BTech Support


CMiC Patch 19 - Known Issues

Modified on: Wed, Aug 14 2024 9:40 AM

- CMiC BI: Errors when attempting to apply a filter on a BI query/dashboard

   Case: 00535294

   Multiple error messages appear when applying a filter to any column on a CMiC BI query/dashboard after the Patch 19 install. There is currently no fix available for this, but we are hoping to have one within the week.

- Construct PM (mobile app): Unable to find all available contacts when trying to assign new contact to job

   Case: 00487585

   When attempting to assign an existing CMiC contact to a job contact list there are issues with being able to find some contacts. Some are available to assign, others are not. CMiC is currently investigating a fix for this.

Contract Forecast: Overriding PM Revenue Adjustment

  Case: 00494425

  When overriding Revenue Forecast for PM Revenue Adjustment and clicking save it does hold the change, but if you go out, come back into Forecasting and click Refresh all the update disappears.  CMiC is working on it.

- Jasper Reports: New Relative Date Fields on Jasper Reports

   A new Relative Date field now appears as an optional parameter that can be set for Jasper Reports in CMIC. We've been informed that this new feature is not currently functioning properly/consistently. There is a known bug that CMIC is aware of is working on addressing at a global level. For the time being, we ask that Users disregard this new feature. DO NOT USE. Instead, use the typical Date fields that you are used to inputting. 

NOTE: Unfortunately, there is not a way to turn it off for all Jasper reports. 

CMIC Enterprise AR - Aged Accounts Receivable Reports Issues

  Case: 00535979, PRB-2587

Seeing issues with both of the following reports returning no values in the 31-60, 61-90, and 90+ columns. Amounts that are supposed to be showing up in these columns instead appear to be rolling up into the Current column.:

- AR - Aged Accounts Receivable - Summary (CUSTOM) - AR1000S_B

- AR - Aged Accounts Receivable - Detail - AR1000D_B

NOTE: The other non-custom AR reports in Enterprise are still working. 

CMIC is investigating this issue.

CMIC Field - AP Imaged Invoice Log and AP Imaged Invoice Log - ALL JOBS - Invoice Links Not Populating

  Case: PRB-2588

The Invoice # column the AP Imaged Invoice Log and the AP Imaged Invoice Log - ALL JOBS in CMIC Field is not populating properly with links.

Workaround: You should be able to pull the invoice through Enterprise>AP>Query>Registry/Invoice Query, or through Image Manager (using Image Search Feature; refer to this video link 

- [RESOLVED] CMIC Field - Workflow Notifications Key Filters

  Case: 00535764, PRB-2584

  The Key fields (1 through 5) at the top of the Workflow Notifications module are now pulling info from entire data table(s) after taking Patch 19. Whereas, before, these filters would only pull from data on workflow notifications that are currently open on the Workflow Notifications dashboard.

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