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What I Need to Know: Delivery Methods

Modified on: Thu, Sep 19 2024 9:46 AM

Please review the following Delivery Methods definitions and ensure opportunities created in Unanet are designated with the correct method type.

Delivery Method Definitions
CM Multi-Prime
Construction Management Multi-Prime (CMMP) is also known just as Multi-Prime (MP). The American Institute of Architects (AIA) calls this Construction Manager as Advisor (CMa). The Owner holds separate contracts with Contractors of various disciplines, such as general construction, mechanical, electrical and plumbing. In this system, the Owner, or its CM, manages the overall schedule and budget during the entire construction phase.
Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR)
Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) is a project delivery method in which the owner hires a construction manager (CM) to oversee the project from design to construction close-out and deliver it with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) provided to the owner prior to the bid stage. Because the CM could be responsible for paying the difference when going over budget, the CM must closely manage the project budget and schedule to stay within the GMP. 
Construction Manager Not At Risk
Describes a type of relationship or as a project management method. A method of managing design and construction services. A CM Agent performs the role expected of an agent in an agency relationship, acting as a representative of the owner of the project. As well as exclusively serves the interest of the owner, advises the owner, and helps the owner to make critical decisions during each stage of the project.
Design Assist
Someone with a builder’s experience (a contractor, construction manager, subcontractor or material supplier) provides input to a design professional to guide or influence a project’s design. This input is provided from the builder’s expertise as someone knowledgeable about things like installation, construction techniques, scheduling, or cost estimating. The design professional maintains responsibility for the design, they just get the benefit of having input from knowledgeable builders along the way.
Design Bid Build
Traditional construction project delivery method that involves the completion of three distinct phases in sequence. Construction does not begin until the design process is complete (and a bid accepted), so there is no overlap between design and construction.
Design Build
Innovative delivery method by Caltrans whereby a contract for both design and construction of a project is awarded to a single entity.
Engineer Procure Construct (EPC)
Integrates the design, procurement, construction, startup and commissioning work on power generation projects, supporting on time and on budget project completion.
Facility Solutions (FS)
Delivers cost-effective and scalable service programs to maximize the quality of commercial real estate assets. From simple facility enhancements to complex renovations, our highly trained service technicians collaborate with Fortune 500 companies and property management firms on a variety of corporate offices, retail spaces, distribution centers, critical facilities, and airports.
Integrated Project Delivery
Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a construction project delivery method that seeks efficiency and involvement of all participants (people, systems, business structures and practices) through all phases of design, fabrication, and construction. IPD combines ideas from integrated practice and lean construction.
A school district typically leases property to a developer, who in turn builds a school facility on the property and leases it back to the school district. 
Master Service Agreement (MSA)
MSA is a contract between two or more parties that establishes what terms and conditions will govern all current and future activities and responsibilities. MSAs are useful because they allow the parties to plan for the future while also speeding the ratification of future agreements. That’s because MSAs create a contract framework that establishes the foundation for all future actions. 
Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Agreement

Public operating agencies utilize operations and maintenance (O&M) agreements to transfer responsibility for asset operation and management to the private sector.

Public-private partnership as “a contractual arrangement that is formed between public and private-sector partners. These arrangements typically involve a government agency contracting with a private partner to renovate, construct, operate, maintain, and/or manage a facility or system, in whole or in part, that provides a public service. Under these arrangements, the agency may retain ownership of the public facility or system, but the private party generally invests its own capital to design and develop the properties. Typically, each partner shares in income resulting from the partnership. Such a venture, although a contractual arrangement, differs from typical service contracting in that the private-sector partner usually makes a substantial cash, at-risk, equity investment in the project, and the public sector gains access to new revenue or service delivery capacity without having to pay the private-sector partner.”
Professional Services Not at Risk
The professional service provider is not financially at risk for the project’s construction costs or any potential cost overruns. This approach contrasts with methods where the design professionals might share some of the financial risk associated with the construction phase.
Progressive Design-Build
A stepped, or progressive process (commonly referred to as Progressive Design-Build or PDB). PDB uses a qualifications-based or best value selection, followed by a process whereby the owner then “progresses” towards a design and contract price with the team (thus the term “Progressive”). 


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