BTech Support


Swinerton Custom Report: How to Run Report

Modified on: Fri, Jul 19 2024 11:26 AM

General Comments for All Exports


  • Always remember to save any pending changes to the estimate, as the export will only be able to extract content associated with the current estimate based on when it was last saved.



  • Since the export routine is a VBA code-enabled Excel file, it may take a few moments for the Excel application to load in the hosted environment.


  • Once you select a report from the available list after navigating to Home > Reports, please allow a moment for Excel to open, as selecting reports without waiting for this to happen may eventually lead to several sessions of Excel to open when the processes “catch up” to any requests made.



  • Since the export routine actively extracts data from the current estimate, the process may take up to several minutes to complete depending on the size of the project.


  • Whenever the process indicates it is Working… in the upper-right corner of the launch dialog, please be patient and allow the routine to continue until informed it is Ready for action to be taken by the user.




  • Since the Excel-based export routines are initiated in the hosted environment, the resulting Excel file output is also saved in the hosted environment.


  • To locate the results for any Excel exports you’ve generated, you will need to…


  1. Launch the File Explorer in the hosted environment

  1. Navigate to the folder heading “Z:\Reports\Output”
  2. Locate the subfolder associated with your name




NOTE:   The first time you invoke any of the Excel export routines created to date, a new folder will be created as a subfolder of the parent heading “Z:\Reports\Output”.  Feel free to purge any unnecessary results in this folder from time to time, after you’ve safely copied what you need from the hosted location to any appropriate local/network target location as required.



Multi-Level Item Crosstab Detail


  • Sort Criteria


  1. In order to [Render Export], you must select an available WBS property for the column sort and at a minimum of one row sort.
  2. Only those WBS properties available to the current estimate will be listed.


  1. As you select WBS properties for the different sort levels, previous levels will be locked in.
  2. Each WBS property can only be used once, with the selections for sublevels reduced by those already chosen for previous levels.
  3. A previously selected sort level can be changed when the level just beneath it is changed to “(none)”.
  4. Should you need to start the sort selection process over again, click [Reset Sort Levels].


  • Fees


  1. Distribute fees? – selecting this option will instruct the export to distribute any fees marked as such in the [Distribute] column of the Fee Editor for the current estimate.




  1. Include zero amount fees? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include any fees having a zero-dollar amount in the export for the current estimate.   Leaving this option unchecked will suppress all zero-dollar fees as well as unnecessary intermediate subtotals.
  2. Retain subtotal positions? –  selecting this option will instruct the export to display any subtotals listed in the fee editor for the current estimate in the same positions visible there.   Leaving this option unchecked will itemize the fees only without any intermediate subtotals.


  1. Subtotal Rendering                                                                                                 


  • as running totals – selecting this option will instruct the export to display the subtotal amounts as a running total accumulator, as observed in the Beck Destini application.
  • as group totals – selecting this option will instruct the export to display the subtotal amounts as the current subtotal for that section only.

Comments on Subtotal Rendering:

  • The grand total for the estimate will be the same, regardless of the selected option.
  • This option only visible if you select the option to Retain subtotal positions?



  • Item Scope


  1. Combine like items? – selecting this option will instruct the export to consolidate duplicate items common to all crosstab columns and sort levels onto the same combined row.  Items must have the same attributes below in order to combine into the same row:
    • Item Number
    • Description
    • Unit of Measure
  2. Include zero amount items? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include any item having a zero-dollar amount (combined or otherwise) in the export for the current estimate.
  3. Include notes column? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include a blank column for notes to the right of the totals column.


  • Sort Criteria
  1. The rendering of an optional notes column has been converted from an Include notes column? 

    checkbox to the radio button selections listed below: 

    1. not required – this option (which is the default on the Crosstab Detail and Detail exports) will 

      suppress the Notes column from appearing in the output. 

    2. as blank cells – this option (which is the default on the Estimate Comparison Detail export) is 

      equivalent to checking the previous Include notes column? checkbox, showing the Notes 

      column in the output, but without any content. 

    3. from source estimate – this option will not only show the Notes column in the output, but also 

      any notes detected on the associated line items in the source estimate.

  2. Additional comments on the from source estimate option above: 

    1. For all items not having notes defined in the source estimate, the associated cells in the output 

      will be blank, similar to the as blank cells option. 

