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What I Need to Know: Project Experience Guide

Modified on: Wed, Dec 11 2024 10:30 AM

The following article and video discusses how to search for specific project experience using five different methods and example questions. Please watch the videos for step-by-step instructions.

1. Advanced Search

Provides a quick list of project experience with minimal details (project name, project number, client, location, county). Recommended method if you need a general understanding of experience based on a few criterial such as Division, Location, Client, Cost, Primary Market, and/or other Project Categories (e.g., Secondary Market, Product Type, etc).

Example Question: What is the number of industrial self storage projects Atlanta has completed at Swinerton?

2. Project Grid

Allows you to search and view key project data. You can configure your grid to display essential fields in the order that makes sense to you. Limited fields are available; however, you can create and save filter sets that makes it easier to gather results for your future searches

Example Question: How do I generate a list of Office projects in Austin that are over $5M+? Can the list display the Cost, Client, Secondary Market, Start/Completion Dates, and Delivery Method? No need for a fancy list as I am only seeking for a general understanding of our market experience.

3. Publisher Project Lists

Provides a visual and organized list of projects in Word or InDesign table format that can be shared internally. Publisher uses Project Advanced Search or Existing Project Reports to generate your list of project experience. This method provides a general overview as to what critical project fields are missing.

Example Question: My Project Manager is requesting a list of Higher Education projects over 100k square feet that we’ve completed company-wide. At minimum, the list needs to include the Client, Cost, and Project Description. What is the easiest way to generate the list for sharing?

4. Project Descriptions Report

Used to search for specific key words within project descriptions. The report allows you to narrow down project descriptions based on description type (e.g., Case Studies) as well.

Example Question: How do I search for a list of project descriptions that include the word “pool”?

5. Project Reports

Provides a robust and complex way to get a variety of data out of the system to conduct analysis. The report module allows various fields and filter options. Reports can be exported to excel for further analysis and information sharing. Due to the complexity of the reports module, it is recommended to start by viewing reports others have created and/or modify existing reports to understand its capabilities.

Example Question: How do I generate a list of Design Bid Build Retail projects in SoCalHi that we’ve completed over the last five years?  What is the total number and total project value of those projects?

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