Export Estimate from Sage to Destini
Modified on: Fri, Apr 5 2024 3:58 PM1. Request a Sage project Excel:
Use this link to request a copy of your project from Sage https://support.swinerton.com/support/catalog/items/29
Fill in “Estimate Name”, and “Estimate Version” if applicable.
BTech will email an Excel file that is used to make the Destini estimate.
2. Excel should look similar to below.
Save Excel to local C drive
3. Open Destini
Navigate to “Templates”
Search “sage to destini”
Click “New Estimate From Template”
Fill in project information and click “New Estimate”
4. Your new Destini estimate should automatically open
Navigate to “Home” on the top ribbon
Click “Import”
Click “Spreadsheet”
5. “Estimate Spreadsheet Import Wizard” window will pop up
Click “Next” ONCE AND WAIT, until you see the screen below
Check the box next to “Treat first row as column header”
Click the three dots next to “Spreadsheet” and find the Excel previously saved on your C drive.
6. After finding your Excel file, click “Open”
The Destini pop up window should look like the image below
Click “Next” ONCE AND WAIT
7. The Destini pop up window should look like the image below
Click the first drop down arrow and choose “Line Items”
Click the second drop down arrow and choose “WBS Properties”
Click “Next” ONCE AND WAIT
8. The Destini pop up window should look like the image below
Click the empty cell next to “Item Number”, and choose “Item Number”
Repeat this step to match up the following items:
Item Number
Unit of Measure
Labor Cost
Sub Cost
Material Cost
Equipment Cost
Other Cost
Masterformat Level 1
Masterformat Level 2
Masterformat Level 3
Uniformat Level 1
Uniformat Level 2
Uniformat Level 3
User Defined numbers 1 through 8
*NOTE* you will only need to do this step the first time you export. These options will remain selected for all future exports.
Click “Next” ONCE AND WAIT
9. Click “Import” ONCE AND WAIT
10. Click “Finish”
Export is complete. See below for additional checks to make sure the estimate export is accurate
11. Look through the estimate for any items marked “Unclassified Items”
These items do not have correlating WBS properties between Sage and Destini. They will need to be manually assigned WBS properties.
*NOTE* Not all properties need to be assigned. Most important ones are Masterformat, Uniformat, and System.
12. Inputting correct GSF:
Update “Project Specific” tab to put in GSF of all components/systems. Link GSFs to properties.
In estimate, link “Unit Reference” to the correct component/system.
13. Check total costs to make sure it is the same between Destini and Sage.
14. Input necessary project information (owner, architect, etc)
If the project you are exporting is for Historical purposes, navigate to “Swinerton Metrics” and fill out all project information under “Historical Information”. Skip this step if not.
15. Save and you’re done!
Credit: Natalie Le