How To: Add Contacts to a Mailing List
Modified on: Tue, Jun 20 2023 9:09 AMWeb - Contact Record
- When editing existing Contacts, click on the “Mailing Lists” category under Other Information and check off all applicable mailing lists.
- When adding new Contacts, scroll down to the Other Information section hold the CTRL key + click on the mailing list(s) desired.
Web - Contact Grid
- For quick updates within the Contacts Grid, hover over any column header dropdown and turn on the “Mailing Lists” column. Once you’ve located your Contact, navigate to the Mailing Lists column text field and double click on the text to select all lists desired. Click anywhere off to the side of the dropdown list to save your edits
Outlook Add-In
- When using the Single Click Contact Creation feature, you may not be prompted to manually select Mailing Lists when adding new Contacts.
- If you are adding new Contacts and would like to ensure those individuals are added to a specific Mailing List, please follow the manual steps outlined below.
Mobile App
In Mobile app, locate your Contact using the Quick Search feature.
- Within the Contact record, click on “Edit”
- Scroll down to the Categorization section, select “Show more”
- Click on the “Mailing Lists” dropdown
- A new screen will appear for you to multi-select all mailing lists that apply to your Contact.
- Hit “Save”