BTech Support


Division Manager - SC/SCO Tracking Log

Modified on: Wed, Jun 12 2024 10:31 AM

Located under Reports > Budget & Cost Reports > Division Mgr JIP Reports

This new log will allow you to track a couple of things in one log.

1.  Subcontract Commitments (SC) & Subcontract Change Orders that are being billed or have been paid but are not executed

     Filter the "Department Code" to your group of Department codes or group you want to review

     Filter the "Executed date" column to Null

     Billed Flag "Y" means that it is unsigned and currently up to be paid / Billing Amount shows how much of the issued amount is being billed for

     Paid Flag "Y" means that it is unsigned and has already been paid out / Paid Amount show how much of the issued amount has been paid

     Remove the Billed Flag to see all commitments/SCO's that are not executed for your departments.

     Created by column at the end is the person that initially submitted the commitment.

     NOTE: if you click on the Subcontract code, it will take you to that commitment directly.  If you go to the Review/approve tab it will give you who submitted it initially and everyone that might have approved it along the way.

2.  After the updated SCO WorkFlow Exception Request change that went live on 5/6/2024, there was concern that Project Teams would take advantage and keep all their SCO's under 74,999.00 because then none of them would go through the exception request process.  

     This log will allow you to review all SCO's that are <= 74,999.00.

     Filter the "Department Code" to your group of Department codes or group you want to review

     Filter the "Issued Amount" by Less than or equal to: 74999.00 (no comma)

     (You can also see what rows have not been executed)

     NOTE: if you click on the Subcontract code, it will take you to that commitment directly.  If you go to the Review/approve tab it will give you who submitted it initially and everyone that might have approved it along the way.

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