    2. Selecting this option in conjunction with the Combine like items? option may lead to slightly 

      different results from the as blank cells option if the same line items have different note values 

      defined (you will also see this notification upon hovering the mouse over this selection)


  • Export Validations


  1. The following checks are performed on the data before any results are rendered:
    • Detection of any WBS property values having leading spaces (e.g. “C – Interiors” vs. “C – Interiors  ”)
    • Detection of any WBS property values having the same values when compared in a case-insensitive manner (e.g., “B – Shell” vs. “B – SHELL”)
    • Detection of any fees having invalid or unattainable WBS property value and/or cost type distribution criteria
  2. Should any of the above criteria not be met, you will be presented with an exception audit with information to correct in the current estimate before running the export again.
  3. When all of the above validation criteria are satisfied, the final step will be providing appropriate quantities and units of measure upon which to base unit costs for each column in the output.  Any cells needing a quantity or unit of measure will appear with an orange background shading.





Multi-Level Item Detail


  • Sort Criteria


  1. In order to [Render Export], you must select an available WBS property for at least one (1) row sort.
  2. Only those WBS properties available to the current estimate will be listed.


  1. As you select WBS properties for the different sort levels, previous levels will be locked in.
  2. Each WBS property can only be used once, with the selections for sublevels reduced by those already chosen for previous levels.
  3. A previously selected sort level can be changed when the level just beneath it is changed to “(none)”.
  4. Should you need to start the sort selection process over again, click [Reset Sort Levels].

  • Fees


  1. Distribute fees? – selecting this option will instruct the export to distribute any fees marked as such in the [Distribute] column of the Fee Editor for the current estimate.



  1. Include zero amount fees? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include any fees having a zero-dollar amount in the export for the current estimate.  Leaving this option unchecked will suppress all zero-dollar fees as well as unnecessary intermediate subtotals.
  2. Retain subtotal positions? –  selecting this option will instruct the export to display any subtotals listed in the fee editor for the current estimate in the same positions visible there.   Leaving this option unchecked will itemize the fees only without any intermediate subtotals.


  1. Subtotal Rendering                                                                                                


  • as running totals – selecting this option will instruct the export to display the subtotal amounts as a running total accumulator, as observed in the Beck Destini application.
  • as group totals – selecting this option will instruct the export to display the subtotal amounts as the current subtotal for that section only.

Comments on Subtotal Rendering:

  • The grand total for the estimate will be the same, regardless of the selected option.
  • This option only visible if you select the option to Retain subtotal positions?



  • Item Scope


  1. Combine like items? – selecting this option will instruct the export to consolidate duplicate items common to all crosstab columns and sort levels onto the same combined row.  Items must have the same attributes below in order to combine into the same row:
    • Item Number
    • Description
    • Unit of Measure
  2. Include zero amount items? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include any item having a zero-dollar amount (combined or otherwise) in the export for the current estimate.
  3. Include notes column? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include a blank column for notes to the right of the totals column.


  • Export Validations


  1. The following checks are performed on the data before any results are rendered:
    • Detection of any WBS property values having leading spaces (e.g. “C – Interiors” vs. “C – Interiors  ”)
    • Detection of any WBS property values having the same values when compared in a case-insensitive manner (e.g., “B – Shell” vs. “B – SHELL”)
    • Detection of any fees having invalid or unattainable WBS property value and/or cost type distribution criteria
  2. Should any of the above criteria not be met, you will be presented with an exception audit with information to correct in the current estimate before running the export again.
  3. When all of the above validation criteria are satisfied, the final step will be providing appropriate quantities and units of measure upon which to base unit costs for each column in the output.  Any cells needing a quantity or unit of measure will appear with an orange background shading.

Multi-Level Estimate Comparison Detail


  • Regardless of any additional estimates selected for comparison, the current estimate in your active Beck Destini session will be considered the Master Estimate.


  • The Master Estimatedetermines the following:
    1. The project description at the top of the resulting worksheet
    2. The display order of any fees in common with other selected estimates
    3. If selected, the subtotal positions and associated descriptions displayed in the export


STEP 1 – Selecting the comparative estimates


Scenario #1 – Master estimate has related versions


  • If the current estimate has other versions related to it, the initial launch will assume to set the comparative estimate Eligibility Criteria to related versions only, with all of them pre-selected.



