BTech Support


CMiC Patch 19 - New Functionality

Modified on: Tue, Jul 23 2024 11:48 AM

CMiC Patch 19 - New Functionality -

AKA Column Added to Project Partners - 

When querying/filtering a company, there is a new column labeled "AKA". This column is a standard CMiC column and can not be removed from the system. The field is not a required field and can be left empty. If it is used, information such as the parent company or additional company alias is appropriate.

Using New Project Checklists - 

Click HERE for an overview of how to assign a new Project Checklist to your project in CMiC. 

Submittal Detail Tab - New Date Created and Date Closed Fields in Header Section

Two new default fields were added to the Submittal Detail tab (see screenshot below). They cannot be edited and auto-populate as follows.

  1. The Date Created Field will auto-populate with the date the Submittal is first Imported or Saved.  
    1. For an imported Submittal, it will be the date the Submittal is imported into the system.
    2. For a manually created Submittal, it will be the date the Submittal was first Saved.
  2. The Date Closed Field will auto-populate with the date when the Submittal's Status changes to Approved, Approved as Noted, Closed, Make Corrections Noted, For Information Purposes, No Exceptions Taken, or Voided. 
    1. NOTE: If User changes the Status from one of the above statuses back to any of the other "open" statuses, the date in this field will disappear.
    2. NOTE: As always, proper updates to the Submittal's status via Edit History, or via the Reviewer section on the Submittal Detail tab, will update the overall Status field at top of the Submittal Detail tab. The new Date Closed field looks at the overall Status field. 

CMIC Enterprise - Query Data Button Does Not Apply Filtering in Detail Section - 

Query Data button no longer factors in filters put in place in Details section below. You must now enter in your desired Selection Criteria above and Query Data first; then input your filters in the Details section below and click Enter.

This is new/intended functionality. (e.g., CMIC Enterprise>AP>Query>Registry/Invoice Query).

CMIC Field PCIs - Editing Auto Calculated Markup Line Items

  In order to edit auto-calculated markup line items on a given unposted PCI, users must now uncheck the Auto Calculate Markups box in the PCI Details section of the PCI. Otherwise, the markup line items will remain greyed-out/uneditable. 


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