BTech Support


How To: Load Excel or CSV Files into Power BI

Modified on: Wed, Dec 13 2023 2:28 PM


Tito Perez & Swati VishwanathanUse Case

Use this technique when:

  1. If you wish to set up scheduled refresh in Power BI service, you must use sharepoint link to the file instead of a path to a machine drive.
  2. If you want to transfer the dataset refresh or update to another person on the team, they cannot refresh the dataset if there is a connection back to your local machine.


  1. Access to excel or csv file
  2. Permissions to publish to PBIX workspace (if your intent is to publish the report )



Get the link to the file

There are different type of links you can use

  • Excel (stored in OneDrive/SharePoint)
  • OneDrive
  • SharePoint


OneDrive Link

  1. Right click on file in the file explorer.
  2. Navigate to OneDrive> Copy Link
  3. Copy over this link to a notepad or any text editor.
  4. Remove the following part from the string: ‘?web=1’. Your path should now simply end with the format of your file, eg. Csv, xlsx.

SharePoint Link

  1. Open file.
  2. Navigate to: File > Info > Copy Path:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


  1. Copy over this link to a notepad or any text editor.
  2. Remove the following part from the string: ‘?web=1’. Your path should now simply end with the format of your file, eg. Csv, xlsx.



Add in Power BI Desktop

  1. Get Data> Web> Paste  link to file.
  2. You will be prompted to authenticate. Select Microsoft / Organizational (depending upon which prompt you see) and  follow prompts for authentication.
  3. Click Connect. Confirm that you are connecting to the sharepoint link for the file. At times it defaults to the top level sharepoint folder.
  4. Once you are connected, you are ready to build your report.
  5. Confirm you are able to refresh the PBIX file locally.
  6.  To refresh this dataset in the service, navigate to dataset settings. The sharepoint links can be refreshed using 0Auth2 credentials.




  • Format Excel as Tables
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