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What I Need to Know: Project Description Types

Modified on: Mon, Dec 30 2024 1:41 PM


Description Type Notes/Clarifying Information on Use
Award Submission Used for good award type narratives that don't fall into other categories.
Brochure Description Meant for those longer descriptions that aren't used in Publisher but potentially SOQ's or other specific project write ups.
Case Studies Used in publisher to provide flexibility in finding specific project case studies by market and listing them in publisher project lists.  As a case study should be specific to the project and an innovative "outside the box" type of write up highlighting solutions to challenges (more so than typical challenges like "it rained and delayed the schedule and we had to come up with a unique solution to remain on schedule....this is more appropriate in Challenges and Resolutions).
Challenges and Resolutions Typical challenges like "it rained and delayed the schedule and we had to come up with a unique solution to remain on schedule, or we ran into unforeseen conditions that required mitigating measures, etc.
Client Quotes Meant to provide an easy "copy/paste" field for kudos on the specific project, not used in Publisher, but provided for efficiency to quickly search for quotes via the Project Descriptions Report.
CMiC Description Turned off and a hold over from initial import of data, not sure if data still exists or we migrated it all over
Design/Construction Aspects Unique aspects of the design/construction for the project - Not "it was steel frame", but was there a unique aspect of the foundations or steel frame or features unique to the project.  Can see this being consolidated with other description aspects, but was created to provide an easy "Copy/Paste" of relevant features of the project or specific about the project (unique design features, construction methods, etc.)
DO NOT USE - Kearney Resume Description Eventually will become or consolidated with Resume Descriptions, mean to provide control method to identify resume descriptions from PDF's that need vetting
Management Aspects Unique aspects for how we delivered this project - Not "we did pull planning", but how specifically did we use pull planning to achieve the client's goals for the project or accommodate unique features of the project
Opportunity Description A description that comes over when opportunities are converted to projects.
Project Sheet Description (Mandatory) A general description about the project that gets populated on Project Sheets. This field is mandatory and necessary for Publisher Project Profile/Sheet generation.
Quarterly Articles Meant to provide an easy reference for all the quarterly articles written about that project. Helps when mining and searching for data or quick "good to knows" about the project.
Resume Description (Mandatory) A short description about the project that gets populated on the resume. The field is mandatory and necessary for Publisher Resume generation.

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