Converting a Ticket to a Change
Modified on: Wed, Feb 28 2024 11:52 AMConverting a Ticket to a Change -
NOTE: How to Video available HERE
STEP 1: From the ticket, click Associate.
STEP 1a: Click Change initiated by this ticket.
STEP 2: Complete the form.
NOTE: Fields with the red * are required to be completed in order to create the Change.
a: The requester's name should auto populate. This can be modified if necessary.
b: Update the Subject field if needed.
c: Chose from the list of Products or Services.
d: Leave the status on Backlog until the Change is being actively worked on.
e: Update the Priority field if needed.
f: Update the Impact field if needed.
g: If this change results in a noticeable impact to end users, change to Yes.
h: If this change requires the Service Desk to be aware, change to Yes.
i: If this change necessitates an announcement to users on SwinNet, change to Yes.
j: Update the Description field if necessary. Add as much detail as possible (it is possible that another agent will complete this change).
k: Click Associate.