BTech Support


How To: Publisher Documents Naming Convention

Modified on: Wed, Nov 27 2024 7:44 AM

Please review the below naming convention examples to understand how Publisher Documents in Unanet should be named. As the document database grows, maintaining consistency will keep our files organized and easy to locate.

Project Sheets

Naming Convention Project Name (shorten if too long)_Project Number
  • Columbine High School_19035035
  • San Diego Airport T2 Parking Plaza_15054011


Naming Convention Last Name, First Name
If there is more than one Personnel with the same name, differentiate them by adding a middle or nick name if they have one.
Avoid creating market or pursuit specific resumes. Please use the master resume document and modify the IDML file directly if the resume needs to be anything different than the personnel's master resume.
  • Smith, Jane
  • Smith, Jane Doe

Project List

Naming Convention Use underscore to break out the different categories and parameters
  • Division_Market_Other Parameters
  • Client_Location_Other Parameters
  • Market_Secondary Market_Other Parameters
  • Product Type_Other Parameters
  • OCLA_Aviation Experience_Last 5Years
  • Gensler Experience_CA_Last 3Years
  • Education Experience_K12_Last 5Years
  • Residential Experience_Senior Housing_Last 10Years_Over $20M
  • Pool Experience_Last 10Years
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