BTech Support


What I Need to Know: Opportunity Submittal Types

Modified on: Mon, Jul 3 2023 2:15 PM

The Submittal Type/Effort level field in Unanet is used to group opportunities by the type of submittal and the marketing effort level to provide better forecasting of pursuit workload. See below to learn more about what each submittal type means.

01-SOQ, Tech Proposal+Cost, GC+Fee

There is a Statement of Qualifications, Technical Proposal and Cost, or GC Fee Proposal required as part of the submission.  In other words, there is a written component of the submission that will need marketing support in some way, shape, or form.  This is used to assess “pursuits” that are competitively bid with technical proposal submissions. However, it’s more general to ensure we cover other submissions where written proposals or SOQ’s are part of the submission and might need marketing support.


02-Hard Bid Only-Technical Proposal

Competitive Hard Bids with “Bid Openings” or public type work where a written technical proposal or SOQ is also required. While there could be forms and substantiation information required as part of the hard bid submission, the Client may also require a technical proposal included with the cost submission. Marketing support is involved.


03-Hard Bid Only-No Technical Proposal

Competitive Hard Bids with “Bid Openings” or public type work where no written technical proposal or SOQ is required. There could be forms and substantiation information required as part of the hard bid submission but there isn’t a proposal in the traditional sense as it is primarily a cost submission. Marketing could be involved, or not involved.


04-Estimating Only, ROM, Budget

Directly negotiated work that might not be competitively bid and doesn’t require marketing support. E.g. only required estimating and preconstruction resources and an estimate, ROM, or budget submission. 


05-Preconstruction Only

Used ONLY when a preconstruction JIP is needed, and the GC Construction Job is a separate JIP/Opportunity due to contract structure or reporting needs. Typically, the opportunity is entered as a child-opportunity to the main GC Construction Opportunity and is only used to get a JIP.   


06-Change Order Only

Used only to track a large $ value change order for which the opportunity will never become a JIP. Only used for sales credit of the change order. Click HERE to learn more about logging change orders.


07-Miscellaneous or Warranty Repairs 

For when JIP’s are needed for small miscellaneous type jobs for specific clients or generally (Misc. Jobs under $20k for instance). This is also used for when warranty work JIP’s are needed. It is generally used to categorize these specific type of opportunity records.


08-General Prequalification Only 

Used to categorize general prequalification efforts only. E.g. When there is an annual prequalification for a school district, or a general prequalification for a client to qualify to get on their bidders list, but not for a specific project. A General Prequalification is NOT associated with any specific job/project. Click HERE to learn more about logging General Prequalifications.


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