Fixing the "The items below are assigned to WBS values having the trailing spaces indicated." Error
Modified on: Wed, Aug 28 2024 1:07 PMDestini does not like when a WBS Structure name ends in a space. Because of this the Swinerton custom report may kick an error stating that "The items below are assigned to WBS values having the trailing spaces indicated."
The Report export will include a single tab excel file noting the line items that need to be fixed in Destini and the WBS category that has the training space:
For example in the screen shot above we have 6 line items that have a WBS value with a trailing space. The WBS value that needs to be fixed is "2 BG Parking ".
To fix this issue remove the trailing space from the WBS value in Destini, save your estimate, and run the report again.
In my example above I will change "2 BG Parking " to "2 BG Parking", removing that training space after "Parking".
Once I save and run my report again the WBS no longer has a trailing space so the report no longer has an issue.