  • At this point, you can deselect any related versions that you do not wish to include in the comparison.


  • In this scenario, you must select at least one (1) related estimate version in order to [Continue >] to the next step in the export process.



  • If desired, you may opt to select unrelated versions of the current estimate instead by changing the Eligibility Criteria to all estimates, which replace the Eligible comparative estimates checklist with a list of estimates determined by the search criteria you provide.



  • In this scenario, you must select at least one (1) other estimate in order to [Continue >] to the next step in the export process.




Scenario #2 – Master estimate does not have related versions


  • If the current estimate does not have any other versions related to it, the initial launch will set Eligibility Criteria to all estimates, as this is the only method to select comparative estimates.



  • In this scenario, you must select at least one (1) other estimate in order to [Continue >] to the next step in the export process.



STEP 2 – Positioning the selected estimates


  • At this point, you can rearrange the estimates you selected such that they appear in the desired “left to right” order in the resulting output.



  • Once satisfied with the estimate columnar order, click [Continue >] to proceed to the next step.


STEP 3 – Finalizing your export selections


  • Sort Criteria


  1. In order to [Render Export], you must select an available WBS property for at least one (1) row sort.
  2. Only those WBS properties in common to all selected estimates will be listed.

  1. As you select WBS properties for the different sort levels, previous levels will be locked in.
  2. Each WBS property can only be used once, with the selections for sublevels reduced by those already chosen for previous levels.
  3. A previously selected sort level can be changed when the level just beneath it is changed to “(none)”.
  4. Should you need to start the sort selection process over again, click [Reset Sort Levels].

  • Fees


  1. Distribute fees? – selecting this option will instruct the export to distribute any fees marked as such in the [Distribute] column of the Fee Editor for the current estimate.



  1. Include zero amount fees? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include any fees having a zero-dollar amount in the export for the current estimate.  Leaving this option unchecked will suppress all zero-dollar fees as well as unnecessary intermediate subtotals.
  2. Retain subtotal positions? –  selecting this option will instruct the export to display any subtotals listed in the fee editor for the current estimate in the same positions visible there.   Leaving this option unchecked will itemize the fees only without any intermediate subtotals.


  1. Subtotal Rendering                                                                                                


  • as running totals – selecting this option will instruct the export to display the subtotal amounts as a running total accumulator, as observed in the Beck Destini application.
  • as group totals – selecting this option will instruct the export to display the subtotal amounts as the current subtotal for that section only.

Comments on Subtotal Rendering:

  • The grand total for the estimate will be the same, regardless of the selected option.
  • This option only visible if you select the option to Retain subtotal positions?



  • Item Scope


  1. Combine like items? – selecting this option will instruct the export to consolidate duplicate items common to all crosstab columns and sort levels onto the same combined row.  Items must have the same attributes below in order to combine into the same row:
    • Item Number
    • Description
    • Unit of Measure
  2. Include zero amount items? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include any item having a zero-dollar amount (combined or otherwise) in the export for the current estimate.
  3. Include notes column? – selecting this option will instruct the export to include a blank column for notes to the right of the totals column.
  4. Generate variance amounts? – in the event there are exactly two (2) estimates selected, choosing this option will instruct the export calculate the variances between the two projects, with the differences calculated as the values in the second estimate less the first one.


NOTE:   The Generate variance amounts? option is only visible when exactly two (2) estimates are selected for comparison.


  • Export Validations


  1. The following checks are performed on the data before any results are rendered:
    • Detection of any WBS property values having leading spaces (e.g. “C – Interiors” vs. “C – Interiors  ”)
    • Detection of any WBS property values having the same values when compared in a case-insensitive manner (e.g., “B – Shell” vs. “B – SHELL”)
    • Detection of any fees having invalid or unattainable WBS property value and/or cost type distribution criteria
  2. Should any of the above criteria not be met, you will be presented with an exception audit with information to correct in the current estimate before running the export again.
  3. When all of the above validation criteria are satisfied, the final step will be providing appropriate quantities and units of measure upon which to base unit costs for each column in the output.  Any cells needing a quantity or unit of measure will appear with an orange background shading.



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