claims, warranty projects, and miscellaneous jobs. Please manually archive these projects so the results do not show up in quick search and reporting/analytics.