BTech Support


How do I print my takeoff in Destini?

Modified on: Thu, Jan 12 2023 12:20 PM
Printing from the takeoff view runs a dev express report with the image of the pdf and the drawn takeoff embedded in it. If the resolution of the loaded pdf is different from the default, it won't fit on the report and you may have to select the right paper size. 

To print the takeoff in your estimate, go to the Report tab, click the Show Legend, and click Print or Print Preview. Keep in mind you must be on the Takeoff window to view the Reports Tab. 

To get the Takeoff to print without having too much white space around the drawings and with the best quality its best to pop out the takeoff window and resize to the exact size of the page.

Under Print select Print Preview to make adjustment. Under Page Setup you can change the Margins to 0 to make the drawing fit the page.

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