BTech Support


Filter CMiC Workflow Notifications - NEW

Modified on: Fri, Aug 16 2024 2:00 PM


Explanation of actions to filter items in the new Workflow Notifications page in CMiC.

Note: Workflow Notifications in this list are based on the logged-in user account, not the specific project that you're on in CMiC Project Management.



1. Show Filter - Button to expand filtering options for WF items.

2. From Date / To Date - Selectors for date range to filter your WF items.

3. Workflow Type - Menu to select WF item types (i.e. Vendor Invoices, Vendor Prequalification, Job Folder Setup, etc.).

4. Notification Type - Selection between Approvals, FYIs, or both.

5. Key 1 (Department) - Search among Departments from the selected WF items in the list.

6. Key 2 (Invoice Series) - Search among Invoice Series from the selected WF items in the list.

7. Key 3 (Job Number) - Search among Job Numbers from the selected WF items in the list.

8. Key 4 (Registration Group) - Search among Registration Groups from the selected WF items in the list.

9. Key 5 (Vendor) - Search among Vendor IDs from the selected WF items in the list.

10. Sort By - Choose a parameter to sort the WF items by, then select Ascending or Descending.

Once you have applied the parameters of your filter, click Apply Filter.

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