Unanet CRM for Mobile - Quick Reference Guide
Modified on: Wed, Nov 8 2023 3:38 PMOverview
This document covers the functionality and features of the CRM Mobile app. Learn how to log in and configure your preferences and view, add, and edit a record from your mobile device.
Supported Versions
- iOS: iOS Version 13+, iPhone 6+
- Android: 6.0 Marshmallow - 23 or later.
Install and Access
The CRM mobile app is available in their respective App Store for iOS and Android devices. Scan the QR code to install.
Log In
When you log in for the first time, you must enter your firm’s identifier – Firm ID or Domain. Our Firm ID is 1491.
Not sure what your Firm ID is?
You can use your firm’s domain as the identifier which is "swinerton"
Single Sign-on (SSO) Enabled
Once you have entered your Firm’s identifier, you can use the Single Sign-on (SSO) feature to bypass entering your login credentials.
When you first log into the CRM mobile application, the application asks you to enable Face/Touch ID, which we have toggled on by default. Leave on to log into your account using your biometrics instead of login credentials. You can turn it off anytime from “Preferences,” - accessed by tapping your avatar in the top left corner.
Remember Me
Check Remember Me to remember your login credentials.
User Preferences
Go to Preferences to configure the Unanet CRM mobile app to suit your needs. To access, tap on your avatar in the top left corner of your screen, then tap Preferences. Here you can set the following preferences:
- Cellular Data. Choose whether the Unanet CRM mobile app can use your cellular data “On” by default.
- Face/Touch ID. Enable or disable bio-authentication on your device "On” by default.
- Caller ID. Displays if Caller ID is enabled or not. If not, you can follow the page's instructions to enable it.
- Maps Set the default zoom radius when searching a location.
Accessing the User Menu
Tap on your avatar to access the User Menu and the following information:
- Tap Your Personnel Record to view your Personnel details
- Tap Preferences to access the mobile user preferences.
- Coming Soon: Tap Help to access the Support Center
- Tap Logout to log out of your Unanet CRM account
- Version Number - Current version of the mobile app installed on your device
- Environment - The environment you are currently logged into
Tap on the magnifying glass icon to search your records. Recently viewed records are displayed before you start typing. Tap the Search box and begin typing to Search. All record types are searched by default. Swipe to filter results to a specific record type.
Main Menu
The main menu is fixed to the bottom of the screen and gives you access to all modules available on mobile.
Home, Contacts, Opportunities, and Projects are immediately available; all other modules can be accessed from the More menu.
Create a Record
On your Home Screen, tap the + icon to create a(an):
- Call Log
- Company
- Contact
- Lead
- Opportunity
Note: In a specific module, the + icon launches the create icon for that record type. For example, tapping the +icon from the Company list view launches the Create Company.
The CRM Mobile home screen includes several widgets providing quick access to items requiring your attention.
Widgets displayed on your home screen are enabled by default and cannot be disabled now. Disabling the widgets displayed on your home screen will be available in an upcoming release.
Scanned Contacts
Displays scanned contacts and their status.
- Tap on View All to go to the Scanned Contacts list view.
- Tap on a status to go to the Scanned Contacts list view filtered to contacts in that status.
My Activities Due Today
Displays all Activities listing you as Organizer/ Caller or Attendee where the due date is the current date.
- Tap on View All to see more records.
- Tap on a record to see the details.
Past Due Activities
Displays all Activities listing you as Organizer / Caller or Attendee where the status is Not Started and the Event date has passed.
- Tap on View All to see more records.
- Tap on a record to see the details.
What’s Nearby
Displays the map zoomed in to the default radius centered on your location.
- Tap the module icons to toggle the record type on/off to see what is near you.
- Tap the label icon to toggle labels on/off.
- Tap the map icon to be taken to the full map view.
My Leads to Check In On
Displays a list of Leads you created or are associated with as Assigned to, and the tickler date has passed or is within the next seven days.
My Proposals/Bids Due This Week
Displays a list of Opportunities you have created or are associated with as Staff Team, and the Proposal's Due Date falls in the current week. Tap on a record to see the details.
My Top 10 Opportunities
Displays the top 10 open Opportunities you’ve created or are associated with as Staff Team based on the metric (money field) selected in My Preferences. Tap on a record to see the details.
Note: For Opportunity widgets to work, select a key metric field in Preferences.
Accessing Records
Core modules (Companies, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Projects) all work the same.

List Views
The landing page of the core modules (Companies, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Projects) displays a list of records. What this list displays can be adjusted by applying filters and adjusting the sort.
Filtering is available throughout the application to make it easy to focus on the data that matters to you. The applied filter is displayed in the top right corner of the list. Default is all records. You can change the filter by tapping on the existing filter name.
Default Filters
For each module, we provide a set of commonly used default filters. Tap a filter to apply it to the associated list view.
Custom Filters
To create a custom filter, tap on Custom Filter. Here you can add as many filters as needed. CRM will display the total records found with your configured filters in parenthesis to the right of the apply button.
