BTech Support


WorkMax Data Overview

Modified on: Wed, Feb 5 2025 1:00 PM
WorkMax Data Overview


This guide will provide an overview of how data moves between WorkMax, CMiC, and Workday.



Comprehension of how these applications work together to yield results and productivity.



See below for an integrations map and details on the information that transfers between systems. Integrations generally push every 30 minutes.


  • Jobs integrate from Unanet to CMiC
  • CMiC to WorkMax: Projects, Departments, Project Chart of Accounts (COA) and Project Budget
  • CMiC to Workday: Projects, Phases (COA, cost codes)
  • Once a budget is uploaded in CMiC, cost codes with a 71111 Category integrate into WorkMax.
  • Project data including their job number, address and region code integrate into WorkMax when they are setup in CMiC.
  • Cost codes designated for craft use MUST have a 71111 Category. Craft cost code descriptions should be simple and relative to the task.



  • Workday to WorkMax: Employees and Contingent Workers.
  • Workday to CMiC: Job Cost.
  • Craft employees are integrated automatically from Workday to WorkMax.
  • Admin employees must request access.
  • Employees are associated with the proper overtime policy based on their union membership or the state in which they work determined by their Business Address in Workday.
  • Employees are assigned the proper Security Roles in the WorkMax system based on their job profile in Workday.
  • If an employee's job profile changes, their Security Roles will not update in WorkMax until the job profile change has reached its' effective date Workday.


  • WorkMax to Workday: Timesheets integrate from WorkMax to Workday Monday afternoon upon being Batched, Processed, and Closed by Craft Services. (subject to change due to holiday schedules)
  • WorkMax to CMiC: Completed quantities integrate from WorkMax to CMiC upon Job Cost upload to CMiC usually Thursday. (subject to change due to holiday schedules)
  • Employees are assigned the proper Security Role in the WorkMax system based on their job profile in Workday.
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