BTech Support


Camunda Modeler Navigation Overview

Modified on: Tue, Apr 25 2023 11:23 AM

Navigation Overview 

The screenshots below are annotated with the names of the major User Interface (UI) elements of Camunda Modeler. 


The Canvas is the workspace where you build BPMN diagrams. 

Context Pad
The Context Pad appears when you click on an element on the canvas. It allows you to quickly add new elements to the diagram connect to other elements, change the type of element, and more. (See Working with the Context Pad for more information.) 

Elements Palette
The Elements Palette provides access to BPMN Elements and layout tools. (See Working with the Elements Palette for more information.)


The Minimap displays a tiny image of your entire canvas and all of its content. This offers a quick way to see where you're currently working on your canvas. You can also use it to navigate and zoom around the canvas. 

Properties Panel
The Properties Panel provides space to add Documentation to an element on the canvas. (You can toggle the Properties Panel open and closed with Shortcut Keys Ctrl + P). 

Token Simulation Toggle
Use the Token Simulation feature to see how the process will behave when it is executed. (Note: The modeling features will be disabled while you are in token simulation mode.)

Navigation Overview of Camunda Modeler

Expanded Views of the Context Pad and Properties Panel in Camunda Modeler

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