BTech Support


Creating a Change Request Using the Service Catalog

Modified on: Wed, Feb 28 2024 11:56 AM

Creating a Change Request Using the Service Catalog -


NOTE: How to Video available HERE


STEP 1: From the Service Catalog, Click BTech Change Request (or click HERE).


STEP 2: Complete the BTech Change Request Form:




  1. Requestors Name
    1. You can enter a request for someone else as well
  2. Subject line should include Product or Service name along with notable detail
  3. Select Product or Service from predetermined list
  4. Give a short description of the change request
  5. Describe the business justification of the change request
  6. Select reason for the change
  7. Select the percentage of the company that is affected by the change
  8. Add any attachments that might be helpful
  9. Select Place Request


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