Save Filters
If you Apply the filter without saving it, the app will not save the filter. To save a filter, you must:
- Tap the Save Filter button
- Give your filter a name
- Tap Save
CRM returns you to the main filter screen, where you will see the new filter listed with the Saved filters. Tap to apply the filter.
Manage Filters
To manage your saved custom filters, tap Edit in the top right corner of the main filter screen.
- Delete - Tap the red delete icon to the left of custom filters to remove
- Edit - Tap the pencil icon to the right of a custom filter to edit the filter name
- Reorder - Tap and drag the hamburger icon to the right of the edit icon to change the filter order
When you finish with your edits, tap Done.
The applied sort is displayed in the top left corner of the list. You can change the filter by tapping on the current sort name. A list of available sort options is displayed. Tap a sort option to apply it.
From the list views of Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, and Projects, you can tap on the map icon to see the filtered list of records on the map.
Access records the same way you do in the web application. Each module is the same, and this is how each module works:
Viewing a Record
You access records by tapping the record panel anywhere in the app.
- On search or recently viewed results
- On the list view
- On the Associations tab
- On Activities
- On the map module
Core data modules all have the same structure to make it easy to quickly get to the data you need.
The header displays the primary identifying data for the record. When you swipe up to see more data, the header will collapse to give you maximum screen space.
Company and Contact headers contain an action bar.
- Call – Tap the phone icon to launch a call to the Company. If multiple numbers are available, you see a list of options. Tap the one you want to call. The app prompts you to log the call when you hang up.
- Access Website – Tap the globe icon to go to the Company’s website.
- Enrich – Tap the globe icon to update the Company with information available from social media.
- Call – Tap the phone icon to launch a call to the Contact. If multiple numbers are available, you see a list of options. Tap the one you want to call. The app prompts you to log the call when you hang up.
- Text – Tap the text icon to launch a text message to the Contact. The app prompts you to log the message when you return to CRM mobile.
- Email – Tap the envelope icon to launch an email to the Contact in your device’s default mail app.
- Enrich – Tap the globe icon to update the Contact with information available from social media.
Under the header is a tab bar to quickly get to the data that matters to you.
Displays Key Info, including general details, phone and address details, and categorization.
Metrics & Lifecycle/Cost & Schedule
This tab is only available for Opportunities (Metrics & Lifecycle) and Projects (Cost & Schedule). Displays dates and dollars for the selected record.
Displays a list of Events and Emails associated with the record.
- Sorting and filtering for Activities work the same as in the other mobile list views.
- Tap the + icon to create a new Event associated with the record.
- Tap an event to view and edit the details.
Displays associated Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Projects, and Relationships (Personnel)
- Each panel displays the records of that type associated with the record you are on.
- The total number of associated records is displayed in the panel header.
- Up to three records are displayed per panel. Tap View all to see the complete list of records.
- Where available, tap the link icon to add an association.
- Tap an associated record to view details.
Allows quick access to notes. Tap to view, edit, or add additional notes.
Editing a Record
- From the record details, tap
- Modify details as needed.
- Tap Save to save your changes and return to the detail view.
Caller ID
Caller ID displays the name and associated Company of CRM Contacts calling you that do not exist in your phone.
Company and Contact data from CRM refreshes every time you log into the app. Suppose you would like to auto-refresh the data anytime. You can do so from within Preferences > Caller ID by tapping the refresh icon.
You must add Unanet CRM to the Caller ID in your device's Settings > Phone > Call Blocking & Identification to enable caller ID.
iOS devices display Contact data from CRM directly within the call notification.
You must enable notifications and set Unanet CRM as your default caller ID provider in your device's Settings> Default apps > Caller ID
Android devices display a notification message on the screen and within the notification drawer, which displays CRM contact data.
Note that you will be prompted to enable the appropriate permissions when logging into the app or enabling the Caller ID feature. After enabling these permissions for caller ID to function, you will need to restart the Unanet CRM app.
Scanned Contacts
Contacts can be added to/updated in CRM via paper or digital cards using the Card Scan icon on the header bar. Note that you must allow CRM access to your photos, media, and files from your device for this option to work.
Capture Contacts
Tapping the Card Scan icon displays a menu of methods that can be used to capture a Contact’s data. Tap the option that best suits your use case.
- From Photos. Allows you to select an image of business cards from your photo library.
- Take Photo. Allows you to take a photo of a card you have.
- From QR Code. Allows you to scan a QR code. Note: The QR code must contain Contact data to work.
- From VCF Card. You can import a vCard file or (VCF) from your device. The file must already be in your device's file folder. Note: You can save a VCF of any Contact on your device by tapping the share contact icon and selecting Save File.
Process Contacts
When processing a scanned contact, CRM follows the process outlined below. Once all pass, the Contact is created or updated in CRM.
