BTech Support


Why am I asked to log in multiple times

Modified on: Tue, Dec 27 2022 3:49 PM

Why do I have to sign into the license multiple times?

When you log into the remote desktop, you are asked to enter your password for the Estimator login - email ending ‘@clients.' and your password. 

If you do not click REMEMBER ME then you will be asked to enter your password every time. 

Launching Estimator

  • Launch Estimator by double-clicking on the appropriate icon.

  • The first time you launch Estimator, you may be prompted with a Window Security sign in window. Sign in here with your GUID email and the password you created in and click "Remember Me"

  • Once Estimator has launched, you will see the Web License window pop up. DO NOT sign in with the GUID email ending ‘@clients.’ here. Doing so will cause an error. Do not click on ‘Active Directory’, instead sign in with your regular Swinerton email and your Destini password


Note: This is a remote desktop with multiple servers when you launch Estimator you can be placed on a different server than your last login session, which will require that you login again using Active Directory. This also happens when we update our environment, you will have to log in to multiple servers until the license file is saved to that server, then you will not have to enter your Active Directory credentials. 

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