How to Convert Phase/Category Forecast Methods ("A to P" or "P to A") for Production Tracking
Modified on: Tue, Jul 18 2023 10:58 AM__________
This will walk you through the steps to change the Forecast Method on Phase/Category code combinations for your job in CMiC.
Note: Project Engineers, Project Managers, and up can modify certain Phase/Category code fields in this program. This will eliminate the need for Service Desk tickets to update any of the following: Phase Code descriptions, Phase Types, Budget (Forecast) Methods, Weight Measurement.
At this beginning of a project, during the budget upload process, the project team can select Forecast Methods for each Phase/Category code combination. During this time one of the following Forecast Methods would be selected for each Phase/Category code combination:
A = Amounts
P = Productivity
Step 9 under the Budget Import Spreadsheet article explains the difference between the two:
Our WorkMax integration is designed to support this approach by only integrating the completed quantities for "P" Forecast Method types.
If you inadvertently use an "A" Forecast Method type on a Phase/Category code for a production task on your project, the steps below can be used to change it back to "P" type.
1. From the tree view, go to Budget & Cost Management and click Assign Phase Codes
2. A new browser tab will open up. Under Project Number enter your job number and press Tab on your keyboard (or click the magnifying glass to search for the relevant job number).
3. Most of the options in the Cost Code Detail frame are locked down, limiting what can be updated. Outlined below are the items you'll have the access to change. Item "C" is where you will be able to change the needed Forecast Method from "A" to "P".
4. Once you have made all needed modifications, click Save then Exit in the upper, right-hand corner.
5. To confirm your changes, you can check the Quantity and hours tracking log.
Note: After the changes are made in CMiC, the new Forecast Method settings will need to migrate into WorkMax before you can enter Units Complete. This can take up to 2 hours.
Note: If you had Units of Production entered for these Phase Codes prior to the WorkMax cutover on February 26th, you'll need to open a ticket with BTech to get the existing units entered into the new system. This is a critical step, as any total numbers added into WorkMax will then appear doubled in CMiC. When entering a ticket, please provide the following...
a. Spreadsheet with all impacted Phase Codes and currently quantities showing in CMiC
b. A note to "Please ask WorkMax to upload these quantities into the project for Production tracking."
Once you notice the Phase Codes showing the correct quantities in WorkMax (this may take up to 2-3 days), you'll be able to make any further quantity updates in WorkMax for the remainder of the project.
Note: If Quantities entered into WorkMax are designed to integrate into CMiC each Thursday with payroll. This keeps forecasting in CMiC accurate as the Cost and Quantities update at the same time.