BTech Support


What I Need to Know: Automated Opportunity Start & End Dates

Modified on: Wed, Mar 5 2025 3:38 PM

Effective September 2023, two new opportunity fields will be introduced to automate Opportunity Construction Start and Completion Dates. The changes will help streamline the Opportunity process and minimize the need for manual updates. Please read further to understand what new fields are required and how these changes will affect the Opportunities you input and manage.

Project Duration (in Days)
How does this change affect my Opportunities?
  • Project Duration (in Days) is a new REQUIRED field which automates Completion Dates for ALL Opportunities upon creation and updates to the Opportunity after creation.
  • The Construction Completion Date (Auto-Filled) automatically calculates based on the Project Duration (in days) entered. While the Project Duration is now a required field, this eliminates the need to manually update Completion Dates especially when there are future changes to the Start Date or Project Duration.

Who does this affect?
All Division/Offices and anyone entering Opportunities.


Start Lag to GC in Days (SPW Only)
How does this change affect my Opportunities?
  • Start Lag to GC in Days (SPW Only) auto-populates the Child Opportunity's Start Date when the Start Lag field is filled in and when there are changes to the Parent Opportunity's Start Date.
  • The Construction Start Date for SPW Child Opportunities is automatically adjusted when the GC Parent Opportunity Dates updates and eliminates the need to manually update the Start Date every time a GC Parent Start Date changes. Upon entry, the Start Date is required, however, you may enter any date and save the opportunity. The automation will take ~1 minute to recalculate and update the Start Date.

Who does this affect?
Self-Perform Groups only. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Help! I just created an opportunity following the new process and my bid job # is not generating. What should I do?

A: If you generated a bid job # without the Construction Completion Date auto-filling, you may experience issues upon generation. Please allow the system to process and wait 1-2 minutes for the Completion Date to auto-populate before you generate the bid job #. If you accidentally generated the bid job # prior to the Completion Date populating, please reset and re-generate the bid job #.

Q: Can I update the Project Duration and/or Start Lag to GC from the Opportunity Grid?

A: Yes. Hover over any of your column headers and click on the drop down arrow. Under Columns, check off both Project Duration (in Days) and Start Lag to GC in Days (SPW Only) to ensure both fields populate on the Opportunity Grid. To edit, double click on the text field and make updates as needed.

Q: If there are simultaneous changes to both the Start Date and Project Duration, will the Completion Date also update automatically based on the changes?

A: Yes, our system workflows will factor in changes to either the Start Date and/or Project Duration. The Completion Date will re-calculate based on the changes set within both fields. 

Q: Can I update my SPW Opportunity's Start and Completion Dates manually? 

A: Yes, however, please keep in mind that if the GC Parent Dates updates again in the future, the changes will overwrite your modifications.

Q: Does this mean that both Construction Start and Completion Dates will be automated for all Self-Perform work?

A: Correct. However, please keep in mind that you must have both the Project Duration and the Start Lag to GC filled in.

Q: I am creating a new SPW opportunity but upon entry and adding the Project Duration, the Construction Start Date is not automating. Why is that?

A: Upon opportunity creation and entry, please enter any Start Date and once you save the opportunity, the Start Date will automatically recalculate and update after you save the opportunity. This usually takes about 1-2 minutes so you might not see the updates immediately. However, rest assured both Start and Completion Date will automatically update based on the Parent Opportunity Dates.

Q: Will the Construction Start Date also automate for regular GC Parent opportunities?

A: No. There isn't a standard lag time for regular/GC opportunities so the Construction Start Date will remain a required manual field.

Q: Is the Anticipated Date of Award also going to be automated?

A: Not at this time. Please continue updating the Anticipated Date of Award as to ensure sales and pipeline data are accurately reflect for business planning.

Q: I filled out the Start Lag to GC field but my Self-Perform Opportunity Construction Start and Completion Dates is not auto-updating. Why is this happening?

A: This usually happens if you created a standalone Self-Perform opportunity instead of creating a Child opportunity under the Parent GC opportunity. Please double check and confirm there is a Parent opportunity associated. If you are still experiencing issues, please submit a BTech ticket.

Q: The GC's Start Date is not accurate which is causing all the Self-Perform Child Opportunities to have an inaccurate Start and Completion Dates as well. How do we workaround this?

A: For Self-Perform teams, if you want to take full advantage of this automation, it will require communication between GC and SPW groups, and the SPW groups keeping the GC side accountable in regards to keeping dates update and accurate. When there are nuances where the Start Lag won't work, the teams can always leave the Start Lag to GC field blank and manage their Start Dates manually, so it isn't connected and reliant on the GC opportunity. 

Q: Is the Project Duration calculated based on working days or calendar days?

A: Calendar Days

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