Parse data
If from a paper card, CRM uses optical character recognition and AI to extract and map the data from the card. If from a digital card, we map the data returned to the appropriate Company and Contact fields.
Resolve duplicate Contacts.
CRM looks for potential duplicate contacts based on the Name, Company, and email address. If CRM finds any, CRM prompts you to either select one to update, create a new Contact, or cancel.
Determine the Contact’s Company
Based on the Contact’s email, we attempt to find the Company the Contact belongs to using the URL listed for existing Companies. Note: This step only occurs when the Manually select Company is off.
- One matching Company found. Contact is added to the Company.
- Multiple matching Companies found. You need to select the correct Company to move forward.
- No matching Companies found. CRM creates a Company from the domain in the Contacts email.
Enrich Contact
When a Contact or Company is created using the CRM card scan, it automatically enriches (unless Enrichment is disabled). This supplements but does not overwrite any data found on the card.
Check for Required Fields
CRM ensures that all required fields are completed for both Companies and Contacts. If any fields are missing data, CRM prompts you to address the missed data before the scanned Contact can be processed.
Scanned Contacts List View
The Scanned Contact list view can be accessed from the More menu or the Scanned Contacts widget by tapping View All. The list view allows you to see all scanned contacts.
Keep Your List Clear
A best practice is to clear your list of successfully processed Contacts once you are confident they are in CRM with needed details to easily see which Contacts still need your attention.
The Scanned Contacts can be filtered to see the contacts you want to address. Like the other modules, the currently applied filter is listed in the top left of the gray header bar. Tap the currently applied filter to select a different filter. Available filters are:
- All. Displays all scanned contacts.
- Processing. Displays all scanned cards that have not yet been processed.
- Needs Attention. Displays Contact that did not pass one of the stages in the Process Contact You must address these items before the card can be successfully saved to CRM.
- Ready for Review. Displays Contacts that have been successfully processed and are ready for review. You must review and save these Contacts for them to be considered complete. Note: This option does not display if Auto-Create Processed Contacts is enabled in your Preferences. Administrators can disable this preference for their users.
- Completed. Displays successfully saved Contacts. Note: This option does not display if you have Automatically Clear Completed Cards enabled in your Preferences.
List View Menu
Tapping the kabab icon to the right of the gray header bar opens the list view menu. From here, you can:
Clear List/Clear Filtered List. Tap to remove the displayed list of Scanned Contacts. Clearing Contacts from your list removes them but does not delete any completed contacts.
If any Contacts are incomplete, you are prompted to confirm the action. It also cancels the processing of those cards and deletes any data. - Clear All Completed Contacts. Tap to remove all completed Contacts from the list view regardless of the selected filter.
- Change Default Preferences. Tap to access your Contact Preferences.
Are you going to a conference or event?
Best Practice: Update your Contact and Card preferences to reflect the people you are about to meet so to auto-categorize scanned contacts potentially. Remember to change them back after.
Scanned Contacts
Once scanned, a Contact appears in the Scanned Contacts List View, displaying its status. If the Contact requires attention, it displays an action button you can tap to quickly resolve the issue so that the Contact can be successfully saved.
You can also tap the kabob icon to the right of the Contact to access additional options available for the scanned Contact in its current state.
Access Scanned Contacts
Once a Contact has been successfully processed in CRM, you can access it like any contact using Quick Search or the list view. When you access a scanned Contact, you notice a card icon in the Key Info header. Tapping on this icon displays the image of the scanned card.
The maps module allows you to view CRM records in a map view. CRM attempts to geocode any record that has any address data PLUS Country. Note: Only successfully geocoded records appear on the map.
Using the Maps Module
The maps module allows you to search for a location and see CRM records in the visible area.
Search. Tap into the search bar and start typing and select a location. Then toggle on the record types you want to see around it.
My Location. Tap the My Location icon to center the map on your current location and zoom to your default radius.
Display Labels. Tap the label icon to show/hide pin labels. Labels display the record name. Your selection persists until you change it.
Explore Nearby. Allows you to see CRM records on the currently displayed map.
- Record Types. Toggle record types on or off on the map to only see what is important to you. Your selections persist until you change them.
- List View. Tap the carrot in the Explore Nearby header to expand the list of records displayed on the map. Tap a record on the list to view the full details.
Pin Details. Tap on a pin to see additional details. The details appear at the bottom of the map.
- View Full Details. Tap on the record name to access the full record.
- Action Bar. Use the actions in the action bar to connect with a Company or Contact or get directions quickly.
Viewing Maps
In addition to accessing the maps module directly, you can access maps from multiple places within the app.
Module List Views. From the list views of Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, and Projects, you can filter down to a subset of records and tap the map icon to see the filter list of records on the map.
Details Tab. From the Details tab in all records, you can tap the map icon next to the address to see the record on the map. Use Explore Nearby toggles to show/hide records around it.
Associations Tabs. From the Associations tab on all records, you can tap on the map icon to see the associated records on the map. Use the record type toggles to show/hide record types.