Labor Productivity Dashboards – Integration Timing and Details
Modified on: Wed, Aug 30 2023 9:36 AMLabor Productivity Dashboards – Integration Timing and Details
You can access the labor productivity dashboards by clicking this link.
On the introduction page, you will find three filter options that allow the user to see data in different states:
• Include posted data only: when this filter is selected, the report only shows the data through the last posted period. Every Wednesday night, the data for the previous week is posted from WorkMax to CMiC. If today's date is on or before Wednesday and this filter is selected, the report only shows data through the week before last week.
• Include data through last week: when this filter is selected, the report shows the data through last Sunday (including the closed quantities entered on this Monday). The source of data will be a combination of CMiC (posted data) and WorkMax (unposted data*).
• Include data through yesterday: when this filter is selected, the report shows the data through yesterday. The source of data will be a combination of CMiC (posted data) and WorkMax (unposted data*). The filter is set to "Include data through last week" by default.
*for best results of unposted data, make sure your team is clocking in, clocking out, selecting phase codes, and assigning units daily. If any data field is missing, it will impact the accuracy of your productivity forecast.
The balance of this document will provide details on how & when the WorkMax data is available on the production dashboards.
- Within WorkMax clock in’s and clock out’s are captured using Time Editor. Quantities are captured using Time Editor or Productivity Editor. All available information from WorkMax gets integrated to Power BI Data Mart on a nightly basis. Fully completed entries will be available for analysis, partial entries may be ignored.
- Only phase codes in CMiC with a forecast method of “P” will be integrated over to Power BI DataMart. These are the productivity phase codes. (The forecast method for your phase codes can be found in CMiC by running the Quantity/Hours Tracking Log under Labor Productivity)
- It is assumed that Quantities entered using Productivity Editor for previous week may be entered on the following Monday. Those records will still show the current week timestamp (Monday) although the quantities belong to previous week. Quantities entered by 3:00PM (PT) the following Monday will get posted to CMiC when Payroll runs the jobs cost Wednesday night. The production records from the previous week will still integrate to the Power BI Datamart up until the quantities gets posted to CMiC on Wednesday night. Once the integration notices that Quantities are posted in CMiC, it will no longer integrate them from WorkMax.
- Job cost posting in CMiC is a long running process and it can take up to 48 hours depending on the corrections. There will be a time difference up to 48 hours between when the quantities get posted and when hours get posted in CMiC. During this window you may potentially see skewed information from late Wednesday thru Thursday Morning in our Power BI Datamart. We look for up to 4 larger region job cost (that will cover 90% hours) files to be posted in CMiC for us to determine if hours are posted to CMiC. We have introduced hourly integration schedular on Thursdays to keep checking on when those job cost files(hours) gets posted in CMiC to help reduce this gap.
a. Once the quantities get posted in CMiC for previous week, integration will ignore the posted Quantities and focus only on open quantities from the current week. If there are still previous week open quantities available in WorkMax we will not integrate those to Power BI Datamart. (as a side-note, open time will be represented in the insight module in WorkMax for 30 days before being automatically deleted, this may impact the insight module). - Missed time that gets processed from WorkMax/Workday after the respective job cost run deadline may not make it to Power BI Datamart until it is in CMiC and posts normally.
- Please reference the attached Integration Logic Chart for a further breakdown of when integration takes place.
- Please reference the attached Functional Design Document for additional details and Business process flows.