BTech Support


Change Definitions and Lifecycle

Modified on: Tue, Sep 24 2024 11:17 AM

Change Type and Status Overview:

With our strategic decision to move Changes back to Fresh Service, to leverage less tools, more process workflow, and better reporting, we have introduced Change Types, and the Status Sequences.  This document provides a high-level overview of the process and definitions.  We currently do not have the Change Lifecycle turned on that will naturally sequence our 3 different change types through the proper sequence.  We do plan to turn that on after we gain more clarity around definitions and process.


Change Types:

Standard - low risk, repeatable, preapproved - you can do this (with your team) without approval

Normal - intermediary risk, not urgent or pre-approved - you need others to complete (approval required)

Emergency - urgent, present high risk if not addressed promptly - reach out to directors immediately (approval required)


Change Status:

Awaiting Approval – Waiting for approval from below hierarchy to proceed with change.  You must assign the approver at the bottom of the change record (Select Standard CAB).  That will auto notify that person and update the Approval Status.  No start/end dates required.  

NOTE: Approval Hierarchy:

  • Level 1: Directors - Requires a charter, cross product/team, budget impacted.
  • Level 2: Steering Council - Directors will escalate as appropriate.
  • Level 3: Executive Committee - Directors will escalate as appropriate.


        • Ensure your description is consisly filed out and is easy to understand the scope of the change being requested.
        • Business Value and ROI
        • Business Impact (Service or End-Users)
        • Effort 

The CAB may request you join the weekly Directors CAB meeting on Thursday at 7:30 am PST to better explain your change.

Backlog – Awaiting scheduling of work. All backlog items will be addressed within the next 18 month.  No start/end dates required.

Planning – Work scheduled.  Has been added into the next sprint. All planning items will be addressed within one quarter.  Start Date should be added.

In Progress – The change is currently being worked on.  Start date required.  End Date is required and also will be the date you plan to deploy - -Get your communications and Service Desk FYI in place on this end date.

Pending Review – The solution has been built, Testing, Review by stakeholder, Get comm's and training material set up.  Awaiting deployment.

Cancelled – The change has been cancelled, and will not be worked on.  No start/end dates required.

Closed – The change has been completed and deployed to production. End date required.



Operational Management:

  • Each team member has access to this real time change report that focuses on all changes by status Report
  • Managers meet bi-monthly to review changes as a management team.
  • Weekly changes are shared with all BTech for changes planned for the week.
  • Daily changes planned for the day are emailed to the change owner to ensure we are on track with the change
    • This same report is emailed to Directors and the Service Desk to be prepared
    • Planning to incorporate communication management with all changes impacting customers in 2025 and beyond.
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